Conversation Between VeeVee and annedougherty

17 Visitor Messages

  1. HAHAHA thanks for the gift, I think I have a shortage of candies. I must check so i can think of one for you lol. Now quit stalking me! lol
  2. Who dat Sexy thang! bahahaha
  3. ooooo pretty page for a skank!
  4. your pic is very skankalicious!
  5. lol thanks! Yes just the cider vinegar. You don't end up with a vinegar taste in the meat or anything when it's done. Just enough so there's about an inch of it in the bottom of the slow cooker. And the meat turns out dark on the outside, but still fairly moist on the inside. You wouldn't think you could get that with a slow cooker. My kitchen smelled similar to Swiss Chalet while it was cooking! lol I tried making authentic Carolina sauce once, which is just cider vinegar, a bit of brown sugar, and cayenne pepper, but it was too much vinegar for us. So then i saw Bobby Flay take his regular bbq sauce and make a "fusion" carolina sauce, by adding a bit of cider vinegar and brown sugar , and then putting that on the sandwich. He's a genius! lol
  6. It does sound really good and we love pulled pork! So you only put the cider vinegar no water or anything else? I must try that!! Great pic BTW!
  7. Hi VeeVee! Thanks for the rep!oh yeah, if you're a pulled pork fan (I love pulled pork lol) definitely give it a shot like that. I used to douse the whole thing in bbq sauce in the crock pot, after you pull it apart, and then you let it sit for longer right? It's definitely awesome that way too, but I found it kind of "caramelizes" the meat from the sugar while it's cooking in the bbq sauce. So I was watching Bobby Flay's pulled pork sandwich throwdown and picked up a few tips from him lol.
  8. lol! Tell me about! I've always used coupons here and there, but I've only been going at it full force like this since January. What a lucrative hobby to have! lol
  9. Thanks for letting me know VeeVee! Think I'll have to add this bbq sauce to my collection lol
  10. Hey Anne,
    Yeah we had the pulled pork..the sauce is amazing! Not to sweet, great spicing and just a tad of heat. I got it at Costco for 4 bucks and its a 750ml bottle I believe. It made thepork sooo tender I was really impressed.
    Have a super night!
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