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Thread: Update July 3 - TWINS - I am having twins

  1. #31
    Mastermind Anna Michele's Avatar
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    Eeeeek so exciting congrats im so jealous lol apparently you can get a free tummy tuck with twins id take it
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    So happy for you! Congratulations!

  3. #33
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    such awesome news, thanks so much for sharing with us, congratulations Angela!!

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    Canadian Genius gryphon's Avatar
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    Congratulations...start baby proofing now
    My amazon reviews, check them out sometime!

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  7. #37
    Bean bun going offline Ciel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Anna Michele View Post
    Eeeeek so exciting congrats im so jealous lol apparently you can get a free tummy tuck with twins id take it
    I never knew such a freebie was offered to Moms with multiple births.

    Hope you can take in protein, Angela273, to help support your collagen needs during pregnancy. Blender cooked meat shakes? Soups?
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  8. #38
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ciel View Post
    I never knew such a freebie was offered to Moms with multiple births.

    Hope you can take in protein, Angela273, to help support your collagen needs during pregnancy. Blender cooked meat shakes? Soups?
    My all day sickness is slowly starting to improve and my "strategies" might be helping some. Today is the first day that I have not thrown up in over a week. I am more friends with carbs and milk products than anything else. I found a variety of unsweetened dried fruit that I snack on too. I can eat a fairly well rounded meal by the end of the day, it just has to be small. I have enjoyed steak and mushrooms the odd time that I have had them, but it is quite expensive. I'm ok with chicken, had fish sticks with supper last night.

    I had a phone appointment with my hemitologist on Wednesday and everything looks fine on that end of things. I have a 1 month prenatal appointment on Tuesday. At my last 1 month prenatal appointment I had lost 8lbs since Christmas. I lost a lot of weight while I was pregnant with my son, but I am trying even harder to stabilize my weight with this pregnancy. I am just trying to have my weight stable from my last appointment, we will know on Tuesday afternoon.
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  9. #39
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    I am excited, so I wanted to share this little piece of news with you guys. I'm 14wks pregnant tomorrow, but according to the ultrasound the babies are measuring 1wk ahead. Anyway, I was just sitting at my computer with my left knee up towards my chest when I suddenly felt a very obvious baby movement. Baby A just did a big roll or something! I was able to feel it on my belly and against my leg. Haha I guess that little one was feeling a little squished. When I was pregnant with our son I felt him move at 15.4wks.
    Last edited by Angela273; Sat, Feb 21st, 2015 at 11:40 PM. Reason: spelling error
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  10. #40
    Mastermind Natalka's Avatar
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    Aw, I remember that first feeling, that's awesome!

    It's going to be so very different for you with two in there, fighting for space, playing, etc.!

    Hoping your sickies stay away - and wishing you well, as always!
    ROMEO, Angela273 and dededi like this.

  11. #41
    One Awesome Domestic Diva MrsSunshine's Avatar
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    aww Angela, i too remember that very first 'flutter'. it really makes it all real. Baby A was just saying hi mom
    ROMEO, Angela273 and dededi like this.
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  12. #42
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    i am an identical twin. Here is some info:
    - if they are identical, it sucks no one knows which one you are. You grow up never having your own identity. I am thankful at least my parents didn't pick similar names, nor similar names to my siblings.
    - if they are identical, your first child may need special attention. Twins can be so close as kids they don't play with others.
    - encourage own identities- different clothes, hair cuts, interests if they wish. Never force them to feel like they need to be the same. If they want to, fine but if they don't that is fine too.
    - socializing- if you can, you may consider seperate classes early in school to encourage independence from one another.
    - one present for both is disappointing growing up. My mom did two seperate cakes and presents.
    - it's hard when a friend invites just one twin over. Nights spent separated can be hard and feelings can be hurt.

    colic- i think my mom still is resentful. My sisters discovered the benefits of "alimentum" (I may have spelled it wrong). It's an expensive formula that may spare parent's sanity with a baby with colic, let alone two.

    side by side strollers can be a pain in the butt in stores due to width.

    There are sometimes multiples groups that give or sell used stuff for parents of multiples.

    toward the end, you might not be able to drive safely nor reach the table to eat. Please take pictures. My mom was ashamed of her body and never took pictures. I wish she had. My mom had to push my sister's head down to breath. Your belly will be really lopsided at times.

    We were born 4 weeks early. We had significant suckling issues. You may consider that potential issue when stocking up on newborn pacifiers.

    we slept in the same crib for a while but when we graduated into seperate ones, they had to be positioned so we could see each other or we would cry.

    please take pictures of seperate babies. Most of ours are together. I have none alone till 3yrs old.

    if they are identical and in the same class, my kindergarten teacher would remember our sock colors as my mom never put the same color of socks on us. By the way, there is no guarantee we were never mixed up and my name is really my sister's name. Find a unique birth mark or something, a tattoo under the foot...

    don't do like my mom and still talk about it as a curse when they're grown up. It will surely be hard at first but remember that the difficult times do end. Just do your best and ask for help when you need it. An aunt and uncle of mine took the night shift for a while so my parents could sleep. i hope you have a good pregnancy and see the birth of two beautiful babies who will bring even more love and joy to your family.

  13. #43
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    Thank you Sunny for the detailed information. The twins each have their own placenta, so it is more likely that they are fraternal twins. I am a teacher and I have taught a set of twin girls that I could not tell apart, plus the parents gave them similar names. I have already told my husband that I do not want to do this to the twins, if they are both the same sex.

    I had my one month check-up with my gp today. His office called yesterday to make sure that I was still coming, I told them that I knew he would definitely want to see me since we just found out last week that I am having twins. I gained just over 2lbs, a little closer to my pre-pregnancy weight. My blood pressure today was 90/46, one month ago it was 118/60.

    I'll update later, talking to my mom.
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  14. #44
    Mastermind Shwa Girl's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Angela273 View Post
    Thank you Sunny for the detailed information. The twins each have their own placenta, so it is more likely that they are fraternal twins. I am a teacher and I have taught a set of twin girls that I could not tell apart, plus the parents gave them similar names. I have already told my husband that I do not want to do this to the twins, if they are both the same sex.

    I had my one month check-up with my gp today. His office called yesterday to make sure that I was still coming, I told them that I knew he would definitely want to see me since we just found out last week that I am having twins. I gained just over 2lbs, a little closer to my pre-pregnancy weight. My blood pressure today was 90/46, one month ago it was 118/60.

    I'll update later, talking to my mom.
    Thanks for the update. Congrats on the twins. Your students in school will be thrilled to see them.
    ROMEO and dededi like this.

  15. #45
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    I haven't thrown up for the last 5 days, so I was concerned. I got in to see my gp this afternoon. Listened to both baby's heartbeats. My blood pressure improved some 110/60. I gained 1lb in the last 2wks. It put my mind at ease. I have my 20.5wk ultrasound on April 10, when we plan to find out the sex of the babies.
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