Happy Halloween
that is funny. great pic
You are at 999 posts.......where oh where shall you put the 1000th?
Just letting you know I have your envie ready to be mailed
Coupon meet!! --> http://forum.smartcanucks.ca/128607-marchs-coupon-meet-2010-a-canada/
Happy St. Patrick's Day! An Irish blessing for you: May there always be work for your hands to do; May your purse always hold a coin or two; May the sun always shine on your windowpane; May a rainbow be certain to follow each rain; May the hand of a friend always be near you; May God fill your heart with gladness to cheer you, and may you be in heaven a half hour before the devil knows you're dead.
http://forum.smartcanucks.ca/126068-...a/#post1809330 Hello- can u please check the link above and let me know either way, I wanna get this going for the weekend, I also will post pics by then too! and videos of the trip!
wondering if u read my email about the private e vite train!?
Hey,Just thought I would drop in to spread some cheerrrrr! Have a fab day
Sorry to bother you again, I just wondered about using more than one similac cheque, my husband tried to use 2 $5 cheques at the grocery store today, and they say only one per purchase. Did you say shoppers lets you use more than one?
Hey, Did the coupons arrive yet?
group 17 rocks! thanks for registering!
Happy New Year All the very best to you for 2010!
Canadian Genius
Senior Canuck
Smart Canuck
Just Jez
Junior Canuck
Kings County Coupon Queen