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Thread: January 2021 - Frugal Chatter (New Year, New Goals?)

  1. #346
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    @SassyAshley . I had to check the "travel advisory" you mentioned as I have heard nothing (haven't listened to the news in days)

    I see its for the South but was are getting a major white out now and have for the past hour! The roads are covering up quickly and I watched a poor lady try to walk down the street and her face was snow white!!
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  2. #347
    Must Coupon, Must Save :) SassyAshley's Avatar
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    @Frugalbigmama the snow has slowed down here but I was just talking to a manager from our branch to the south of us and he said it was horrible. The snow was coming down heavily and the roads were horrible.

    Here it blew is quickly and stayed snowed heavily probably for 2 hours. Guess shovelling in my future
    Giseledta, Ciel, lilo0003 and 1 others like this.
    2022 is going to be my year, the year I find organization in my life and the year I focus on myself,
    follow along as tackle day to day life and whatever else 2021 throws at me:

  3. #348
    Canadian Genius lilo0003's Avatar
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    I never check the weather now and just happened to see a storm was coming our way. Despite the fact the weather network office is 5km from my house I never trust them. We are just North of Lake Ontario so it’s wildly unpredictable. Today they got it right. Walked the dog at 8 with no snow at all on the ground and by noon we had 6 inches and I went for my lunchtime walk in a full on snow storm. Oh well it is January. See today I am ok with the WFH of Covid. We had one of the meat pies for dinner. It was quite yummy.
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    Friends don't let real friends pay full price.

  4. #349
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    I just took the dog for a walk in the snow and she seemed to really like it. Most days she just wants to go back home quickly.
    Our Crescent and sidewalks haven't been cleared yet today so im sure they will be out overnight.
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  5. #350
    Must Coupon, Must Save :) SassyAshley's Avatar
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    Good Morning Everyone,
    My afternoon training session was better, there was more interaction, not as much as I would have liked but more so I am feeling better. I will reach out to certain people for feedback later today. When I was done I had a couple of things I needed to address but then I was done.

    We made dinner, just pulled Homemade Burgers from the freezer and Poutine using Oven Fries and other than that I was done. I spent the rest of the night on the couch just relaxing. Which means nothing got done around the house but I am good with it.

    I decided I was not going to do any training today, as I feel like I need to regroup, ge a few things done and maybe tweak my training a little bit. I am still struggling a bit to adjust to remote training. Personally I see the place for it, it was great to train whole groups people yesterday in hours vs days or weeks but it is keeping people engaged. So it is still a work in process.

    Today I will be taking some breaks getting a few things done around the house. I can be honest my kitchen needs some love today, we rinsed our dishes last night but that was it. So today I will need to clean the kitchen plus I need to figure out dinner. I have a Chicken Breast out I need to use but neither of us wanted the Chicken Pot Pie soup yesterday. One I did not get in the Slow-Cooker on time and two we have had a couple soups/stews lately and just were not feeling another soup. So I have a Chicken Breast that will need to be used. Maybe I will see if I can find a slow cooker meal that is not a soup for tonight.

    Hope everyone has a wonderful day
    Ciel and crafter like this.
    2022 is going to be my year, the year I find organization in my life and the year I focus on myself,
    follow along as tackle day to day life and whatever else 2021 throws at me:

  6. #351
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    Good morning.

    Guess who is getting a new furnace installed today? Yeah PC PTs!!! Have to look at the positive side. And hopefully cheaper heating bill.

  7. #352
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    When we had a high efficiency furnace installed back in Aurora, our heating bills dropped almost in half. At this house we had a furnace maintenance done with a fan replacement on our furnace..our gas bills have dropped by $33 a month (on equal pay) and even our electricity bills have dropped. Enjoy the new warmth
    Quote Originally Posted by Frugalbigmama View Post
    Good morning.

    Guess who is getting a new furnace installed today? Yeah PC PTs!!! Have to look at the positive side. And hopefully cheaper heating bill.

  8. #353
    Smart Canuck flyingdutch's Avatar
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    Coupongirl I have ordered from Book Outlet and been quite happy. Their prices are good and shipping was good as well. Sure some books have small dents/scratches in them but they are good about noting that in the listing and that's why they are discounted. Ive mostly gotten children's books so the dents/scratches are likely to happen to them anyway once they arrive lol

    Cold here but still managing to get out for long walks most days. Getting out in the fresh air is helping with addressing just how "over" Covid I am feeling. I miss seeing people. I miss seeing my family (none of whom live in our town or even remotely close so outdoor distance visits aren't even an option). Knowing that it's what is require/best given the alternatives with Covid doesn't make it easier sometimes. Oh well. I know this too will pass.

    Hope everyone has a wonderful Wednesday!
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  9. #354
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    Just curious FBM how you pay with PC pts-perhaps that is an Ontario thing.
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  10. #355
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    Quote Originally Posted by crafter View Post
    When we had a high efficiency furnace installed back in Aurora, our heating bills dropped almost in half. At this house we had a furnace maintenance done with a fan replacement on our furnace..our gas bills have dropped by $33 a month (on equal pay) and even our electricity bills have dropped. Enjoy the new warmth
    Good glad to hear that!
    JadeAngel, Ciel and SassyAshley like this.

  11. #356
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    Quote Originally Posted by lizzie bargain View Post
    Just curious FBM how you pay with PC pts-perhaps that is an Ontario thing.
    Pay with PC M/C and get points

    Now that would be an incentive to save PC pts for new furnaces and A/C etc
    Last edited by Frugalbigmama; Wed, Jan 27th, 2021 at 09:42 AM.

  12. #357
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    My youngest just came down to the diningroom to tell me he is finished his Grade 11 business class. He just wrote the final test (they have kind of skipped exams during Covid) Now one week left of Science and then the new semester starts.
    Glad he was able to participate in Gym in September when they were able to attend school.

    I am going to bundle up soon and go for a walk. It is sunny out and it will make my day better

  13. #358
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    frugalbigmama -that awesome on getting a new furnace .That is the one thing we are debating on getting or just waiting til this one goes .Not this year last year we bought our new larger front door (which neighbours have said looks awesome-no screen door anymore .Just waiting on our new couch when the stores reopen .

    Thanks for the tip flyingdutch i may use book outlet soon as my puzzle supply is running lower .
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  14. #359
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    Just went for a good walk! Some of the sidewalks have soft snow so really makes for a good workout.
    Will go again later today. I am making sure to take time for me. I will probably walk to RCSS and then take a walk around the store and see if any deals. It is a good hour of walking by the t and it doesn't really feel like it so its a good way to get some steps in.

    I will have a smoothie for lunch today I think and then a light dinner. Probably chicken and salad again. Will make up food for the others
    using up leftovers in the fridge. (youngest ate the 3 chicken breasts that were in the fridge last night
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  15. #360
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    Quote Originally Posted by coupon girl View Post
    frugalbigmama -that awesome on getting a new furnace .That is the one thing we are debating on getting or just waiting til this one goes .Not this year last year we bought our new larger front door (which neighbours have said looks awesome-no screen door anymore .Just waiting on our new couch when the stores reopen .

    Thanks for the tip flyingdutch i may use book outlet soon as my puzzle supply is running lower .
    I would wait till it goes just make sure to have a plan incase it happens on the coldest day of the winter on a weekend (they charge more for a weekend call!!) We have a gas fireplace and I borrowed ceramic heaters. We could have fixed it but decided it was better to replace.
    Ciel, coupon girl and SassyAshley like this.

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