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  1. View Conversation
    I havent seen you on here in a while!! mssg me if you have some coupons to trade!
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    Hi, thanks for thinking of me for a trade. I don't have a trade list posted. But if you are interested in trading, give me a day or two to come with a list of what I am looking for and what coupons I have. Then we can see if we're both interested in trading.
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About savinginstyle

Basic Information

About savinginstyle
Trade List:
Coupons I have and would like to trade.

Any coupons x20 are coupons I have in large quantity and might have even more than 20, so feel free to ask about actual amount you need.

x2 TRE STELLE - save $0.75 on bocconcini cheese. expire: October 31, 2012.

x2 TRE STELLE - save $0.75 on Ricotta cheese. expire: October 31, 2012.

x2 TRE STELLE - save $0.75 on feta cheese. expire: October 31, 2012.

x20 TRE STELLE -save $0.75 on feta cheese. expire: August 31, 2012.

x2 IVANHOE -save $1.00 on any 300g-500g cheese variety. Expire: August 20, 2012.

x20 IVANHOE -save $1.00 on any 300g-500g cheese variety. Expire: August 31, 2012.

x2 BOURSIN -save $1.00 on any boursin cheese. Expire: August 20, 2012.

x2 DOFINO -save $0.75 on any dofino havarti cheese. Expire: October 31, 2012.

x2 MADAME CLEMENT BRIE -save $1.00 . Expire: August 20, 2012.

x2 BLACK RIVER CHEESE -save $1.00 on any min of 300g cheese. Expire: August 20, 2012.

x20 NATUREGG -save $1.00 on any simply egg whites, free run or 500g liquid egg. Expire: December 31, 2012.

x20 EGG CREATIONS -save $1.00 on any 500g liquid egg product. Expire: December 31, 2012.

x20 EGG CREATIONS -save $1.00 on any french toast 500g liquid egg product. Expire: December 31, 2012.

x15 HIGH LINER -save $2.00 on any 500g package flame savours fillets. Expire: June 30, 2012.

x5 NATREL -save $0.75 on any 1L carton organic fine filtered milk. Expire: May 31, 2012.

x14 LACTANTIA -save $1.00 on any lactose free 500ml whipping cream or 1L half and half. Expire: June 31, 2012.

x20 ASTRO -save $1.00 on any astro greek yougurt 500g. Expire: September 30, 2012.

x20 YOPLAY - save $1.00 on yoplay asana 12x100g or 650g. Expire: July 31, 2012.

x20 VH - save $1.00 WUB2 vh steamers Expire: May 31, 2012.

x20 NESTEA - save $1.00 on any 12x341 ml cans nestea product. Expire: December 31, 2012.

x16 MOTT'S -save $0.75 on mott's garden cocktail product 1.89L or 6x162ml orig,zesty or low sod. Expire: August 31, 2012.

x17 ORVILLE REDENBACHERS- save $1.00 WUB any 2 popcorn. expire: May 1, 2012.

x20 NESTEA - save $1.00 on 12x341ml nestea product. expire: December 31, 2012.

x20 CLOVER LEAF -save $1.00 WUB 2 chunk crabmeat,clams,shrimp,oysters or mussels. expire: June 30,2013.

x20 SMUCKER'S - save $0.75 on any products. expire: April 30, 2012.

x20 AYLMER - save $1.00 WUB any 2 cans of Aylmer accents tomatoes. expire: December 31, 2012.


x2 ROYALE -save $1.00 on 6 roll paper towel. expire: March 31, 2012.


x2 SCRUBBING BUBBLES -save $1.00 on one step bowl cleaner. expire: May 31, 2012.

x2 TOILET DUCK -B1G1 free 750 ml. expire: May 31, 2012.

x2 FINNISH QUANTUM - save $2.00 on any expire: February 29, 2012.


x1 DOVE -save $2.00 WUB 2 specific men care products. expire: February 29, 2012.

x1 DOVE -save $1.50 on any hair product 355 ml and styling. expire: February 29, 2012.

x2 KOTEX -save $2.00 WUB any 2 package of liners. expire: January 13, 2012.

x2 KOTEX -save $2.00 WUB any 2 package of pads. expire: January 13, 2012.


x1 ORAL B -save $10.00 on triumph or professional series electric toothbrush. expire: February 2, 2012.

x1 PHILIPS - save $10.00 on sonicare electric toothbrush. Expire: March 31, 2012

x1 PHILIPS - save $10.00 on philips body groom electric razor. Expire: March 31, 2012.

x1 PHILIPS - save $10.00 on philips lady shave electric razor. Expire: March 31, 2012.

x1 PHILIPS - save $5.00 on philips stubble trimmer electric razor. Expire: March 31, 2012.

x1 PHILIPS - save $15.00 on philips senso touch electric razor. Expire: March 31, 2012.

x1 GLADE B1G1- any glade product exept solide or aerosols. expire: January 6, 2012.

x1 GLADE -save $2.00 any holiday collection excluding solids. expire: January 28, 2012.


x1 TANA -save $2.00 WUB 2 products of choice. Expire: January 13, 2012.
Wish List:

Grocery etc..

Natrel milk

Astro original yogurt

Danone Activia yogurt

Philadelphia cream cheese

Tre stelle most cheeses

Hellmans mayo

Tropicana orange juice

Tropicana cranberry juice

Maple leaf prime chicken

Chapman's ice cream

Nescafe instant espresso

Redpath sugar

Five roses flour

Hershey's Chipits chocolate chips

Eagle brand condensed milk

Mazola corn oil

Food storage etc...

Ziploc containers

Ziploc bags

Glad cling wrap

Alcan aluminum foil

Wilton parchment paper

Cleaning etc...

Dawn ultra dish soap

Finnish dishwasher detergent

Lysol kitchen cleaner

Lysol bathroom cleaning spray

Scrubbing bubbles fresh brush max refills

Charmin toilet paper

Royale toilet paper

Bounty paper towels

Swifter any

Tide laundry detergent

Personal care etc...

Dove soap bar

Dove deodorant

Natracare feminine products


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