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Thread: Points And Prizes - Sheknows
Tue, Jan 20th, 2009, 08:49 PM #21421
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Thank you robor the long list of ones probably came from the wiki which you can get words from they are all the words that have been posted on here. If you ever want to check to see a word has been posted go to the top of the thread click on search thread and it'll tell you if it's been posted. Check to make sure it's a recent post cuz some of the words they use over again. But if you should happen to put words down like the above ones that are reposts we'd rather have a repost then miss a word so no problem good luck
Tue, Jan 20th, 2009, 08:51 PM #21422
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bwahahaha.. i was wondering... you're right - i dont know what PFs gotten us all into. Oh and i 'regifted' the poo
Im shy.. i changed it to my sig pic
I have you on mine.. i was just checking out your pics and i can't get over how incredibly cute your boys are!
Helena.. feel free to add me
Tue, Jan 20th, 2009, 08:59 PM #21423
Hi robor...welcome
petete ...I got the same kinda front row seats as you .. my living room
nikks..thanks for all the new words, it won't let me give rep or even pm right now
Amy.. I hope your hubby gets the job
Andit..glad you "aced" the test
Haunish..hope your daughter is recoovering well and.hope your friends back will heal ok
Kaela..try taping him and then playing it back..make sure you are not alone case when monkey boy hears it and comes courting lmbo
Rose..congrats on the job..hope you get the solo
smb127.. ss about your puter ..hope they get it back to you soon about your fathers passing (((hugs)))
Thanks really is so neat..lots to learn with it tho
NS .thanks for the help on pm a good laugh from your story about sobeys
star...glad you finally got some sleep
have a good day everyone (((hugs)))
Life is Good
Tue, Jan 20th, 2009, 09:07 PM #21424
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Oh and for those who asked why i was MIA for so long, it wasn't really intentional.
I sold my old computer since my family all pitched in to get me a laptop for xmas. Transferring all my bookmarks, passwords and everything else took me a while. Even though my computer was a piece of crap i was pretty attached to it and it took me a couple weeks to get used to using this new one... i really hate the finger pad! I end up double clicking when i dont want to and frustrating myself all the time lol
So there was a SC's MIA list and i was on it?? Who else is on this list?
Tue, Jan 20th, 2009, 09:36 PM #21425
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tick: sorry for your loss
haunish: hope your dd heal soon
rose: hope you get a solo part too
nsangel: it's a misunderstanding, no need to sue
rebelinu: yeah, you'll get the hang of it. I hate the touchpad, probably am the only one using a mouse on a laptop, lol
racefan: hooray supernatural, i like your signatures
andit: i enjoy reading your pet stories, it's like i know lily and quincy, see i remember their names
stardreamer: hello fellow dean koontz fan, although i haven't read one in a long time. one of my favs is the one with einstein the dog, forgot the title
hello to everyone, hard to rollcall
and big thanks for all the new words
Tue, Jan 20th, 2009, 10:02 PM #21426
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sorry to hear about your father tick
Tue, Jan 20th, 2009, 10:04 PM #21427
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thanks all for the new words
Tue, Jan 20th, 2009, 10:26 PM #21428
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Hehe, thanks for the new words!
Tue, Jan 20th, 2009, 11:11 PM #21429
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Whew... wiki is updated. I've been so sick the past few days, then yesterday Monet (who is 16 months old) fell off a kitchen chair trying to get to the cake that was in a container in the middle of the table (I was in the bathroom throwing up... sigh) and got the worst bloody nose. So I spent the whole night worrying over her, then let her sleep with me. She is fine today, but it is still so scary when something like that happens.
Haunish -- *Gigantic Hugs* to you and your DD. I was attacked by a family cat when I was young, she just disliked me and waited for me to be alone. I was very traumatized by it for a long time, too. I'm so sorry your daughter is going through that, I remember mostly feeling like I was so unsure of everything for a while, since it was a very normal, beloved family pet... it made it seem like everything I trusted might just turn on me.
As far as the creams on her cuts go, you should avoid everything NOT doctor prescribed until the wounds are healed. Topical creams on a deep wound can cause more infection. After everything is healed the vitamin E (like Andit said, straight from a capsule.. you just pierce it and squeeze it out) can work wonders. You can hardly see any of the scars from my gallbladder surgery, and that was just last summer, because of that oil.
I would imagine that they didn't stitch any of her wounds mainly because it was from a cat scratch/bite. Infection is so common in cat wounds. I am VERY surprised that your doctor waited to give her any kind of antibiotic. Did he at least give her a tetanus shot? (I suppose because she's very young maybe she's already had one that covers it?) Even if you cannot give her anything topical on her wounds, you can definately give her some vitamins to help with the healing. She can take a regular chewable kids vitamin, and a low dose vitamin A and/or E supplement. It can really help the healing. Just PM me if you have any questions, seriously.
NS -- I came down to check the wiki the day that you mentioned that all the hunt words were gone. Melissa (the awesome lady who actually runs the wiki) has a terrible time keeping spam and outsiders off of it, so that is why I backup so much. Almost every day I have to replace it, just because people love to type on it. LOL
I will definately check that thing out on facebook, if I can ever sit down at the computer for more than 15 minutes.
Sorry about Ryan's computer game.. it is really frustrating that they still keep copies of games that aren't supported by companies on the shelves at stores.!!
Love2Save -- Thanks for the compliment on my avatar. I just open up the original avatar in Paint, enlarge it, and scribble on it with the paint tools. It usually comes out pretty cute
Dawnikus -- Welcome! A while back we did have some people who were frustrated by how much we chat in here (we are a great little family!) So they created the wiki, and I agreed to update it myself every day with all the words we post in this forum. So, if you don't want to read our crazy pages of chat every day, feel free to just collect words from the wiki. I use bold font for everything new, and keep it in bold for about 24 hours. So if you check it in the morning or afternoon every day, you can even get just the new stuffThe link to the wiki is in my signature.
Andit -- Good news on your stress test! And I can relate on the glucose test, those make me feel so sick!
Tick -- SO GOOD to see you back!! I'm so sorry about your Dad, but I am also glad that he passed peacefully. I'll keep you in my prayers.
HUGS everyone! I'm off to bed. I'm 9 weeks pregnant todayLast edited by lolcat; Tue, Jan 20th, 2009 at 11:14 PM.
Tue, Jan 20th, 2009, 11:49 PM #21430
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Wed, Jan 21st, 2009, 12:00 AM #21431
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LoL Robor you did what I did! Thanks for trying! Hope you like it here!
Wed, Jan 21st, 2009, 02:09 AM #21432
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Oh Tick so sorry to hear about your dad (but its good to know that he's in peace now) *hugs*
Wed, Jan 21st, 2009, 03:40 AM #21433
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Moms - want to review products for - things that you don't even have to buy?
Just a few more spots remain on the brand-new "MomKnows" product review panel!
NOTE: IF YOU SIGNED UP BEFORE JANUARY 10, PLEASE RE-SEND YOUR APPLICATION EMAIL TO [email protected] ASAP. THANKS!, one of the top 10 websites for women, is partnering with several national companies to get f ree products for some of our readers - food, cleaning products, self-care items and more - which will be sent out to our VIP panel of moms across the US. (10-15 freebies a month.)
Then we want our testers to come post their honest impressions on SheKnows message boards. You get to keep the goodies - and there are a few other perks.
Get the details here:
If this interests you, please let us know ASAP! We want to start sending out frrreebies very soon.
- The Editors
PS: You can pass this note on to any friends/family (18+, US resident) who might be interested. Sorry, this offer is open only to US residents. :p
Wed, Jan 21st, 2009, 03:45 AM #21434
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rebel is shy and regifting poo? i don't believe it. (the shy part), i can see her regifting poo...
Wed, Jan 21st, 2009, 03:47 AM #21435
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you noticed we chat alot eh?
well, you don't need to go back umpteen pages. i have a little trick for you ..but shhhhhhhh it's a secret
at the top of the thread, there's a search this forum box. just enter your word there. if it's been posted. it'll come up. just make sure that the post is a recent date, as p&p likes to recycle their words.
this saves us alot of headaches, and keeps the wiki keeper sane. last thing we need is a psycho pregnant woman with repost hangups.
but shhhh that tip is our little secret.
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