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Thread: Chat-A-Thon Thread

  1. #23791
    Canadian Guru avoncallingu's Avatar
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    Lol! I would take more time to respond but I have to wash the car, water the flowers, find a new chequebook, and my glasses, pay the bills and have a nice cup of tea but I am out of tea bags!
    ROMEO, 22hicks, Lynn49 and 2 others like this.

  2. #23792
    Sith Lady and Cool Kid Darth Penguin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by avoncallingu View Post
    and have a nice cup of tea but I am out of tea bags!
    That's a national emergency...send good looking men( Not Hiddies though) with tea bags!
    22hicks, Lynn49, cabmonk and 1 others like this.

    Short answer : no Long answer : NOOOOOOOOOOO!

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  3. #23793
    Mastermind Natalka's Avatar
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    Good morning!

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  4. #23794
    boogey-man slayer danger_dan's Avatar
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    Good morning fam!
    Weekend is here!

    ...anyone notice it's getting a little cooler out...?
    Every morning before I leave for work, as the Lady is still a few hours away from hitting her snooze button, I sneak back into the bedroom to give her a kiss goodbye and give her a quick weather report (...It's hot out, might rain, grab a sweater etc.)
    This morning she had an amazingly well thought out and perfectly delivered response (for 5:30 in the am) to my weather report.
    I kissed her goodbye, and said "It's cooler out, grab a sweater."
    So she kissed me back, rolled over to go back to sleep and very matter-of-factually said, "It's September."
    ...I had a good chuckle at that as I went on my way out the door.

    Enjoy the cooler weather peeps, have a great weekend!
    Natalka, 22hicks, Lynn49 and 3 others like this.

  5. #23795
    Canadian Guru dededi's Avatar
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    Good morning everyone, hope you have a wonderful weekend!Name:  ea71e85ba21da4f58b5d9f13a6b4fcc8.jpg
Views: 105
Size:  17.4 KB
    Natalka, ROMEO, 22hicks and 3 others like this.

  6. #23796
    no more door to door! :) walkonby's Avatar
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    yes @danger_dan these cooler a.m. temps are the bomb! I actually look forward to the first dog walk of the day. It refreshes me sort of.
    A late night from watching the Jays game ( we won!! ) but now I must head out to grab bus tokens and a few items before the rest of the house wakes up. Usually plan the main meal by now but just not in the mood to " think " about what is in the freezer, etc. perhaps after a coffee I'll get inspired! Have a wonderful weekend all!
    Natalka, ROMEO, 22hicks and 4 others like this.

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  7. #23797
    Mastermind Lynn49's Avatar
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    A quick good-morning everyone!!!

    We're off to camp so Hubby's hovering in the kitchen, packing supplies for the next two days and I'm hiding out here just to say good-morning...

    Take good care, everyone!!!!
    Last edited by Lynn49; Fri, Sep 16th, 2016 at 09:21 AM.
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  8. #23798
    Mastermind Lynn49's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by danger_dan View Post
    Good morning fam!
    Weekend is here!

    ...anyone notice it's getting a little cooler out...?
    Every morning before I leave for work, as the Lady is still a few hours away from hitting her snooze button, I sneak back into the bedroom to give her a kiss goodbye and give her a quick weather report (...It's hot out, might rain, grab a sweater etc.)
    This morning she had an amazingly well thought out and perfectly delivered response (for 5:30 in the am) to my weather report.
    I kissed her goodbye, and said "It's cooler out, grab a sweater."
    So she kissed me back, rolled over to go back to sleep and very matter-of-factually said, "It's September."
    ...I had a good chuckle at that as I went on my way out the door.

    Enjoy the cooler weather peeps, have a great weekend!
    Oooohhh, you two are so CUTE!!! Love your Lady's matter-of-fact response... for you, and one for her!!
    Have a RELAXING weekend, Dan!

  9. #23799
    LIVE EVERY MIN. 2 THE MAX 22hicks's Avatar
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    Just a quick drive by to say hello.

    Cute Dan. Lynn, have fun. Walker, Jake is loving these cooler morning walks, me, not so much.

    I hope you all enjoyed your day, and have a great w/end.

    Name:  Unknown-2.jpeg
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    Natalka, ROMEO, Lynn49 and 2 others like this.

  10. #23800
    Canadian Guru avoncallingu's Avatar
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    Hello at the end of the day!

    We are in Chatham - rehearsal went well. A few cooks wanting to conduct the orchestra (or however that goes)

    Everything will be great! Looking forward to seeing all the friends and family in their dress up duds!
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  11. #23801
    Mastermind Natalka's Avatar
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    Enjoy the wedding, avon!

    Happy Caturday, everyone!

    what a sweet kitty!
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  12. #23802
    LIVE EVERY MIN. 2 THE MAX 22hicks's Avatar
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    Good morning all.
    It's a cloudy, rainy day, but it's caturday.

    Name:  caturday.jpeg
Views: 97
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    Natalka, Lynn49, walkonby and 1 others like this.

  13. #23803
    Canadian Guru avoncallingu's Avatar
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    Good morning folks!
    DH has gone down to the "Breakfast Included" and will bring me back something. - He's such a sweetheart! My nephew was so excited a few years ago when he was about 6 that they were going to stay at a hotel that had "Breakfast Included!"

    I remembered both our meds and my shoes this time!

    The only day this week that it has rained. I guess the pictures they planned to take outside will have to be indoors but there may be a break later on.

    'Bye for now! Have a great "Caturday!"
    Natalka, 22hicks, Lynn49 and 2 others like this.

  14. #23804
    no more door to door! :) walkonby's Avatar
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    awwwww. I love logging in and seeing kitty pics!1 ( ty hicks and Natalka! )
    So it must have rained last night or early this a.m. when I took the dogs out it was along wet pathways.
    Slow day today, used my brand new stainless steel pressure cooker last night for the first time! ( made a stew )

    pic of the one we got at a Liquidation store.

    ( it is huge! ) and the meat for the stew came out soft like cheese.....Mmmmmm. Saying goodbye to my crappy smaller one that frustrated me too many times. Happy Caturday all!!
    Natalka, 22hicks, Lynn49 and 2 others like this.

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  15. #23805
    Canadian Guru avoncallingu's Avatar
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    Looks great, Walks!
    Yes, it has quietly turned into "stew" weather, hasn't it?

    Well, the wedding turned out well. Back to the hotel before the reception for a little rest. One small glitch. The wedding was slated for 2. At 1 o'clock the mother of the bride noticed that the room had not been vacuumed. In their hurry, one of the housekeeping staff knocked over the table holding the sand for the sand ceremony, breaking one of the containers of sand. One of the staff members had to rush off to Michael's to replace the sand and container. Luckily, in Chatham, you can get anywhere in 10 minutes, even on Saturday afternoon.

    The bride was non- the-wiser until she went to pour the sand and then it didn't matter that the vases were different.

    MOB was a little verklempt, though.

    Grand-dad of the bride was able to be there and looking spiffy. But apparently he had had congenital heart failure - not just a lung infection, so, he fought very hard to get healthy enough to attend. He kept saying that he was happy now, as he had been able to see his grand-daughter get married. I get the feeling he is very tired of "fighting hard."

    Waiting for my brother and family to pick me up and DH will join us after he has had a rest.

    Hope the weather where you are is to your liking. I heard that the Jays pulled it off again last night.

    Take care!
    22hicks, Lynn49, walkonby and 1 others like this.

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