BOGO - Red Rose tea (max value $4.59) exp June 30/12 (x2)
FPC – Philadelphia Cooking Creme exp Aug 31/12
Other trade coupons
$1 off Astro greek yogurt 500g exp Sep 30/12 (x6)
$1 off Kraft Shredded cheese exp Apr 5/12
$1 off Great Grains cereal exp Apr 3/12 (x2)
$1 off Grainshop Cereal 475g or larger exp Apr 9/12
$1 off Alpen cereal 600g or larger exp Apr 14/12
.75c off V8 V-Fusion beverage exp Jun 30/12 (x2)
.75c off any 4L bag or 2L carton of Natrel lactose free milk exp Jul 31/12 (x5)
$1 off Kraft Amooza Twists 252g exp Apr 30/12 (x6)
$1 off McCain Harvest splendour medleys exp May 31/12 (x4)
.50c Dare RealFruit gummies 160-180g exp Mar 31/12 (x2)
.50c Dare RealFruit minis exp June 30/12 (x3)
$1 Mini Wheats Little bites cereal exp Mar 15/12
$1.50 Kelloggs Fibre Plus cereal exp Mar 15/12
$1 Special K Blueberry or Oats and Honey exp Mar 15/12
$1.50 any Folgers black silk coffee or Folgers gourmet selections K-cups exp Mar 31/12 (x4)
$2 Van Houtte coffee 225g and up (not applicable to K-cups) exp Aug 31/12 (x2) also exp Dec 31/12 (x4)
.75c Uncle Ben's Bistro Express or Risotto exp May 31/12 (x7)
.75c Wheat thins stix exp Mar 31/12 (x5)
$1 Fibre 1 Granola bars value size exp May 1/12
$4 any box of Folgers Gourmet Selections K-cups exp Mar 31/12
$1 Post Shredded Wheat exp Sept 30/12
.75c Armstrong/Saputo/Bari cheese product (200g or larger) exp Jan 31/12 (x5)
$2 Becel Pro-Activ margarine exp Dec 30/12
$1 WUB2 Clover leaf entertainers products (chunk crabmeat, clams, oysters, shrimp and lobster pate exp Jun30/13 x4
$1 WUB2 Clover leaf chunk crabmeat, clams, shrimp, oysters and mussels exp Jun 30/13 x2
.50 cents off Robin Hood oats exp Mar 31/12 (x9)
$1 WUB3 Carnation evaporated milk exp Apr 30/12 (x9)
$1 off Smuckers Simple Blends exp Mar 31/12 (x6)
$1 off any Folgers coffee product exp Mar 31/12 (x5)
Buy 3 Get 1 Free Knorr products exp Dec 31/12 (x2)
$2 off Olymel frozen poultry product exp Oct 31/12 (x2)
.50c off Diana gravy exp Mar 31/12 (x8)
$1 off Folgers Gourmet Selections K-cups(12 ct) exp Mar 31/12 (x2)
$1 off High Liner Signature 680g product exp May 31/12 (x5)
.75c off Yves veggie ground round or veggie chili exp Apr 30/12 (x6)
.50c off Oikos greek yogurt exp Mar 31/12 (x5)
.50c WUB2 Nestle Pure Life sparkling water (1L) or 1 6x500ml case
.75c off Saputo Mozzarellissima cheese 500g or larger exp Mar 31/12 (x3)
.75c off Crisco all vegetable or golden all vegetable shortening exp Apr 1/12 (x6)
$1 WUB2 Del Monte refrigerated fruit cups exp Apr 30/12 (x7)
.50c off Maille mustard 200ml exp Dec 31/12
.75c off Fleischmann’s Pizza Yeast exp Dec 31/12
.75c off VH Thai or Indian market sauce exp Dec 31/12
$1 off Mazola VEGPLUS vegetable and canola oil blend exp Dec 31/12
.75c off Cheese Makers cheese 250g any flavour exp Dec 31/13
$1 off Gay Lea Gold Premium sour cream exp Apr 5/12
$1 off Summer Fresh Greek Yogurt dip : Crumbled Feta, Cucumber and Garlic, Jalapeno, or Artichoke and Asiago exp Apr 30/12
$1 off any Sabra hummus product, 283g or larger exp Dec 31/12
$2 off Pediasure Complete 4x235ml pack exp Jun 30/12 (x6)
$3 off Pedisure Complete 4/235ml pack exp May 1/12 (x2)
Personal Care:
$4 any one Olay Smooth Finish Facial Hair Removal Duo exp May 31/12
$2 Playtex Gentle Glide tampons 18 or 36 ct exp Dec 31/12
$2 Cystoplus exp May 31/12
$1 Sensodyne Pro-namel iso-active exp Sept ?31?, 2012 (ha ha just noticed that...wonder when September got an extra day?)
$5 355ml Bausch and Lomb sensitive eyes multi purpose solution exp Sept 30/12
$5 355ml renu fresh multi purpose solution exp Sept 30/12
$1 off any Live Clean product NO EXP (x2)
$2.50 WUB2 Live Clean products NO EXP (x2)
$1 off Cascades 12dbl roll or 24 roll toilet paper or a 6 roll pack paper towels exp Mar 31/12 (x8)
$2 off Marcelle eye makeup remover exp Jul 31/12 (x2)
$1.50 off Adult Spinbrush (Pro Clean sonic, Pro Clean, Pro Whitening, or Pro Select) exp June 30/12
$1 off Kids spinbrush exp June 30/12
$1 off Globrush exp June 30/12
$3 off Garnier Nutrisse Mousse exp Dec 31/12 (x2)
.50c off any Reynolds Stay Brite baking cups exp Apr 30/12 (x4)
$2 off Scrubbing bubbles one step toilet bowl cleaner refill exp. Mar 24/12 (x2)
$1 off Pledge aerosol exp Apr 15/12 (x2)
$2 WUB2 Windex 765ml trigger exp May 31/12 (x5)
$5 off Scrubbing bubble one step toilet bowl cleaner starter kit exp Mar 24/12 (x2)
.50c off any Scrub Free bathroom cleaner exp Dec 31/12
B1G1Free Scrubbing bubbles trigger, aerosol, mega shower foamer or power spray refill exp May 31/12 (x5)
$1 off Scrubbing bubbles one step toilet bowl cleaner refill exp May 31/12 (x5)
B1G1Free Toilet duck 750ml exp May 31/12 (x5)
.75c off Royale paper towels exp Sep 30/12
$2 off Greenworks laundry detergent exp Apr 15/12
$4 any Advil Muscle and Joint product exp Oct 31/12
$2 any Caltrate product exp June 30/12 (x2)
$3 any size Immunity-FX product exp Dec 31/12 (x3)
$2 any Materna prenatal vitamin exp June 30/12 (x3)
$2 WUB2 bottles of Tums exp Mar 31/12(x4)
$2 any size or format of Gaviscon exp Mar 31/12 (x4)
$4 on any Advil Cold and Sinus product exp Mar 31/12 (x5)
$3 on any Myoflex pain relief product exp Mar 31/12 (x2)
$3 off any Buckleys liquid gel product exp. Mar 31/12 (x3)
$2 off any Vitalux product exp Dec 31/12 (x3)
$2 off Flintstones vitamins exp Mar 31/12 (x5)
$1 off large bag (17-19 lozenges) Ricola exp Apr 30/12 (x2)
.75 cents off any Redoxon product exp Mar 31/12
$5 off Nicorette mini lozenge (22 or 88ct box) exp Mar 31/12
$3 off Abreva exp Dec 31/12
$5 off Multibionta exp Aug 31/12 (x6)
$2.50 off any Benylin Mucus and Phlegm or Adult Benylin product exp Mar 31/12 (x3)
$4 off any Otrivin Saline Sea Water & Aloe product exp Mar 31/12
$1.50 off any One a Day product exp Apr 5/12
$3 off any Tylenol complete cold, cough and flu product exp Jun 30/12 (x6)
$3 off any Benylin Extra Strength Mucus and Phlegm product excl. 100ml exp Jun 30/12 (x4)
$2 off any size or format of Gaviscon exp Mar 31/12 (x4)
$2 WUB2 bottles of Tums exp Mar 31/12 (x4)
$2 off Cesar dry dog food (1.6 or 3kg) exp Mar 31/12 (x2)
Mail In Rebates:
MIR Air Wick Scented Oil Starter Kit (purchase to be made Nov 3/11-May31/12)
I probably have more for trades, I will update as I find them. If there is anything specific that you are looking for, I may have it, just not on this list. Feel free to ask! Thanks for looking!
Wish List:
RRLF Boost, Cottonelle, Thinsations, Babybel cheese, Chef Boyardee, Hunts snack packs, Delissio garlic bread pizza, Betty Crocker potatoes, Hamburger Helper, Secret deodorant (not clinical), Purex laundry soap, Peak Frean BOGO, Orville Redenbacher popcorn, Campbells soup, Minute rice, any canned veggies, any chips, Janes chicken, Miracle Whip, Hellmann's mayo (not with olive oil), Carnation hot chocolate, coffee mate, Stouffer's saute sensations.