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Thread: PC Optimum - SDM and PC Unite Feb.1 2018!!!!

  1. #2431
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    Yes, I got the email also. Two cards here and the second card did not get it.

    Quote Originally Posted by walkonby View Post
    Did anyone else get this email? I read through the " click here " part but nowhere do they tell you just how many Optimum points you get for participating in this. Also there is a phone number to call if you want to opt out....hmmmm, does that mean you are IN unless you phone and opt out??

    We’re testing something new

    PC Optimum, one of Canada’s best-loved loyalty programs, was designed to personalize your shopping experience, rewarding you for the purchases you need to make every day, and making it easy for you to redeem points on a wide range of products you want. Now, for a select group of PC Optimum members, we’re offering a new way to earn points, by delivering more relevant ads to you on behalf of our trusted advertisers.

    This means as you browse the web or use social media you may be shown ads about products that we think will interest you, based on your previous purchases with us. This doesn’t mean you’ll see more ads, but rather the ads you see should be more relevant to you.
    And you’ll be rewarded with additional PC Optimum points just for receiving these ads.
    Rest assured, we will never provide your personal information to our advertisers. We’ll only let them know that the right audience was reached with their ad campaign. As described in our privacy policy, you can always opt out from this type of advertising.
    If you want to learn more about this offering, click here.

    The PC Optimum Team
    Last edited by Silk; Fri, Apr 5th, 2019 at 09:37 PM.
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  2. #2432
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    Quote Originally Posted by nalaric View Post
    Had the most bizarre experience on SR day yesterday. Shopped with my dad. Can't figure it out!
    3 milk regular $4.74, so $4.74*3*.8 = 11.37
    8 butter regular $3.99, so 3.99*8*.8 = 25.54
    5 eggs regular 2.79, so 2.79*5*.8 = 11.16
    1 pop regular 4.49, so 4.49*.8 = 3.59

    Subtotal after discount before taxes/deposits = $51.63 (plus another $2.55 taxes and deposits).
    Everything rang in correctly, exactly as above. However my points are so weird!

    Regular points: 615 (should have been 765... this was only base points on $41)
    In store bonus - 1 (that just means SR discount)
    Digital bonus points 6165 -
    Had a 600 pts for every $3 spent on butter, so I should have gotten 600*8= 4800, only got 3600
    Had a 20x pts on milk coupon, should have gotten 3135 but got 2565 (only got on $9 worth of milk, not $11 worth). I think I figured this one out though - after 20% off the milk is $3.83. So if I got 20x on each individual milk 3*15*19 is 855 points per milk. times 3 is 2565.

    So, because my base points didn't show I spent $50+, no bonus 10 000 points. However, my cashier was awesome and noticed and after adding, re-adding and checking with the manager, I got those points.

    I wish I could figure out what happened though!! I like knowing the system better than most cashiers so I can buy with confidence and know what I'm doing is going to work and get the most points possible. I work the system pretty good, and I know it very well! I can usually figure out how/why mistakes happen, but this one has me totally baffled!

    Anyone else shop SR day yesterday? I'm gonna be watching my next few shops pretty close!
    I think it's an issue/bug with the seniors' day discount that has recently been causing less points to be given. I had the same thing happen twice, both times when using the seniors' day discount to buy regular priced milk with the 20x points on milk personal offer.

    On March 21 (I only bought milk):
    3 milk regular $4.39, so $4.39*3*.8 = 10.53
    Regular points: 120 (should have been 150)
    20x points on milk offer: 2280 (should have been 2850)

    On March 28 (I only bought milk):
    2 milk regular $4.39, so $4.39*2*.8 = 7.02
    Regular points: 75 (should have been 105)
    20x points on milk offer: 1425 (should have been 1995)

    Both times I had the in-store bonus point of 1 to indicate the seniors' day discount was applied. Both times I was missing a total of 600 points, which I received after a points inquiry. I don't know if the bug also reduces regular points and bonus points received from products that are on sale (i.e. that aren't discounted by the seniors' day discount) that are purchased in a transaction with products that had the seniors' day discount applied.
    Last edited by My two Canadian cents; Sat, Apr 6th, 2019 at 07:47 AM.

  3. #2433
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    Yes, I noticed this too, April 4th and March 28 I received 570 points, March 21 - 855 points and all other previous Thursdays 855 points. I guess I will have to do a points inquiry too, makes me question all my purchases now, guess we can't trust Shoppers Drug Mart, how sad. I know it is not many points, I just want to know their system is working properly so we are getting what we deserve.

  4. #2434
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    I also had a problem with milk on my last SR shopping. I purchased a $50 cosmetic product and then 4 milk at $3.xx to make sure I had a total of at least $50 after the 20% discount. The register did not prompt the cashier to give me my $10 GC and she said it was because milk does not count.....I have done this all along and I know it counts. Anyway, I will not make that mistake again; staying away from milk during the SR promotion.

    I did a point inquiry and got the same message. Milk does not count.

  5. #2435
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    Thank you all for your insights! They are so helpful! How bizarre that milk doesn't work anymore, I've done that on Sr day so many times! (however, probably not in the last month, since my dad had open heart surgery). Weird that we get some points for the milk, but not quite all. Hope everything goes well today. I'm buying more milk. It better count, or I'm going to have to redo my whole shopping strategy!
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  6. #2436
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    I have this offer tomorrow buy one get one free, I am wondering if I buy 4 , can I get 2 free? Or this offer only apply buy one get one free?

    Name:  IMG_7205.jpg
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  7. #2437
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    Quote Originally Posted by lynngao28 View Post
    I have this offer tomorrow buy one get one free, I am wondering if I buy 4 , can I get 2 free? Or this offer only apply buy one get one free?

    Name:  IMG_7205.jpg
Views: 555
Size:  330.1 KB

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

    Offer is for today, and no, you can only buy 2. The rest will be reg price.

  8. #2438
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    Did anyone else have a double offer for the 20x Points on Milk at SDM TIA

  9. #2439
    Smart Canuck Grey's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by flemeth View Post
    Did anyone else have a double offer for the 20x Points on Milk at SDM TIA
    Both DH and I got double 20x milk offer. The question is, will it work?
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  10. #2440
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    I got the offer 6000 For every $20 spent onTropicana, Pure Leaf or Pepsi Beverages

    Good For: All sizes and varieties on Pepsi, 7UP, Gatorade, Schweppes, Crush, Mountain Dew, Mug, Dr Pepper Beverages, Bubly Sparkling Water, Montellier Carbonated Natural Spring Water, Tropicana and Pure Leaf iced teas

    I see a trip to SDM to cash in my FPCs from the Pepsi/Tostitos promo.

  11. #2441
    Smart Canuck Miss Molly's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cake View Post
    I got the offer 6000 For every $20 spent onTropicana, Pure Leaf or Pepsi Beverages

    Good For: All sizes and varieties on Pepsi, 7UP, Gatorade, Schweppes, Crush, Mountain Dew, Mug, Dr Pepper Beverages, Bubly Sparkling Water, Montellier Carbonated Natural Spring Water, Tropicana and Pure Leaf iced teas

    I see a trip to SDM to cash in my FPCs from the Pepsi/Tostitos promo.
    Do we get points on FPCs?

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  12. #2442
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    Re: Senior's discount point shortage.

    I looked at everyone's examples. It looks like a programmer coding error IMHO. They are giving the senior discount on say milk, $4.39*.8=$3.51. Then calculating the points, likely reading the '1' senior's flag telling them they should get 20% less points and they are discounting the price again before calculating the points.

    Example, $3.51 should be 3*15*19=855 points on milk
    with programmer error, discounts milk again to calculate points, $3.51*.8=$2.81=2*15*19=570 points on milk

    Butter example above, 8 butter with discount $25.54, 600pts/$3 on butter
    Incorrectly discount again for points 25.54*.8=$20.43, then div by $3=6.81, round down to 6, 6x600=3600pts

    Hopefully problem is shortlived.

  13. #2443
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    Quote Originally Posted by Miss Molly View Post
    Do we get points on FPCs?
    @Miss Molly yes at SDM it works as cash
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  14. #2444
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    Quote Originally Posted by maple7 View Post
    Re: Senior's discount point shortage.

    I looked at everyone's examples. It looks like a programmer coding error IMHO. They are giving the senior discount on say milk, $4.39*.8=$3.51. Then calculating the points, likely reading the '1' senior's flag telling them they should get 20% less points and they are discounting the price again before calculating the points.

    Example, $3.51 should be 3*15*19=855 points on milk
    with programmer error, discounts milk again to calculate points, $3.51*.8=$2.81=2*15*19=570 points on milk

    Butter example above, 8 butter with discount $25.54, 600pts/$3 on butter
    Incorrectly discount again for points 25.54*.8=$20.43, then div by $3=6.81, round down to 6, 6x600=3600pts

    Hopefully problem is shortlived.
    Thank you! What a nightmare to try and explain to customer service! Hopefully the right person figures this out and fixes it! your explanation makes a lot of sense to me!

    I went back on Monday and my cashier remembered my troubles said there was a system error Thursday that you needed to spend $75 (not $50) to get the 10000 pts, so that was an added complication too! So those that spent over $75 got the points, and those that were less than $75 didn't, even though flyer said $50. Friday I had a pts adjustment for 10000 on my account, so I assume when they noticed the glitch they went through the Thursday transactions.
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  15. #2445
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    Quote Originally Posted by Grey View Post
    Both DH and I got double 20x milk offer. The question is, will it work?
    I got the weird double 20x on milk. Doubt it will work. Also got double 20x the pts on $75 in one account, and 20x the pts on $75 and 20x on $100 in the other account. Both for Friday April 12. Weird.

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