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Thread: Points And Prizes - Sheknows
Fri, Feb 27th, 2009, 08:21 PM #24121
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Sitting in class at the moment. Missed out on a week of reading posts (guess what Im doing next week during lectures). I was on reading week and working nights (all week) get tonight off for my course and back working tomorrow night. Off to do a big assignment (havent started yet) due Tuesday and trying to find coupons for my grocery shopping on Monday. Ill be on sometime later tonight (hopefully).
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Fri, Feb 27th, 2009, 08:46 PM #24122
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I have the 5qt round version of this crock pot and it is the biggest piece of crap that I've ever bought. I'm glad I got it on sale at Walmart for $30 'cause I'd be ticked if I paid full price for it.
If I put a roast in to cook for 10 hours it'll be done in 6 hours tops. The lid just sits on the pot so when it heats up the lid starts to rattle. The condensation spills out over the side and soaks my countertop. I have to put a cloth on the lid not only to absorb the extra water but to stop the lid from rattling all day.
Fri, Feb 27th, 2009, 09:00 PM #24123
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Fri, Feb 27th, 2009, 09:00 PM #24124
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Jode you needed to complain to the company about that if under warranty. Trust me keep receipts for everything cuz after my fiasco that I am still under with stupid Black and Decker (reminder people they suck big time) I am going to hold onto everything and anything and make sure any little problem is reported asap.
Rose as for Laser eye, my brother did it with Lasik MD about 2 yrs ago. He is over 45 so (not to piss anyone off here) but he is considered old for the surgery. They said he might have a harder time with his eyes adjusting and more likely to have regression in his eyes (basically getting bad after surgery). Anyways he was pretty blind before it. For about 2 months after surgery he could see distance but not at night and couldnt read without glasses. He was pissed cuz he never had that problem before. Slowly it went away, now he is fine and does not regret it at all.
I have wanted to do it but think of this Rose, although they say the surgery is great you might need regression surgery in the future and if it is really so good why are so many optometrists and eye doctors still wearing glasses? I asked my optomologist (eye specialist) why he didn't do it and he told me well I am older and frankly there is not enough evidence to prove that is not not have an effect on you in the future.
Just thought I would throw that in, but trust me I have many days where I am swearing about my glasses and just tell hubby gimme $3000 so I can fix my eyes
My prescription is 3.50 and 4.25. Does that help you feel better? Oh and I have had the same prescription since I was in high school I am 30 now and it can only get worse, my brother who did the surgery was almost legally blind 7.5
Fri, Feb 27th, 2009, 09:01 PM #24125
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Fri, Feb 27th, 2009, 09:25 PM #24126
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Coupon Nut is Terri L not going to put the last name but dont' remember a Tricia doesn't mean anything lol my mind doesn't seem to be up to par today
Fri, Feb 27th, 2009, 09:46 PM #24127
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Fri, Feb 27th, 2009, 09:54 PM #24128
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i got a good deal at zellers today. incase u guys see the same deal, grabbit!
hunts pasta sauce 1.79 is on for 1.00
there are coupons in the store. when u purchase $25 worth of congra products you get $10 g/c for zellers by mail.
i grabbed 25 cans. grabbing another 25 sunday if they're not all out.
Fri, Feb 27th, 2009, 09:56 PM #24129
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arghh, my post got lost! i was replying to rose re lasik.
anyway, rose, i had lasik done on both eyes 3-1/2 years ago, but not here. it felt great (still feels great) to finally be rid of prescription eyeglasses and contact lenses. i've worn glasses since i was 11. lasik isn't for everyone, that's for sure. there are a few who regret having the procedure though i believe they're the exception rather than the rule.
Fri, Feb 27th, 2009, 09:56 PM #24130
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Fri, Feb 27th, 2009, 09:58 PM #24131
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no, waiting for all of you to come up and i'll make ..something.
Fri, Feb 27th, 2009, 10:00 PM #24132
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I bought it on Boxing Day 2 Christmases ago and it didn't cause me problems in the beginning. For the few times that I've used it (20 since I got it?), it's not worth the hassle to try and get another one considering how cheap it was.
I've had a few issues with B&D but overall I'm happy with their products.
Fri, Feb 27th, 2009, 10:02 PM #24133
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ohhh i got it...
usd $1.00 = 1.27 CAD
Fri, Feb 27th, 2009, 10:03 PM #24134
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Fri, Feb 27th, 2009, 10:05 PM #24135
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can somebody please enlighten me about healthcare here. if you went to a diagnostic centre and had something done (x-ray, ultrasound), they're supposed to send it straight to your dr, right? is there an average wait time for this? and how are you supposed to know about the result?
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