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Thread: everything free !!!!

  1. #16
    Mastermind Shwa Girl's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by littlebean View Post
    ^ do these people ask for change and then hand you fake bills, or what?
    Here's how the scam works in general.
    1. "When you open your till, can you make change for $100"\
    2. "Oh I should have asked for a few $10s and $5s".
    3. "My muddled head - I need some toonies and loonies for the car wash".
    4. "You didn't give me the right change!"

    I stop at, #1 and explain that I am not allowed to give change - only for purchases. Then I ask if they would like to discuss with my manager.

  2. #17
    Canadian Genius PurpleBunny89's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shwa Girl View Post
    Here's how the scam works in general.
    1. "When you open your till, can you make change for $100"\
    2. "Oh I should have asked for a few $10s and $5s".
    3. "My muddled head - I need some toonies and loonies for the car wash".
    4. "You didn't give me the right change!"

    I stop at, #1 and explain that I am not allowed to give change - only for purchases. Then I ask if they would like to discuss with my manager.
    This could be one example.

    The one I got hit with tried to pay with a $50. I entered $50 in as total, cash drawer opened I started to make the change it said on the screen (dumb teenager me bad at math when put on the spot) then he says oh wait I think I have enough change to pay for it! I give back the $50 as I am now going to get the exact amount in change. After a mitt full of change comes out, and I mean a serious 5 pound mittfull of change and a few minutes of pussyfooting counting quarters nickles and dimes he finally decides "nevermind, I don't have enough, just use the $50 I gave you". At this point your kinda confused and forget and believe you still have the $50 in your till and so you proceed to give the $40 something change.

    It seems easy to catch, and thats what I thought when we were all warned about them but people need to realise these people who do this pray on young teenagers like I was at the time, they have done this several times before and have perfected their tactics many times over.
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  3. #18
    Junior Canuck couponlovingcanuck's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by PurpleBunny89 View Post
    This could be one example.

    The one I got hit with tried to pay with a $50. I entered $50 in as total, cash drawer opened I started to make the change it said on the screen (dumb teenager me bad at math when put on the spot) then he says oh wait I think I have enough change to pay for it! I give back the $50 as I am now going to get the exact amount in change. After a mitt full of change comes out, and I mean a serious 5 pound mittfull of change and a few minutes of pussyfooting counting quarters nickles and dimes he finally decides "nevermind, I don't have enough, just use the $50 I gave you". At this point your kinda confused and forget and believe you still have the $50 in your till and so you proceed to give the $40 something change.

    It seems easy to catch, and thats what I thought when we were all warned about them but people need to realise these people who do this pray on young teenagers like I was at the time, they have done this several times before and have perfected their tactics many times over.
    Your explanation made so much sense! I was a tad confused before! I can't believe all the schemes people come up with just for a couple of bucks! Its sad that they don't even think the cashier could get fired or in trouble for this! Come on people is your integrity worth 20 bucks (or whatever amount)!!!

  4. #19
    Canadian Genius anisa's Avatar
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    you are going back to correct the mistake right
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  5. #20
    Canadian Genius PurpleBunny89's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by couponlovingcanuck View Post
    Your explanation made so much sense! I was a tad confused before! I can't believe all the schemes people come up with just for a couple of bucks! Its sad that they don't even think the cashier could get fired or in trouble for this! Come on people is your integrity worth 20 bucks (or whatever amount)!!!
    People are selfish and just do not care. They either pay with a $50 or $100 bill and only get something small so they get a lot back. My guy bought a tray of steak and a bag, thus making him get $40 someodd dollars back. Its also a major reason why stores will not accept $100 bills. They don't just stop at one store, oh no, I bet they do multiple stores a day and can only imagine how much they make at it. Its really low and terrible.
    couponlovingcanuck likes this.
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  6. #21
    Canadian Genius coley3's Avatar
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    I loved your title. Everything free. Great job. Click to get FREE Giftcards just for searching the web. It is so easy.

  7. #22
    Frosh Canuck Deb1197's Avatar
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    I was at Safeway and had the free sunlight laundry soap 2x coupons so when they had there bogo event,I went used the coupons and as she was cashing out I became distracted when a old friend walked by,Thanks the cashier took the receipt not paying attention shove it in my pockets ,an when I got home I still did not notice till few weeks later she also gave me my coupons back,.It happens at times talk to a friend mom who was a manager years before at Safeway and she said do not feel bad ,with it being busy more people are using coupons etc things like this does happen ,coupons handed back,till is short etc,
    sorry long post but a good store will overlook these things,when they happen once i awhile :}
    terr994 and missxhillary like this.

  8. #23
    Smart Canuck sharkie's Avatar
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    nice brag...wtg

  9. #24
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    WTG! hopefully the cashier didn't get in trouble, but I agree you shouldn't have to venture back to the store for their mistake. It was after all THEIR mistake. Most of the bigger companies can absorb this easily enough that I doubt it was an issue. YAY FREE!
    RRLF: Almond breeze, gluten free products

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