Conversation Between OldMom and danip467

5 Visitor Messages

  1. which is crazy-who in their right mind thinks thats ok? I would be super pissed if I got used stamps.
  2. One more thing...if you do decide to trade for stamps make sure to specify that it's unused stamps. From what I saw on this site it seems that some traders ended up with used stamps.
  3. Thanks, opinions are good, and that helps. I'm not keen on taking stamps either, and I've had a few people offer them. I guess it's ok to say no if I don't like the deal!
  4. By FPC I'm assuming you mean free product. I usually try to find out what the price of the item is either online or in the stores and then trade for that approximate value. As for stamps other traders seem to trade 1 stamp per $5 of coupons but I stopped trading for stamps due to the low value you get, I'd much rather trade dollar for dollar. I mean a $0.59 stamp for $5 of coupons is just not worth it to me considering the time & effort I put in collecting & clipping coupons and keeping my list up to date and those who want coupons in exchange for stamps usually don't collect & clip coupons and usually don't have a list of me that's like trying to get something for close to nothing. They are getting the better end of the deal and this without putting in any time or effort. I'm in this to save money and I like to help others save money as well but I prefer the trade to be of equal value or close to it so that it's fair to both traders. But that is just my personal opinion.
  5. Hey, you were my first trade and have an awesome trade rating. I was wondering how you trade FPCs and stamps? I have someone trying to trade coupons for my fpcs and just wondered what a good rate would be-I have only traded face value for face value on coupons so far but I think it should be more for free stuff? If you don't mind telling me what you do, and also the stamps.

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