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Thread: Scanning Code Of Practice

  1. #1
    acl is offline
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    Consumers be aware of the Scanning Code of Practice

    Not sure if this is the right place to add this tip. I was made aware from a friend when we had a similar issue a few days back at TNT. Thought i'd share.

    What is the Scanning Code of Practice?

    The Scanning Code of Practice is a voluntary code that nearly every major retailer in Canada adheres to. It promises the customer accurate price scanning at the register on all UPC scanned or Price Look Up (PLU) merchandise. If an item scans in at a price higher than the shelf price the customer gets it for free (or $10 off if the item is more than $10)

    The scanning code is endorsed by The Competition Bureau of Canada was created from the collaborative efforts of the Retail Council of Canada, the Canadian Association of Chain Drug Stores, the Canadian Federation of Independent Grocers and the Canadian Council of Grocery Distributors.

    At participating retailers you should see this sign on the entrance doors and at the till that reads:

    Scanning Code of Practice: If the scanned price of a non-price item is higher than the shelf price or any other displayed price, the customer is entitled to receive the first item free, up to a $10 maximum. If a Code of Practice problem cannot be resolved at the store level, please call 1-866-499-4599 to register your complaint.


    Who participates in the SCOP?
    Nearly every major retailer in Canada participates in voluntary Scanning Code.

    For a list of all participating retailers - Click Here

    If the store I am in does not have the sign do they participate in the SCOP?
    Although all participating retailers are suppose to display the Scanning Code of Practice sign as shown above, not all do. See the link above for a full list of participating stores and chains.

    Does Zeller’s particpate in SCOP?
    No, Zeller’s does not participate in voluntary Scanning Code. Except for i Quebec where this code is the law and not voluntary

    Will the cashier give me the product free without mentioning the SCOP?
    It is likely that you will have to ask the cashier to apply the Scanning Code of Practice. If the store is a participant they must give it to you for free or $10 off if the priced scanned is higher than the shelf or other displayed price. If the store will not apply the code, call 1-866-499-4599 and register a complaint.

    How about if I more than one of an item that scans in wrong?
    If you buy three identical items you are entitled to the first item free, the following items will be adjusted to the lower price.

    How about if I buy many different items that scan in wrong?
    You are entitled to the first item free per unique UPC, so if each item has a different UPC each item is free. You are entitled to one item free per unique UPC code.

    The product had a price tag on it does the SCOP apply?
    No, the Scanning Code only applies to non-price ticketed items.

    The displayed price was expired, does the SCOP apply?
    Yes, if any displayed price for that item is lower than the price the item scans for Scanning Code applies.

    The item was on clearance does the SCOP apply?
    If the item is not ticketed with a price and the mark down was only by a sign or dsiplay than yes, the scanning code applies.

    How about if the price that scans in for lower than the display price does the SCOP apply
    No, the Scanning Code of Practice only applies if the price that scans in is higher than the shelf or any other displayed price.

    My item was more than $10 do I get it free?
    No, if your item is more than $10 you will get $10 off the price of your item.

    I want to learn more, where can I find out more about the SCOP?
    For more information on the Scanning Code of Practice please visit the link below: Click Here
    This thread is currently associated with: Independent
    Last edited by acl; Wed, Sep 24th, 2008 at 11:20 PM. Reason: Request for the title to be more prominent
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  2. #2
    Boo Radley Conspirator roseofblack25's Avatar
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    wow didnt know about any of that!

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  3. #3
    Most places I know of just give the lower price rather than give it free or 10$ off, but I didn't know that this was a legit practice. The issue I can see happening, and I HAVE seen happen, is people taking the item from where it wasn't supposed to be (like a 20$ item being thrown into a 99 cent bin) and then insisting it should be 99 cents. Really, it isn't fair to the retailer if another customer misplaced the item, and they have to lose money for it.

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    I work at a large retailer that follows the scanning code of practice. It's very rarely an issue, as prices are almost always right unless a customer has put something back in the wrong spot (which really irritates me sometimes, how hard is it to set it back down where you got it from?)

  5. #5
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    Superstore where I live do not follow the code,Ive had mispriced items a couple of times.It usually happens on the days they change the flyer prices and they blame it on that.

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  6. #6
    Smart Canuck alajen's Avatar
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    I have the same problem at my local SDM. I wrote an email to their Customer Service to complain - will let you know how that turns out.

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    Quote Originally Posted by alajen View Post
    I have the same problem at my local SDM. I wrote an email to their Customer Service to complain - will let you know how that turns out.
    I would do as mentioned above.....

    Quote Originally Posted by scanning code of practice
    If a Code of Practice problem cannot be resolved at the store level, please call 1-866-499-4599 to register your complaint.

  8. #8
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    This is weird, it looks like the Quebec protection law of customers. In Quebec, when you pay higher than the indicated price, you get the item for free (if under 10$) or 10$ refund on the good price.

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    In Atlantic Canada, Sobeys follows this to a tee.... AND then some. Rarely, (I stress rarely, since it's only happened once the ten years my Sobeys has been open.) but it has been known to happen, we also give them a slight discount if it's a hassle for them or us.
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  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by alajen View Post
    I have the same problem at my local SDM. I wrote an email to their Customer Service to complain - will let you know how that turns out.

    Did you ever hear back AJ?

  11. #11
    Smart Canuck mom4boys1girl's Avatar
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    the SDM in my town abides buy it i once when in there for cold meds and no one took the sale price off the shelf and even though the sale was over i got both packs for was the cashier who told me about this
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  12. #12
    Smart Canuck matrix82's Avatar
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    Wondering, does anyone know what to policy is at sobeys when you buy something and the price it has rung up for is not the price of the product on the shelf?

    I bought laundry detergent the other day, the price on the shelf is 6.99, but it rings up at 8.99, I just noticed when I got home. Will they just refund the money, or will they give me the product free?

  13. #13
    Life has been fantastic! jenna321's Avatar
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    Most stores are suppose to give you the product for free or the lower price. Go back to the store.

  14. #14
    Smart Canuck matrix82's Avatar
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    Thanks Jenna321. I brought it back and I got my money back $10.16 and the item for free.

  15. #15
    Life has been fantastic! jenna321's Avatar
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    Well worth the trip back to the store! I work for a MAJOR grocery store and that's our policy. I've received many items free or cheaper price.

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