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Thread: Club Q Q107-Loyalty Club (Southern ON Only) v4

  1. #43426
    Canuck Eh! Karl Stiel's Avatar
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    SC site giving me nothing but trouble

    Burning my way through another year!

  2. #43427
    Canadian Genius attitash's Avatar
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    GOLF is an acronym for Game Of Love & Frustration, as evidenced by the following meditations.
    If you really want to get better at golf, go back and take it up at a much earlier age.
    The game of golf is 90% mental and 10% mental.
    Since bad shots come in groups of three, a fourth bad shot is actually the beginning of the next group of three.
    When you look up, causing an awful shot, you will always look down again at exactly the moment when you ought to start watching the ball if you ever want to see it again.
    Any change works for a maximum of three holes… or at a minimum of not at all.
    No matter how bad you are playing, it is always possible to play worse.
    Never try to keep more than 300 separate thoughts in your mind during your swing.
    When your shot has to carry over a water hazard, you can either hit one more club or two more balls.
    If you’re afraid a full shot might reach the green while the foursome ahead of you is still putting out, you have two options: you can
    immediately shank a lay-up or you can wait until the green is clear and top a ball halfway there.
    The less skilled the player, the more likely he is to share his ideas about the golf swing.
    The inevitable result of any golf lesson is the instant elimination of the one critical unconscious motion that allowed you to compensate for all of your many other errors.
    If it ain’t broke, try changing your grip.
    Golfers who claim they don’t cheat also lie.
    Everyone replaces his divot after a perfect approach shot.
    A golf match is a test of your skill against your opponents luck.
    It is surprisingly easy to hole a fifty-foot putt… for an 8.
    Counting on your opponent to inform you when he breaks a rule is like expecting him to make fun of his own haircut.
    Nonchalant putts count the same as chalant putts.
    It’s not a gimme if you’re still away.
    The shortest distance between any two points on a golf course is a straight line that passes directly through the center of a very large tree.
    There are two kinds of bounces; unfair bounces and bounces just the way you meant to play it.
    You can hit a two-acre fairway 10% of the time and a two-inch branch 90% of the time.
    Every time a golfer makes a birdie, he must subsequently make two triple bogeys to restore the fundamental equilibrium of the universe.
    If you want to hit a 7 iron as far as Tiger Woods does, simply try to lay up just short of a water hazard.
    To calculate the speed of a players downswing, multiply the speed of his backswing by his handicap; i.e. backswing 20 mph, handicap 15, downswing = 600mph.
    There are two things you can learn by stopping your backswing at the top and checking the position of your hands: how many hands you have, and which one is wearing the glove.
    Hazards attract, fairways repel.
    You can put “draw” on the ball, you can put “fade” on the ball, but no golfer can put “straight” on the ball.
    A ball you can see in the rough from 50 yards away is not yours.
    If there is a ball in the fringe and a ball in the bunker, your ball is in the bunker. If both balls are in the bunker, yours is in the footprint.
    Don’t buy a putter until you’ve had a chance to throw it.
    rockit, user-id, ecat444 and 9 others like this.

  3. #43428
    Canadian Genius attitash's Avatar
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    GOLF is an acronym for Game Of Love & Frustration, as evidenced by the following meditations.
    If you really want to get better at golf, go back and take it up at a much earlier age.
    The game of golf is 90% mental and 10% mental.
    Since bad shots come in groups of three, a fourth bad shot is actually the beginning of the next group of three.
    When you look up, causing an awful shot, you will always look down again at exactly the moment when you ought to start watching the ball if you ever want to see it again.
    Any change works for a maximum of three holes… or at a minimum of not at all.
    No matter how bad you are playing, it is always possible to play worse.
    Never try to keep more than 300 separate thoughts in your mind during your swing.
    When your shot has to carry over a water hazard, you can either hit one more club or two more balls.
    If you’re afraid a full shot might reach the green while the foursome ahead of you is still putting out, you have two options: you can
    immediately shank a lay-up or you can wait until the green is clear and top a ball halfway there.
    The less skilled the player, the more likely he is to share his ideas about the golf swing.
    The inevitable result of any golf lesson is the instant elimination of the one critical unconscious motion that allowed you to compensate for all of your many other errors.
    If it ain’t broke, try changing your grip.
    Golfers who claim they don’t cheat also lie.
    Everyone replaces his divot after a perfect approach shot.
    A golf match is a test of your skill against your opponents luck.
    It is surprisingly easy to hole a fifty-foot putt… for an 8.
    Counting on your opponent to inform you when he breaks a rule is like expecting him to make fun of his own haircut.
    Nonchalant putts count the same as chalant putts.
    It’s not a gimme if you’re still away.
    The shortest distance between any two points on a golf course is a straight line that passes directly through the center of a very large tree.
    There are two kinds of bounces; unfair bounces and bounces just the way you meant to play it.
    You can hit a two-acre fairway 10% of the time and a two-inch branch 90% of the time.
    Every time a golfer makes a birdie, he must subsequently make two triple bogeys to restore the fundamental equilibrium of the universe.
    If you want to hit a 7 iron as far as Tiger Woods does, simply try to lay up just short of a water hazard.
    To calculate the speed of a players downswing, multiply the speed of his backswing by his handicap; i.e. backswing 20 mph, handicap 15, downswing = 600mph.
    There are two things you can learn by stopping your backswing at the top and checking the position of your hands: how many hands you have, and which one is wearing the glove.
    Hazards attract, fairways repel.
    You can put “draw” on the ball, you can put “fade” on the ball, but no golfer can put “straight” on the ball.
    A ball you can see in the rough from 50 yards away is not yours.
    If there is a ball in the fringe and a ball in the bunker, your ball is in the bunker. If both balls are in the bunker, yours is in the footprint.
    Don’t buy a putter until you’ve had a chance to throw it.

  4. #43429
    Mastermind the H team's Avatar
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    evening Q sters,
    thanx for the nights PFWWs.
    so glad that a lot of furballs have found homes, ecat.
    tomorrow's going to be even better in the weather department.
    NASCAR SEASON is complete for 2021.
    Kyle Larson wins his 1st Nascar Championship.

    nascar:a way of life
    everything else is just a game

  5. #43430
    LIVE EVERY MIN. 2 THE MAX 22hicks's Avatar
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    I don't know if any of u watch American Idol, but the season finale was tonight,
    the winner wasn't who I wanted, but

    HOLY SH*IT what a FANTASTIC show

  6. #43431
    Canadian Guru Lee03's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by crazyredneck View Post
    this reminds me of so many people i know and a few situations of my own
    lol... yes... I wouldn't admit to that either....

  7. #43432
    Mastermind the H team's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lee03 View Post
    lol... yes... I wouldn't admit to that either....
    admit to what? i know nothing, isee nothing, i hear nothing.
    NASCAR SEASON is complete for 2021.
    Kyle Larson wins his 1st Nascar Championship.

    nascar:a way of life
    everything else is just a game

  8. #43433
    Canadian Guru Lee03's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by heartgirl99 View Post
    anyone else having problems with sc tonight?!
    Quote Originally Posted by kawam View Post
    Based on the activity I think all of us are having problems tonight. Tonights remaining WW's should be:

    Quote Originally Posted by Karl Stiel View Post
    SC site giving me nothing but trouble
    I thought it was just me... That being said... night, night...

    btw... 2 more sleeps until we're back at the boat!! Bring on the heat!!!!

  9. #43434
    Cat Trainer (Trainee??) Andit's Avatar
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    Hope everyone enjoyed their day.

    I just got home from seeing Dirt. It's an interesting little play - a series of vignettes, all about...dirt. The show got a bit messy (well, what else can you expect with that name? ).

    Off to bed now.

    Night all.

    For a smile, see our vids:

  10. #43435
    Canadian Guru Lee03's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by the H team View Post
    admit to what? i know nothing, isee nothing, i hear nothing.
    Originally Posted by WolfDio
    Hey, CRN...
    Want to go Boating?

    sorry... the original link wasn't there....

  11. #43436
    Evelyn ecat444's Avatar
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    Yes, I've had trouble getting the SC site up since I last posted the RW word. Wouldn't even come up.........

    I was just trying to say good luck to anyone trying to win George Thorogood tickets tonight (did anyone try?) and I was going to mention that I think I will Thoroughly enjoy George Thorogood through and through on June 2!!!!
    yes , I will!

    Last edited by ecat444; Wed, May 23rd, 2012 at 11:46 PM.

  12. #43437
    Evelyn ecat444's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kawam View Post
    All done in. Night all.

    Awww, nice pic of you and your teddy kawam - sleep well my friend!

  13. #43438
    Evelyn ecat444's Avatar
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    Good AC/DC song being played - gonna turn this machine off now - talk to you later!
    22hicks, rockit, WolfDio and 1 others like this.

  14. #43439
    heartgirl99 heartgirl99's Avatar
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    good night qt's!
    hope things are better on sc tomorrow!
    rockit, WolfDio and the H team like this.

  15. #43440
    Canadian Genius kenrod's Avatar
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    Pink Floyd Password: PROGRESSIVE

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