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  • 1 Post By Lynn49
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Thread: Poopy problem with new granddoggie..

  1. #1
    Mastermind Lynn49's Avatar
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    Our DD and her family adopted a labx from a rescue organization here, and to start with, in all other aspect she's an absolutely perfect little girl; one year old.

    However, in the middle of the night, she's taken to going downstairs and pooping in their pool room. Thank goodness there's no carpeting there, so she's being quite thoughful, too.

    She does all her other business outside (including poops) during the day, asking to be let out at the door.

    Any ideas how to handle this? I'd hate to see the sweet thing crated at night....

    Thanks for any ideas and suggestions!
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  2. #2
    Community Helper VeeVee's Avatar
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    If she is still a puppy she might not have the ability to hold it all night - I know when our dog was a pup the vet said they usually can handle a few hours but 6 to 8 is really stretching it. She also might be anxious at night bc its still a new surrounding for her.
    Perhaps some puppy pee pad would do the trick for now?

    Also make sure to use vinegar and water when cleaning up the mess, bc dogs will go back to the same spot bc they can smell it and this might trigger her to go. Vinegar should kill the smell.
    Thumpersmom, Lynn49 and walkonby like this.

  3. #3
    no more door to door! :) walkonby's Avatar
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    aw darn eh Lynn, poor Violet is making her adjustment I suppose. Who knows how unsure she feels when they are all asleep in their beds?
    Hope they figure out how to stop this.
    Lynn49 likes this.

    Charles R.I.P. passed October 29th 2024 52 years old

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