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  1. #1
    Smart Canuck Jina's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ninna View Post
    Things I wanna know--
    I am very interested in other ppl's experiences with their pregnancy and their kids' personalities: that is, do you find that what you craved or how you felt during the pregnancies is reflected in your children?

    What I find a little uncanny is that during preg #1, I was an emotional wreck and DD #1 is a very emotional person; during preg #2, I was outspoken, brave, and did not care what ppl thought at all. DD#2 appears to be the same way.

    It even goes as far as the foods they eat. DD#1 pregnancy-- craved anything starchy (ate disgusting things like mashed potatoes on toast ona regular basis....ewww). Give her a choice now between potatoes or fruit--she always goes for the starchy option. DD#2 pregnancy--craved veggies--even stuff I cannot stand like tomatoes and brussel sprouts. DD#2 would live on veggies and nothing else if given the chance.

    Has anyone else noticed anything similar?
    I thought this deserved its own thread
    Thanks Ninna for bringing this up

    DS was VERY active in my belly. So active I couldn't sleep at night. DS is very active since birth. Legs and arms always on the move. He nearly got out of his bouncy seat the other day and he's only 3 months
    I'm an active person myself and was always on the move when pregnant.
    I ate lots of Timies Boston doughnut and ice cream...maybe the sugar made him hyper

    Delivery was stressful for both DS and me (c-sec, fetal distress, cord round neck). I have a difficult baby: a screamer who wakes up many times at night and won't go back to sleep unless I nurse, cries like he's in pain when he's just bored or something bugged him (a new person talking to him, new place...), we have to hold him most of the time, hates the car seat and stroller, had gas and reflux issues (doing better now)
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  2. #2
    Mastermind Natalka's Avatar
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    Though I don't think it really determines what the child will be like....

    When I was pregnant, son was extremely active as well inside me, and I was always on the go. Had a similar birth to your experience, as well. Whle in the hospital, he had the biggest cry - and would be so loud he'd start shaking, so doc was worried he was having seizures, but he wasn't. He just wanted to be heard! (and that hasn't stopped!).
    He was a non-sleeper, as the doc put it - he would sleep for 20 minutes, be up for two or three hours. Totally exhausting for me and my husband (who had to start helping at night after a few weeks because I got no sleep in the day!). He was a colicky baby - we spent hours on end walking and singing, walking and singing, rocking and rubbing...
    He first slept through the night just before his first birthday.
    Had no trouble with other people or new places, though - he loved being out and about, especially in the car - didn't mind the carseat or stroller at all.
    He never really crawled - it was too slow for him. We called what he did the 'crabwalk' - arms and feet only, no knees. He was very fast. And once he began to walk, that lasted maybe a week - then he only ran.

  3. #3
    Smart Canuck
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    Quote Originally Posted by Natalka View Post
    He was a non-sleeper, as the doc put it - he would sleep for 20 minutes, be up for two or three hours. Totally exhausting for me and my husband (who had to start helping at night after a few weeks because I got no sleep in the day!).

    He first slept through the night just before his first birthday.

    He never really crawled - it was too slow for him. We called what he did the 'crabwalk' - arms and feet only, no knees. He was very fast. And once he began to walk, that lasted maybe a week - then he only ran.

    I am exhausted just reading about that!!

    I don't know how you moms do it... You're all awesome!!

  4. #4
    Smart Canuck Jina's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Natalka View Post
    Though I don't think it really determines what the child will be like....

    When I was pregnant, son was extremely active as well inside me, and I was always on the go. Had a similar birth to your experience, as well. Whle in the hospital, he had the biggest cry - and would be so loud he'd start shaking, so doc was worried he was having seizures, but he wasn't. He just wanted to be heard! (and that hasn't stopped!).
    He was a non-sleeper, as the doc put it - he would sleep for 20 minutes, be up for two or three hours. Totally exhausting for me and my husband (who had to start helping at night after a few weeks because I got no sleep in the day!). He was a colicky baby - we spent hours on end walking and singing, walking and singing, rocking and rubbing...
    He first slept through the night just before his first birthday.
    Had no trouble with other people or new places, though - he loved being out and about, especially in the car - didn't mind the carseat or stroller at all.
    He never really crawled - it was too slow for him. We called what he did the 'crabwalk' - arms and feet only, no knees. He was very fast. And once he began to walk, that lasted maybe a week - then he only ran.
    Your experience sounds so much like mine. DS was the loudest in the ward too. From day 1 till about 1 month, he would cry, hold his breath until he turned dark red then BIG cry! I'm still up every 2-3 hours at night, occasionally would sleep through the night...very random and tyring. Like you & DH, we have to share the nights or I'll be too tired during the day.

  5. #5
    Smart Canuck Tripsplanner's Avatar
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    From my experience, your baby's behaviour has nothing to do with your pregnancy/ delivery. After kids, I am now a big believer of nature vs. nurture. If you think of my 3, I fed them the same in-utero (including the spicy chicken wings which I lived to regret), they were delivered the same way, had the same rough start and yet they are so different night an day.

    Baby A - sensitive and gentle soul with a stubborn streak
    Baby B - physically active and a budding drama queen
    Baby C - easygoing and cuddly. Definitely a mama's boy!

    And I had a really good pregnancy - no morning sickness, just hungry. A LOT!!!
    Last edited by Tripsplanner; Fri, Jun 25th, 2010 at 09:17 AM.

  6. #6
    Canadian Guru Woofy's Avatar
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    Hmm... let's see the parallels....

    1. Ethan treated me well while in me... and he is continuing to treat me well out of me.
    2. I slept like a baby at night all through my pregnancy. Ethan sleeps very well now at night.
    3. I was not picky in my eating... Ethan is not picky too... He can take the breast, or the bottle, and he takes both breastmilk and formula just as well. We switched to Enfamil from Similac while he was in Sick Kids', he took it with no fuss.
    4. I kept myself stress free and was happy during my pregnancy. Now Ethan smiles and laughs a lot.
    5. I was active, did a lot of yoga, and I go out a lot. Now he is active, and he enjoys going out, and observing the environment around him.

    Hubby always say that my great pregnancy produced a great kid!
    At the right time, a kind word from a stranger, or encouragement from a friend, can make all the difference in the world. Kindness is free, but it's priceless. ~ Doe Zantamata

    "And it's always the right time!" ~ Woofy

  7. #7
    Canadian Guru Midnightly's Avatar
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    i always thought there was some... for me (as in me personally not my babe) i was 17 days late (drove my mom up the wall) and to this day you can't rush me to do something i'm not ready to do.. i have to do it in my own time

    for my toddler overall it was a content pregnancy, little to no stress (wasn't working) other then her refusing to let me sleep, causing me to have magor hip pain lots of moving around and her stretching out.. her delivery was stubborn (long, she was face down and had to be assisted and turned over nearly C-section) and she's a bizzarely happy child, is thrilled with life, content playing with others or on her own independantly and sleeps wonderfully through the night
    When life hands you Edward Cullen...throw him back and demand Eric Northman....

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