You need to claim swagbucks You have won 1000 SB
what no friends yet
thanks Charlene....I am quitting my job, just got my licence, going to work as RESP me more flexibility with kids & pretty much work my own hours.
Hi We are doing well. Grandkids are growing youngest will be 2 next week. She is potty training and we prefer Huggies for this not Pampers so don't get as many points. LOL Amazing how a year flys by. Take care Charlene
Thanks ...... lor gng time didn't hear from are you? How's your grandchild....growing up fast. I can't even believe...its already 1 yr for my little one...mat leave over...time to go back to work :-(
where did you find prize on winster. is there a page that lists them
need to go riding
Smart Canuck