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Thread: I have to go for a 3rd back surgery

  1. #61
    Smart Canuck Kitty77's Avatar
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    Thinking of you Deals and hope you have a speedy recovery! Take care!

  2. #62
    Canadian Guru hollyquaiscer's Avatar
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    Thank you vee for all the updates. I'm so glad she is going home today, we always heal better at home, it just feels so much more comfortable than those hospitals.

    We all need a little sunshine every now and then

  3. #63

  4. #64
    Proud Canadian dealsniffer's Avatar
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    Hi everyone! I just caught up on all the comments and I really appreciate Vee updating everyone while I wasn't able to. The nice thing about facebook is that I can get to it on my phone so I can update there more easily. For some reason I can't access SC on my phone though. I have been recovering at home and thanks for all the prayers and support and get well wishes. I really really appreciate it so much! I haven't really been up to getting on my computer much because of my back and I have been resting a lot. But I have been recovering much quicker this time around as well because my surgeon didn't have to cut as much muscle as he did with the other surgeries. If he had then my recovery would be a lot longer. It is actually surprising how quickly I am recovering so I am very happy about that. I think it could be a month and I will be back to where I was before the rod broke which is much sooner than originally thought. It could have been months. So I think that all your thoughts and prayers have made a difference! I am just starting to move around more and I actually only needed my mom's help to get dressed for a couple days vs a week or more.
    The incision is healing really nicely and it is super itchy which is a good thing. It will still be awhile before I can lift Felix again and he is still perturbed I am not carrying him around and he actually has to use his own feet to move around. lol Oh and they also recently came out with newer stronger rods apparently (not sure when though) and I got both rods replaced with the stronger rods so hopefully this won't happen again. It is stronger than titanium apparently. So Lynn he must have got the message about not using the cheap walmart brand. The painkillers keep me very sleepy though and my body trying to heal is taking up a lot of my energy so I am really tired a lot. I feel really bad that I didn't get on here sooner to update and I apologize. I am very grateful that Vee shared updates too.
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  5. #65
    Proud Canadian dealsniffer's Avatar
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    oh I have my first follow up appointment next Wednesday which is 2 weeks from the surgery. I actually had my surgery moved up to Wednesday because it was supposed to be Thursday but they got me in a day earlier. I was admitted in the hospital on Tuesday before. Anyways it is at 9am and I have to have xrays at 8am which means my mom and I have to leave home at 6am so that will be rather early and interesting. Hopefully everything looks good to him!
    I did feel the support and I knew that I had a lot of people thinking about me and I appreciate that so much. It made it easier to get through the time in the hospital. thanks so much again. I still feel really bad that I haven't updated till today despite getting home on Monday. It was quite late Monday by the time we finally got home. thanks again so sooooo much for your support.
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  6. #66
    Canadian Guru avoncallingu's Avatar
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    Please don't feel badly about updating US! I'm glad to hear that you are letting your body heal with the help of a lot of rest. I'm glad to hear that things are moving faster this time as far as healing. Still sending you good thoughts!
    Here's to all you great SC'ers
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  7. #67
    Mastermind Natalka's Avatar
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    So nice to hear from you, and that you feel healing is going well!

    Wishing you all the best with it all, deals, continuing to pray for you, and I think of you often!

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  8. #68
    Canadian Genius anisa's Avatar
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    glad everything post surgery has been coming along well.

    tell felix to toughen up a bit, he's such a baby! lol
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  9. #69
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    Great to see you on SC. So glad things are going so well for you.
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  10. #70
    Smart Canuck Kitty77's Avatar
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    Deals, nice to read that you are healing and feeling ok, good luck with your follow up Dr.'s appt. Take care!
    Natalka likes this.

  11. #71
    Canadian Guru hollyquaiscer's Avatar
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    So nice that you are healing so quickly. We will be watching for some great shopping brags from you in no time Get rest and we all hope you have a very speedy recovery and everything looks great
    gameprogirl and Natalka like this.
    We all need a little sunshine every now and then

  12. #72
    Mastermind Lynn49's Avatar
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    It's SO nice to hear from you, Deals! Don't worry about your timing re updating far as I know, none of us is using a calendar to track your posts..

    All the very best for a continued speedy recovery and good news from your check-up!
    Just rest and get well...that's your job right now and we expect you to it properly!!
    Natalka likes this.

  13. #73
    Proud Canadian dealsniffer's Avatar
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    thanks again for everyone's comments. I intended to pace myself but yesterday I overdid it and feeling the consequences today. one of my guppies had a couple babies so I saved one and I have been trying to figure out how to take care of it. I have it seperate in a little fish bowl which is good because the fish got the other baby and ate it. so I have been up a lot trying to check on it and stuff. bad timing I guess in terms of me trying to go through recovery and keep a baby fish alive. today I decided I will just leave it and give it food a few times a day and if it survives that is great and if not then oh well. there will be more I am sure. It isn't worth hurting my back. Felix is getting mad because I have been looking at the fish and not him. lol I have had to spend all morning laying down after yesterday. so Felix is more pleased about that. it's raining outside so it is easy to stay inside which is good for me. thanks for all your support! it does mean so much to me!
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  14. #74
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    I was up for 30 minutes!!!!! AND I was outside in the sunshine!!! If I could dance I would. I laid down for about 20min and now I am hoping I can manage another few minutes up. I thought I would share this bit of good news though first.
    Oh today is also a better day pain wise than the last couple days. The last couple I was waking up in a lot of pain and spending the day trying to catch up in terms of getting the pain under control. today I woke up and it wasn't so bad so I was able to keep it under control vs trying to get it under control. I hope that tomorrow is good too so that I can manage the 2hr trip to Edmonton to see my specialist for my appointment. if I recline the seat a bit I can manage the trip usually so hopefully it will go ok. it always goes better though if I have the pain under control more than if I don't. so I need to be careful not to over do it today. so hard when the sun is out though!
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  15. #75
    Mastermind Natalka's Avatar
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    Hope you can stay as comfortable as possible - glad to hear from you!

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