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Thread: Have you ever suffered from depression?

  1. #31
    Smart Canuck robbiebaby69's Avatar
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    Another good link: It has great resources like: I think I'm depressed-how do I know; depression checklist; symptoms and diagnosis, etc.

  2. #32
    Junior Canuck Milton4doe's Avatar
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    There are so many reasons family and friends don't understand depression. If you don't suffer mental illness yourself you will not be able to put yourself in the same shoes. Some people with this depression opt for negative coping mechanisms such as alcohol and street drugs rather then going to see a phychiatrist, social worker, mental heath nurse or professional who can diagnose and properly medicate. Professionals will let you know if they feel you need to even be on medication and you are free to go for a second opinion.

  3. #33
    Senior Canuck ScotchandBoots's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Milton4doe View Post
    There are so many reasons family and friends don't understand depression. If you don't suffer mental illness yourself you will not be able to put yourself in the same shoes. Some people with this depression opt for negative coping mechanisms such as alcohol and street drugs rather then going to see a phychiatrist, social worker, mental heath nurse or professional who can diagnose and properly medicate. Professionals will let you know if they feel you need to even be on medication and you are free to go for a second opinion.
    That is very, very true what you said about people not understanding. Too many people believe that depression is just a case of "the blues". They assume that you are depressed "about" something, and that removing the cause will instantly make you feel better. And if there is no apparent cause, you can just "snap out of it".

    When my depression was at its worst I was prone to anxiety attacks. (I still get them occasionally but not as often as I used to). Getting through work or interacting daily with people who didn't know what I was going through was a constant struggle. Anyone who didn't know or understand me would mistake my anxiety for incompetence. Whenever my confidence was at its lowest I would constantly second-guess myself. Many unsympathetic individuals mistook this for stupidity and saw me as an open target for criticism. That just made the situation worse...

    Being diagnosed with depression was actually a blessing for me. After years of wondering "what is wrong with me?" and feeling like a failure for not meeting others' expectations, I realized that, yes, there was something "wrong" with me but that it was beyond my control. It was not a flaw in my character but a serious medical condition.

    I was on daily medication for the depression for a long time. I was also given medication to control the panic attacks, to be used on an as-needed basis. Although the medication doesn't change the life circumstances that may have triggered the depression in the first place, it helped to put me on an even keel so I could better deal with my situation.

    Gryphon, it sounds to me as if you are taking the first step towards helping yourself by seeking the support of others. Reading all the other posts so far, I think you have come to the right place. The advice posted is very sound and well worth following. We really do understand.

  4. #34
    Smart Canuck vibrantflame's Avatar
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    [quote=ScotchandBoots;486496]That is very, very true what you said about people not understanding. Too many people believe that depression is just a case of "the blues". They assume that you are depressed "about" something, and that removing the cause will instantly make you feel better. And if there is no apparent cause, you can just "snap out of it".

    That is so very true. I remember when I had my first depressive episode and none of my family understood. My Dad told me that I was only unhappy if I let myself be. How do you explain to someone that you are trying to be happy but it's not working? So now I really don't say much to anyone about it because so few do understand....not really their fault....just the way it is.

  5. #35
    Smart Canuck matrix82's Avatar
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    I still remember when I was about 15 and had to go see a social worker for individual and family counselling because my dr suspected I was mother told me, Kid's don't get depressed, I don't know waht you have to be depressed about..

  6. #36
    Junior Canuck intwowishin's Avatar
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    I think the only one's who can truly understand someone with depression, is someone else who suffers from depression. I don't think my family truly understands it, DH gets frustrated with me, he thinks it is something I can just "snap" out of. I have taken many different meds and most work for a while and then I need to switch. I have been taking effexor for about a year and a half now, and it seems to work well.

    I took paxil for many years and thought it worked really great. I took while pregnant because my doctor said it was ok to take. Six years later my daughter is perfectly healthy (thank god) and people are suing allover in the states for taking paxil during pregnancy, it apparently causes birth defects.
    "To the world you may be one person, to one person you may be the world"

  7. #37
    Canadian Genius Skippy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by intwowishin View Post
    I think the only one's who can truly understand someone with depression, is someone else who suffers from depression. I don't think my family truly understands it, DH gets frustrated with me, he thinks it is something I can just "snap" out of. I have taken many different meds and most work for a while and then I need to switch. I have been taking effexor for about a year and a half now, and it seems to work well.

    I took paxil for many years and thought it worked really great. I took while pregnant because my doctor said it was ok to take. Six years later my daughter is perfectly healthy (thank god) and people are suing allover in the states for taking paxil during pregnancy, it apparently causes birth defects.
    Unfortunately you are so right

    "the only one's who can truly understand someone with depression, is someone else who suffers from depression"

    I remember and probably always will remember someone who said

    "I am so disappointed with you, I thought your faith would've been stronger"

  8. #38
    Canadian Genius Skippy's Avatar
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    I missed taking them last P.M.(fell asleep) and today I can tell the difference-sigh!

  9. #39
    Canadian Genius anisa's Avatar
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    my earliest memory of being extremely withdrawn and down in the dumps (i don't like using the word depressed) goes back to age 8. never having anyone in my life to share with or lean on (parents were utterly useless)

    The last i dealt with it was about age 22 or 23. in one year having 3-4 episodes of not speaking a word for 2 weeks straight, anxiety attacks with heart rate jumping to 200, and knowing that it had to stop or i'd probably be the only 20-something to die of a heart attack!

    I never went to counselling, never took meds, but I seemed to be able to decide that enough was enough, and that I had to get beyond it.

    I don't know what you would call it, but I have most of my life felt as if I lived in a bubble, where everything that was immediatly around me was a big hazy blur, always feeling that no one really saw me, and that i was not noticed.

    I hit a point where I started to really assess what I needed from life and other people, and I changed my standards for myself, and took baby steps venturing past my comfort zone. often only to take 2 steps back, but it worked and my life is so different now.

    not saying that people don't need help, but I think people can sometimes surprise themselves with what they can in fact do for themselves.

    but that's just my experience.
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  10. #40
    Canadian Genius Skippy's Avatar
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    Changing of the season sucks!

    Hard on both mind&body!

  11. #41
    Senior Canuck ScotchandBoots's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Skippy View Post
    Changing of the season sucks!

    Hard on both mind&body!

    I hear you! Seasonal Affective Disorder can be brutal.

  12. #42
    Life has been fantastic! jenna321's Avatar
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    I hate that the changing of seasons, I also suffer from SAD. I didn't even care about what little of the summer we had- I didn't care whether the sun was a blazing or not. Took so long to get the proper medication to work this time around for me. Finally there is a flickering light @ the end of the tunnel. The group therapy is a godsend for me. As well as my daily online @ SC
    For all of you who are questioning whether you have depression or not PLEASE go to your FAMILY DOCTOR let her/him decide and talk truthfully about how you feel.

  13. #43
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    I'm had trouble with depression and severe anxiety. I found trying to find help to be like walking blindfolded down a flight of stairs.. After years of misery and even suicide attempts (yet I'm still not considered by the health care system to be in need of there resources) I finally stumbled upon a new medication combination, this has given me a new lease on life.. I'm actually crying as I write this, I also couldn't have done it with my bf, he didn't let me just give up and let it take over again, he helped me find the strength to fight it until the medication could take hold.
    I hope to one day be off medication, It would defiantly cost a lot less, the government won't cover it because its too new and my insurance company won't because its an pre existing condition.. I spend roughly 200 dollars a month...

    Good luck to others...

  14. #44
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    My brother committed suicide 6 years ago and suffered from depression for many years, his therapy didn't help. My father also suffered for many years but was never treated and I suffer from depression as well but also do not seek treatment. My depression is what I consider as "incident" depression, it stems directly from situations and not a general long lasting depression. I have been living in Germany for 8 years now and am not having an easy time of it. I am severely homesick and am not "fitting in" here whatsoever. This is the main source of my depression.
    When I make it back to Canada and find the right job my family and I should hopefully rebound.

  15. #45
    I Love Caribbean oceane's Avatar
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    does anyone knows how it feels when you stop your medication?

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