Conversation Between NancyM and Littlemoe0

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  1. Well you enjoy the quiet time, I forgot what that was unless it's 2 a.m. and everyone's asleep.
  2. lol my 2 ds are little slobs too i'm having a good day both ds are finally back at school and i have some peace and quit for a few hours
  3. Hi ya Nance, doing fine, my day off and all I plan on doing is straightening out the house and going to the post office. Hubby brought company home with him this morning, so had to do a mad dash of cleaning in 2 minutes, my kids have turned into little slobs.
  4. Hey Moe how are you doing today?
  5. Much better Dorkette
  6. dork better?
  7. LOL, ya big dork, thanks for calling me names thru reps, lol too funny.
  8. Thanks for the rep boost too Nancy.
  9. thanks Moe i feel the same way about you
    thanks for the rep i think i just peed my pants
  10. Thanks Nancy, I'm suprised too.
  11. Congrats on the win Moe
  12. i'm very proud to be a dork's buddy thanks for the invite
  13. Thank you for the dork rep, but you do know, your a dork's buddy, lol, Moe.
  14. its so hard to get better when you klnow you have others to look after. Hope you and the boys get feeling better soon.
  15. still crappy fever came back today took some motrin feeling a little better now
  16. They probably needed the sugar to reboost some energy. How are you feeling, still crappy?
  17. Thanks Moe they did have fun they only lasted about 10 minutes they were both too tired but they wern't too tired to eat the candy lol and i was shocked no sugar rush
  18. Glad to hear they got to celebrate halloween even just a little, kids just love that day.
  19. lol it didn't more like chicken noodle soup , but we did finally do our indoor trick or treating they loved the big handfuls of candy
  20. Morning Nancy, thanks for the rep boost, how did the scary burgers go last night?
  21. That's exactly what we are going to do my dh came up with the idea of having the boys knock on the doors inside the house in their costumes and someone else suggested hiding the candy like easter hey atleast the candy will be cheap today lol
  22. Here's an idea, when they get feeling better, do a trick or treat inside, but hide it like at easter time.
  23. I know i feel so guilty we were going to have an indoor trick or treat but we couldn't even to that we all feel like crap lol
  24. Awe, that's too bad the boys missed it. I do hope all of you get feeling better soon. It's so hard to see your little ones ill, and then when you feel like crap as well, it is so rough.
  25. We had to cancel Halloween myself and the 2 boys had high fevers we just all cuddled in and watched movies
  26. HI Nancy, how's the boys doing today? Thank you for the rep boost, we had a ok night last night, went to aobut 12 homes, to darn windy here to keep the girls out any longer.
  27. Happy Halloween to you and your little guys Nancy.
  28. Happy Halloween
  29. LOL i did catch ya the older guy is doing better now the little guy won't even move off the couch they seem to take turns lol
  30. You caught me again, thanks for the rep. How's the boys doing today?
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