if you have those 3.00 and 6.00 coupons that were in bounty from awhile ago -you should use them at walmart this week
the bounty basic paper towelsa...
yea the stickers on the products are mearly for this reason.....there are theifs that take lists of what discount stores need and look for and thats...
well i didnt get my flyers this week was a little peeved-i sure wasnt driving around to get them -anyway took my mom to walmart for a few hours had a...
....800 plus people look at your post and you only get 9 thumbs up
....internet explorer won't let you upload photos to SC and you have to switch to...
ohh i had this -had it happen at pharmasave with the revlon cpn-so i told her ring the 4 items up seperate-then at rexall -she told me only the items...