I only got the $1.50 coupon which I didn't print. But my husband and mom got the FPC! I am looking forward to trying this as I missed out on the last...
I havnt posted in quite a while. I was at Zellers at Market Mall the other day and the cashier told me that this location is closing on August 31st....
Coupons, Surfing net for deals, Sweepstakes & NASCAR
Trade List:
Trade List
12 x Huggies Enjoy the Ride Rewards Codes up for trade.
I have multiples of certain ones, so let me know if looking for more and I will check
through my coupons to see how many I have! I will accept SDM optimum points also in trade
Currently updating trade list... I have many to trade but just need to get them typed up!
Wish List:
Similac Mom
High value pampers, huggies or other baby coupons...let me know what you have :)
FPC kitten chow or puppy
pins for free stuff from cereal
Will trade for SDM points
Any FPC (well pretty much lol, let me know what you have)
I want different stuff all of the time lol...
If you would like to do a trade with me... I will have to check out your list too :D