Conversation Between Natalka and natynat

16 Visitor Messages

  1. Have a great week ahead; thanks so much for the rep!
  2. Awesome! Thank you so much! I'm a sucker for books. I'm also trying to establish a personal library for when I start teaching next year! I found a little used store close to my house and was able to get amazing (in pristine condition) books for $2, but I will definitely do some research on Amazon (I see books for $0.84 lol!!!). Thanks again! Have a great day!

  3. About the books I got, they were from CDN amazon - I look under bargain books, then choose books under $5.
    Then you just need to narrow the search by what kind of books you want. I just did literature and fiction, and just got paperbacks.
    It took a LOT of time to do the searching when I was shopping...
    Good luck!
  4. Thank you for the rep Happy Holidays to you and your family!
  5. Thanks for the rep; hope your weekend is great for you!
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 16 of 16