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  1. #151
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    Just to clarify a bit on the pulling back of the foreskin. What happened with DS was that his wazoo grew faster than the skin could stretch so the foreskin literally stuck to the head and was squeezing it, when we had him circumsized at 7 yrs. old they had to seperate the foreskin from the head. His poor head was all scabs for 2 weeks with chunks falling off. It had to be cleaned and bandaged all the time. DH did not look at t for 2 week that chicken sh*t.

  2. #152
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    Quote Originally Posted by Patty Smyth View Post
    Just to clarify a bit on the pulling back of the foreskin. What happened with DS was that his wazoo grew faster than the skin could stretch so the foreskin literally stuck to the head and was squeezing it, when we had him circumsized at 7 yrs. old they had to seperate the foreskin from the head. His poor head was all scabs for 2 weeks with chunks falling off. It had to be cleaned and bandaged all the time. DH did not look at t for 2 week that chicken sh*t.

  3. #153
    Community Menace itsjustmebub's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Patty Smyth View Post
    Just to clarify a bit on the pulling back of the foreskin. What happened with DS was that his wazoo grew faster than the skin could stretch so the foreskin literally stuck to the head and was squeezing it, when we had him circumsized at 7 yrs. old they had to seperate the foreskin from the head. His poor head was all scabs for 2 weeks with chunks falling off. It had to be cleaned and bandaged all the time. DH did not look at t for 2 week that chicken sh*t.
    lmao OHHHH BOY

  4. #154
    Mastermind Natalka's Avatar
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    Patty, that same thing happened with two of my nephews, at about the same age.

  5. #155
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    Quote Originally Posted by Patty Smyth View Post
    Just to clarify a bit on the pulling back of the foreskin. What happened with DS was that his wazoo grew faster than the skin could stretch so the foreskin literally stuck to the head and was squeezing it, when we had him circumsized at 7 yrs. old they had to seperate the foreskin from the head. His poor head was all scabs for 2 weeks with chunks falling off. It had to be cleaned and bandaged all the time. DH did not look at t for 2 week that chicken sh*t.

    What can I say. Healthcare was never my field. I kind of found out when I was in the hospital when I was 8. They took blood samples and I went about 10 feet, leaned against the wall and slid down. I used to give blood, but finally a nurse told me to stop coming because I almost pass out everytime. When Kiera was born and Patty was getting a C-section, they had to get me out of the room. I visited the Debbie Travis room for a little lie down.

    Kevin's circumcision was by far the worst for me. After the operation I couldn't even stay in the post-op. There is something about the smell that gets me. As for not looking at it for 2 weeks, I think it was closer to 3 weeks.

    Call me chicken sh*t if you want, but I am what I am.

  6. #156
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    Quote Originally Posted by Patty Smyth View Post

    I ended up spiking all her formula with prune juice from about 3 months on. It solved the problem but I can't tell you how many times I had to go in and get it. Not fun and poor her had little tears and needed ointments.
    also bad is the baby suppository when the prune juice doesnt work. my hubby had to hold him down while i put it in (and held it in). it was probably one of the worst things i have had to do since having kids.

    Quote Originally Posted by AmberLab View Post
    Your water might not break on it's own at all, true. Or you could have the major gusher scene that you only see in movies. That was me at 2am. I'm thankful I ran fast enough to the bathroom, to get away from the carpet, when I felt that suspicious "pop."
    same thing happened to me. woke up at 3am and was stunned at the amount of liquid, especially since the doc told me i probably wouldnt have my water break till i was in the hospital so not to wait for it. the nurses told me the water refreshes itself every couple of hours so you just keep gushing! sooo gross.

    with my first i was induced because my water broke and labour didnt start. the nurse gave me 2.5 times the amound of pitocin she was supposed to and my first contraction lasted 5 minutes and afterward the bed was covered in blood. then i reacted to the spinal when they decided to give me a c-section and i stopped breathing (actually thought "this is it, i am going to die"), and they gave me general without even telling me what they were doing, neither the anethes. or the doc said one word to me to assure me i wasnt going to die.

    baby #2 i had a planned c-section. i had total breakdown on the table cause i was so scared the same thing would happen. this anesth. was awesome and tho my blood pressure did crash he constantly was asking me if i was okay and reassuring me.

    i wish someone had warned me about the after baby flow. holy smokes!! i dont think there is a pad in existance that is capable of taking care of that! and when you have a c-section and the nurses have to do everything for you the first 24 hours, there is nothing more embarrassing!

    also wish someone would have warned me about breastfeeding and that it is not normal for your nipples to bleed for a month, that means something is wrong!!

    and of course the post baby hormones, oh the crying!

  7. #157
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    Quote Originally Posted by Midnightly View Post
    i remember being about 37 weeks, going off no sleep for soo long (lets say 3 hours out of every 24 were sleep if you added up a week) going to the dr for my appointment and saying "i'm done, get this thing out of me, rip it out if you have to i NEED SLEEP"
    With #2 I was on the induction list for 10days! The doc promised me an induction if I made it to 36.5weeks. Then it was a long weekend, he said, just make it the weekend and I'll induce you. I had PUPPs which makes you feel like you rolled naked in poison ivy! It was awful, I cried constantly! By 38.5 weeks (10days on the induction list) I went back to the doc. I said, take her out of me or I am walking out of here and throwing myself in front of bus then you'll have no choice but to take her out. I was induced that afternoon!!
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  8. #158
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    Quote Originally Posted by Patty Smyth View Post
    Just to clarify a bit on the pulling back of the foreskin. What happened with DS was that his wazoo grew faster than the skin could stretch so the foreskin literally stuck to the head and was squeezing it, when we had him circumsized at 7 yrs. old they had to seperate the foreskin from the head. His poor head was all scabs for 2 weeks with chunks falling off. It had to be cleaned and bandaged all the time. DH did not look at t for 2 week that chicken sh*t.

    OMG!!! Poor little guy!!!!
    So is this common? My guy is not circumsized, I pull back the skin a bit when I'm giving him a bath just to wash it out, but I never heard of the stretching thing?
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  9. #159
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    here is some advice for first time mom's that are currently pregnant and planning on having a vaginal birth - RESEARCH C-SECTIONS. after being in labour for 24 hours with hardly any progress, i'm sorry but you're gonna get cut to get that baby out!

    oh, and if this does happen, try not to freak out on the operating table or they will knock you out and you will not witness the birth of your child. that is all!

  10. #160
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    Quote Originally Posted by View Post
    here is some advice for first time mom's that are currently pregnant and planning on having a vaginal birth - RESEARCH C-SECTIONS. after being in labour for 24 hours with hardly any progress, i'm sorry but you're gonna get cut to get that baby out!

    oh, and if this does happen, try not to freak out on the operating table or they will knock you out and you will not witness the birth of your child. that is all!
    Ouch. Did your doc have a good reason to push that on timeframe you? I went 44 hours from my water breaking to being induced for DS to be born vaginally. It's good to be prepared for the c-section possibility, but I hate when they stick time limits on you. Unless you or baby are in danger they should leave the heck alone.

  11. #161
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    getting pregnant and giving birth is what women are for....too bad men can not be the ones.I wish for a change for them to go through eevrythigwe do!

  12. #162
    Community Menace itsjustmebub's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by View Post
    here is some advice for first time mom's that are currently pregnant and planning on having a vaginal birth - RESEARCH C-SECTIONS. after being in labour for 24 hours with hardly any progress, i'm sorry but you're gonna get cut to get that baby out!

    oh, and if this does happen, try not to freak out on the operating table or they will knock you out and you will not witness the birth of your child. that is all!
    AGREE 100%!!!!
    i wish i had had a clue what was about to happen to me!!

  13. #163
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    Quote Originally Posted by AmberLab View Post

    Yes, loved having my own bathroom! I showered as soon as it was all over. Did you have a private room? I did and "ordered" it again this time. If you have an option ladies, get the private room! Check your health insurance, the cost of it may be covered. DH's work covers most of it, I think it came down to $20 per day OOP.
    OH yeah, we had a private room. But be warned, just because you've asked for one doesn't mean you'll get one!


  14. #164
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    yes indeed we asked for a private room and there weren't any available.
    it's the luck of the draw

  15. #165
    Smart Canuck Jina's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by View Post
    here is some advice for first time mom's that are currently pregnant and planning on having a vaginal birth - RESEARCH C-SECTIONS. after being in labour for 24 hours with hardly any progress, i'm sorry but you're gonna get cut to get that baby out!

    oh, and if this does happen, try not to freak out on the operating table or they will knock you out and you will not witness the birth of your child. that is all!
    yup. so agree.
    Water broke at 1am, c-section 8pm. I would have ended in the operating room anyway as vaginal delivery didn't go well, but 24hrs was what I was allowed to have baby in without the water.

    February was a crazy month at the hospital. All private rooms were full and the nurse told me they had like 5-7 c-sections a day. When I went to the hospital, there was no private room but by the time I had my c-sec, 1 became available.

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