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Thread: Freezer On the Bottom Pros and Cons

  1. #1
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    Hi Everyone , My fridge Is Toast It should have gone last year when I replaced the stove but I thought I might get a bit more time out of it It is old and big and I can't move it for love or money . I would really like to get a freezer on the bottom fridge as having the fridge item more at eye level appeal to me . So Who has one what are the pros and cons that I might not have considered ?
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  2. #2
    Easy Glider GoodBoy's Avatar
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    I have a Miele fridge. Fridge on top, Freezer on the bottom. Much nicer configuration as you say. Cannot think of any pros nor cons, we just really like the fridge and the configuration. Oh and make sure you get a built in ice-maker!
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    Must Coupon, Must Save :) SassyAshley's Avatar
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    We have a freezer on the bottom, we love it as we are in the fridge more than we are in the freezer. I find it helps as npw the fridge is more at eye level and it helps with our food waste because nothing gets tossed to the bottom of the fridge and missed, especially produce.
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  4. #4
    Smart Canuck
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    Was there a thermodynamic reason freezers were traditionally atop the refridgerator?

    I think that cold air drops from the freezer compartment. So, a freezer on the bottom might need to work harder to force cold air up into the refridgerator.
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    Easy Glider GoodBoy's Avatar
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    Cold air is not forced up into the refrigerator portion on my system. I have two separate motors. One for fridge. One for freezer. Thinking cold air would be pushed up makes no sense to me. Even with a freezer on top I doubt very much cold air drops into the fridge portion. That too makes no sense to me.

    Happy to be educated on this if any links for reading
    Last edited by GoodBoy; Sun, Jul 11th, 2021 at 07:17 PM.
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  6. #6
    Smart Canuck
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    Energy EfficiencyWinner: Top FreezerIn general, top freezers are more energy efficient than bottom freezers. The reason goes back to the original freezer design which featured a top-mounted compressor. This compressor which generates heat while working hard to cool the fridge and freezer compartments is tucked away underneath the unit in modern refrigerators. Therefore, a bottom freezer is closer to the compressor and forces it to work harder to keep cool whereas a top freezer is further away making it easier to keep heat out with less effort. According to the U.S. Department of Energy, top freezers use about 10-25% less energy than bottom freezers which equals you saving money and reduces your carbon footprint.
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    Easy Glider GoodBoy's Avatar
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    That could very well be but with many new units including my unit I have two compressors. So the statement does not apply with a unit with two compressors. Does it? He does not address that. Also I would rather read something official rather than somebody saying what he believes New units these days do not necessarily work as that link says... my unit is a prime example.

    We were not speaking energy efficiency either if I recall. it was the statement you made about cold air being pushed into the fridge.

    Do you have a link saying that cold air will sink from top freezer to bottom fridge or be forced from bottom freezer to top fridge? That is what I am really interested in reading.

    Comments from that person about energy efficiency are not necessarily valid given the myriad of technologies out there. Old technology may work that way. Cannot say a system with two compressors does work that way and he does not address that at all. Also to do an apples to apples comparison for energy efficiency, a blanket statement cannot be done. You need to compare the sizes of the units I would think and features therein. No?

    Here is an EnergyStar link where you can choose your size etc and do comparisons. If I chose 15-17.9 CuFt and sorted by energy the bottom freezer wins in that measurement. So in the end I do not think blanket statements can be made, as there are many variable to take into account. Different sizes may show different results. My 2-cents anyway as I am very happy with my two-compressor bottom freezer

    Thanks for further links on the cold air movement topic however. I look forward to those.
    Last edited by GoodBoy; Sun, Jul 11th, 2021 at 08:58 PM.
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    Easy Glider GoodBoy's Avatar
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    @Keelenorth - the link provided by HermanH does have an interesting comparison you may find useful for some items between the two types of fridges. Not sure I would ever keep a 30lb turkey in a freezer in a fridge, but that is my choice! LOL

    Bottom line is there are likely pros and cons to each configuration and in the end it may all depend on your requirements of size, options, etc. the EnergyStar link in my previous post may help with the energy ratings of any items you are looking at. Make sure to click on Canada in the filters as it defaults to USA.

    Otherwise I go with what my father always said, get the best you can afford. We were originally hesitant to go with Miele due to a higher cost, but loved the system and features and having had a Miele DW we knew of the German workmanship. We have not been disappointed. Again it all depends on what your needs are and how many 30lb turkeys you need to put in your fridge and freezer! LOL

    Good luck with your decision!
    Last edited by GoodBoy; Sun, Jul 11th, 2021 at 09:03 PM.
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  9. #9
    Canadian Genius Ciel21's Avatar
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    If the old fridge cannot be moved out, then maybe look into a standalone upright freezer for a corner of the house not occupied by an appliance. And a separate fridge for the kitchen.
    Or maybe it's time to reno the kitchen so you can pry that fridge out, take the door off and call friends/neighbours or appliance firm to take the unit out for bulk pickup collection at the curb (city bills your property tax bill for pickup and usually you have to call in the request one week prior to your usual collection day).

    Do visit the Consumer Reports reviews via your local library's online resources to check out what they tested for bottom-mount freezer fridges.
    Then if budget is an issue, consider scoping out fridges at your big box retailer as-is or discontinued/on clearance with as many features as you want. Goemans and Teppermans and TA Appliances.

    If you have a second-hand appliance store in your area, give the shop a call and inquire about whether any units are in-stock and arrange a visit.
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    Canadian Genius Ciel21's Avatar
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    There's a Euro-Line appliances discount for in-store purchases (15% off) until August 31. Not available online. Liebherr, Gorenje, Smeg and a couple of others. Click on promotions tab.

    If you win the Lotto Max jackpot, I'm sure the Dream Coach would rave about this small $17K undercounter fridge (no freezer)!
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  11. #11
    Canadian Genius Ciel21's Avatar
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    @Keelenorth Have you been able to decide on the likely replacement fridge/freezer unit? Decisions, decisions.
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