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Thread: PC Optimum - SDM and PC Unite Feb.1 2018!!!!

  1. #1606
    Bean bun going offline Ciel's Avatar
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    Still problematic on desktop. Noticed no tweets since Feb. on their Twitter account and Facebook posts look ancient too (March 28). (sigh)
    cath007 and 4sure5 like this.
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  2. #1607
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    Quote Originally Posted by annedougherty View Post
    Pretty sure no one had 20K WUS $40, it was $60 50% back in points isn't happening
    @annedougherty - I recall that I had both the 20K WUS $40 and the 20k WUS $60 in the same week - overlapping offers in the same account. I remember thinking - why do they do that? Considered using the 20x WUS $40 one but didn't. Also, currently have an offer for 20K WUS $40 on cosmetics or skincare
    Last edited by Silk; Fri, Apr 27th, 2018 at 11:09 AM. Reason: typo

  3. #1608
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    Quote Originally Posted by Arjon View Post
    Was this today? If not, it might have been fixed along with the ability to save more than 4 offers.
    yes it was today I was wondering that same thing! Glad it worked.

  4. #1609
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    Quote Originally Posted by annedougherty View Post
    Pretty sure no one had 20K WUS $40, it was $60 50% back in points isn't happening
    Quote Originally Posted by Silk View Post
    @annedougherty - I recall that I had both the 20K WUS $40 and the 20k WUS $60 in the same week - overlapping offers in the same account. I remember thinking - why do they do that? Considered using the 20x WUS $40 one but didn't. Also, currently have an offer for 20K WUS $40 on cosmetics or skincare
    @annedougherty - your post was buzzing around in my head so just did the math and on 20x wus $40 the points would be 12,000 or $12 - only a 30% payoff, not 50% Maybe you were thinking 20,000 pts wus $40, which *would* be 50%. Wouldn't that be nice!
    Last edited by Silk; Fri, Apr 27th, 2018 at 11:11 AM. Reason: typo
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  5. #1610
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    Quote Originally Posted by Silk View Post
    @annedougherty - your post was buzzing around in my head so just did the math and on 20x wus $40 the points would be 12,000 or $12 - only a 30% payoff, not 50% Maybe you were thinking 20,000 pts wus $40, which *would* be 50%. Wouldn't that be nice!
    Yeah that's what I'm saying, someone above was claiming they HAD 20,0000 points when you spend $40. They were clearly confused is my point. It would either have been 20x the points when you spend $40, or 20,000 points when you spend $60, but certainly NOT 20,000 points when you spend $40, we would all be doing more shopping and less complaining if that were the case. I might actually spend some money there lol.
    uanoor, Silk, renegado and 3 others like this.

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  6. #1611
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    Quote Originally Posted by annedougherty View Post
    Yeah that's what I'm saying, someone above was claiming they HAD 20,0000 points when you spend $40. They were clearly confused is my point. It would either have been 20x the points when you spend $40, or 20,000 points when you spend $60, but certainly NOT 20,000 points when you spend $40, we would all be doing more shopping and less complaining if that were the case. I might actually spend some money there lol.
    Oops - ok, I misread things - my bad Agreed - not doing a lot of shopping at SDM these days. But I finally see some personal offers coming in that reflect my previous spending there during the old optimum program. But CS told me this week (called for missing points from Provigo shop) that it will be another 2-3 months probably for offers to really be personalized. Meanwhile I keep clicking on do not show again for the same juices, coffee, deodorant etc. offers that keep showing up...

  7. #1612
    Smart Canuck uanoor's Avatar
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    You mean 20X WUS $40 AND 20K WUS 60? Right?
    Quote Originally Posted by Silk View Post
    @annedougherty - I recall that I had both the 20K WUS $40 and the 20x WUS $60 in the same week - overlapping offers in the same account. I remember thinking - why do they do that? Considered using the 20x WUS $40 one but didn't. Also, currently have an offer for 20K WUS $40 on cosmetics or skincare
    Silk likes this.
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  8. #1613
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    Quote Originally Posted by uanoor View Post
    You mean 20X WUS $40 AND 20K WUS 60? Right?
    @uanoor - oops - yes - glad you caught that. I will go back and edit before some SCers have heart attacks Thanks!

  9. #1614
    Smartie Canuck greentires4me's Avatar
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    Since joining me and my friends cards together they put on 300 points in two days and I put on 34,500 yesterday at superstore.

    I also used an FPC for oxi clean pre treat stain remover it was on sale as well saved myself 2.48$. I also bought two energizer batteries packs for 24$ and used a coupon for 1.50$ off. I also bought a large size of Renee’s dressing and my mom found me an coupon for 50 cents off in the aisle.

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  10. #1615
    Canadian Genius lilo0003's Avatar
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    Still waiting for missing points (18000) from 4 weeks ago, I am tired of waiting but was told to wait as they are still not caught up on the all the points enquiries.
    4sure5 likes this.
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  11. #1616
    CaLoonie Mrs_Dean_Winchester's Avatar
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    I had 3 outstanding from over a month ago.. i followed up twice via DM on twitter before they finally added the missing points a few days ago.

  12. #1617
    Smart Canuck Miss Molly's Avatar
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    I had a spend $50 get 15000 points offer at Shoppers. I went this morning, my bill came to $57.61 before coupons, $51.61 after coupons. I redeemed 50,000 in points to make the total $1.61. Should I have received the 15000 points? I've sent in an inquiry but am wondering what others have experienced

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  13. #1618
    Must Coupon, Must Save :) SassyAshley's Avatar
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    I am pretty sure you do not receive points on personal offers when you redeem at SDM.

    Quote Originally Posted by Miss Molly View Post
    I had a spend $50 get 15000 points offer at Shoppers. I went this morning, my bill came to $57.61 before coupons, $51.61 after coupons. I redeemed 50,000 in points to make the total $1.61. Should I have received the 15000 points? I've sent in an inquiry but am wondering what others have experienced
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  14. #1619
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    Quote Originally Posted by Miss Molly View Post
    I had a spend $50 get 15000 points offer at Shoppers. I went this morning, my bill came to $57.61 before coupons, $51.61 after coupons. I redeemed 50,000 in points to make the total $1.61. Should I have received the 15000 points? I've sent in an inquiry but am wondering what others have experienced
    I have never gotten points if I redeem at shoppers When it’s WUS not with the old or new program

  15. #1620
    Smart Canuck Miss Molly's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by flemeth View Post
    I have never gotten points if I redeem at shoppers When it’s WUS not with the old or new program
    Can you do it at Loblaws, etc.?

    My Tangerine Key is:39626323S1

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