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  1. #1
    Canadian Guru
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    Here's mine!

    I've been operating on the assumption that most of us are at least vaguely familiar with the size of our bodies. Wouldn't you think that's true?

    I'm not a small gal, I've sometimes said that you'd never have to shake out the sheets to find me. So when I get on the bus and see a seat available between two people, I feel that I’m a fairly good judge of whether my butt is of a suitable size to fit there. If I figure my butt is too large for that particular spot (and it often is), then well, I stay standing. No problemo.

    Am I im the minority here? What is it that makes women (and yes, it’s pretty much always women) spy the small space between me and another not-so-small person, and think to themselves, "Hey, there's a seat! Good thing I have such a tiny little butt!"

    Then they proceed to squeeze their anything-but-small bottom into a space that only one of their butt cheeks can actually fit into. The other cheek meanwhile, is partially on my lap. To rectify that situation, the thinking seems to be that wiggling the giant behind in question will help it fit better. As I get crowded into the person next to me and maybe look uncomfortable, I get a look from them, as if to say, "What?"

    What's YOUR gripe today?

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  2. #2
    First Aid Officer Ricki911's Avatar
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    LOL I couldnt help but laugh. I see this all the time on the bus. xcept Im that average college student with everything but the kitchen sink spread out on my lap doing homework.

    Nothing is bothering me today. Which is shocking LOL. If you had of asked this yesterday I would have been here all day typing it out. Err stupid roomates and nopt cleaning the bathroom **shaking fist**

  3. #3
    Proud Canadian dealsniffer's Avatar
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    awww Zonny sorry to hear about that. That sucks. maybe you should think of something witty to say to them that they realize and maybe they will move? I don't know...just my thoughts. I have never been on a bus before except a school bus as a kid. Yes I am a country girl! lol I have crossed streets by myself tho! LOL So I am unfamiliar with the whole bus thing.
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    Proud Canadian dealsniffer's Avatar
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    I don't really have too much to complain about myself that concerns other people tho today. I am a bit annoyed with the weather tho. Snow and terrible roads-roads in poor shape and then there are the people who figure they can still drive the same way they do on normal roads and they end up causing accidents with other people who are trying to safely get to their destination. that is a peeve of mine.
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    My gripe is today and actually everyday, the Quebec school system and how bad it is.

    This year, as it is every year since he was in gr. 1, they recommend he get a tutor. Problem is the tutors they supply at school suck because they are basically other students or his actual teachers who are too tired at the end of the day to spend an hour tutoring in the first place. An outside source costs minumum of $30 an hour.

    So my question to them as it is every year. If you were doing your job and teaching him, motivating him and not making him hate school from day 1 by giving 2-3 hours of homework everynight to a bloody 6 year old I wouldn't be in this position.

    Oh yeah and by the way as much as you like to blame the parents for all the kids problems in school I have a news flash for you. I'll take 50% of the blame but the rest has to fall on someone. Surprise yup it's you the school.I am not in the class to tell him what to do, it's not my problem if he forgets his books in his locker and if you people would punish them for not doing homework or being late for class instead of giving them a detention because the top button of his shirt uniform is undone then maybe you could get some respect. They won't perform for those they don't respect. They aren't blind they see what goes on in school.

    I have much more to say but most of it is unprintable.

  6. #6
    Smart Canuck matrix82's Avatar
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    I hate it when I am sitting on the bus, I am an average sized person, and when someone sits next to me, but they sit too close, such as their thigh is seemly on top of mine. I will admit that the chairs aren't that large, but seriously, move a little more towards the aisle than closer to your seat mate.

    I also get irked by the people with giant purses who think they ahve the right to give a seat to themselves and their purse.
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  7. #7
    Smart Canuck matrix82's Avatar
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    My peeve is that my jaw is hurting really badly today..I had it broken back in June, surgery to fix it in July. Now things are healing, but today is just an intense pain day, the first time in a while...I was told this was a possibilitily, I think they called it TMJ.
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  8. #8
    Awake. TaraF's Avatar
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    LOL Zonny your post made me laugh, but I think EVERY woman regardless of what size she is has that moment of "Hrm...will my butt fit or not".

    My gripe today? I'm going with relatives that are selfish and couldn't give two craps about anyone but themselves. To make it short, sweet and to the point, my brother is treating my Mom like crap *sighs* and unfortunately I get to witness her depression first hand Back in March of this year I told my Sister in Law off for calling our house and leaving my mom in tears (really long story about that one) and my SIL's response to that? Telling my Mother that I have dug her grave (my moms) for ever seeing her Grandchildren again. And she's stuck to her word, my Mom has seen the kids twice this year, she has talked to my brother once in the last few months, (they live 10 minutes from here) they didn't call her to wish her a Happy Thanksgiving and her nephews Bday is on the 22nd and more than likely won't be invited over for anything. *sighs*

  9. #9
    Community Helper VeeVee's Avatar
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    Oh Zonny, you relly made me laugh! It is so true! Before my car, I took the bus everywhere and I always noticed this! I even noticed this when I worked retail, women would come in and I coudl clearly see they were not the size they said they were...but I would stay quiet not to insult. After about 10 minutes of grunting and trying to zip up there jeans I would always get asked..." has the company changed the sizes??, can you get me a bigger size?" hehe

    My complaint today is I feel a headache comming on! I just hope it doesn't become a migraine!

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by matrix82 View Post
    I hate it when I am sitting on the bus, I am an average sized person, and when someone sits next to me, but they sit too close, such as their thigh is seemly on top of mine. I will admit that the chairs aren't that large, but seriously, move a little more towards the aisle than closer to your seat mate.

    I also get irked by the people with giant purses who think they ahve the right to give a seat to themselves and their purse.

    I bet a lot of SCer's have giant purses since many of us carry our coupon binders in them. If I dropped my purse on your foot I would probably break it.

  11. #11
    Community Menace itsjustmebub's Avatar
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    lmao Zonny that was an awesome gripe

  12. #12
    ~ƃuılıǝɔ ǝɥʇ uo ƃuıɔuɐp~ koala's Avatar
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    You have me thinking about my infrequent bus rides. (thank goodness)

    How about people with these over sized backpacks?
    They have these things attached to their backs, and with one swift turning motion, they can knock down a lineup of people like dominos.

    Or guys. Why do you have to sit with your legs spread so far apart. My chunky thighs don't like being squished together. Your jewels are not so big that you need to take up that much space. One trip was so annoying that I eventually told the guy I really didn't think that his "jewels" needed that much space, and please put your legs together. He complied.

    And what's with this leg shaking thing? Some of you guys feel it's necessary to keep one leg in motion. There's enough vibration to the bus. I don't need your help.

    OK. I'm done.

  13. #13
    x trucks12trucks's Avatar
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    i am ticked because I have 3 important after another on saturday! for 13 straight hours!
    its supposed to be birthday weekend dammit

  14. #14
    Awake. TaraF's Avatar
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    On the bus thing, I HATE when I see some 15 year old kid taking up 2 spots because they are "lounging" and won't give up a seat for an elderly or pregnant person. ARGH.

  15. #15
    First Aid Officer Ricki911's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by koala View Post
    You have me thinking about my infrequent bus rides. (thank goodness)

    How about people with these over sized backpacks?
    They have these things attached to their backs, and with one swift turning motion, they can knock down a lineup of people like dominos.

    Or guys. Why do you have to sit with your legs spread so far apart. My chunky thighs don't like being squished together. Your jewels are not so big that you need to take up that much space. One trip was so annoying that I eventually told the guy I really didn't think that his "jewels" needed that much space, and please put your legs together. He complied.

    And what's with this leg shaking thing? Some of you guys feel it's necessary to keep one leg in motion. There's enough vibration to the bus. I don't need your help.

    OK. I'm done.
    I couldnt help laugh about the bookbag comment.

    I was on the bus a few years back going to my dads work. The bus was packed and some *big* lady was shoving me around. I mean her boobs could have sufficated me. So I moved back so I wouldnt die on some bus I turned and smoked some guy in the face my bag and made his noise bleed. Seriously, didnt hit him that hard.

    But try carrying that heavy bag. Give us some sympathy

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