Conversation Between 22hicks and Lynn49

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  1. Hicks, I just had that conversation with my sis-in-law on the phone today; I never felt old, maybe mid 30s, but not a minute older. Since my fall, I'm feeling my age and I don't like it one single bit. I'm hoping I will be able to walk better when I get my new knew; I've seen such great results in people who have had that done.
    Yep...we can run, but we can't hide, can we?
    I hope you're getting stronger day by day and that driving continues to give you so much pleasure!
  2. You know that line 'you're only as old as you feel' - well, unfortunately, we feel much younger than we actually are, but our bodies have a way of reminding us, with a quick slap aside the head, and we end up paying the price. I hope you feel better soon.
  3. Oh, Hicks, I was so dumb to try to haul those 4 bags of groceries around like a 30-year old...sometimes I forget how old I am. Actually...I always tend to forget how old I am!!
    Thank you for the rep and your kind thoughts...
  4. Thank's times like this that at least we're not pressing our noses into the window wishing we could go outside, right? I hope you can stay clear of a lot of that snow...seems we'll miss it. Not that I'll MISS it at all! Take care, Sweeheart.
  5. Good morning, Hicks! I had forgotten it's the long weekend! DD is working today, 'tis the season. She had 5 clients pass away last week, so there's lots of paperwork, wills, etc for her family to deal with, with her. We have our Grandson overnight, but he's spending the evening at his ti kwan do class, watching movies and having pizza until 10pm, but we'll have him in the morning for waffles and ice-cream, a concoction my Aunt in California introduced me to when I was there, lol... Our DD and her Hubby will be having dinner at a lovely place called Verdiccio's, then going to her friend's b'day party just up the street.

    I hope you're warm and safe, Hicks...we had brutal temps last night, the house was cracking so loud it was hard to get to sleep. I just got up, Jenny is still hiding under the covers. Time for coffee. Take care, rest....there will be time to boogie later..
  6. Thanks love. I'll get back on track, I have to. I just think I'm frustrated, and can't turn my brain off. So much going on, I just can't seem to tackle everything, so it's stressful.

    Happy to hear about how your painting's going. Fun exploring a different part of yourself. Have fun with it.

    Got tickets to a Jays game already. That's fantastic. I guess spring isn't too far away. I haven't even begun to look. Unusual for me.
    I think their 1st spring training game was today. A couple of years ago, I won a trip for two to their spring training in Florida. It was a great trip.
  7. Thank you for the rep, Hicks! Yes, it was a lovely day, the painting, according to my teacher is really...well..he really complimented me on it! Compared it to the works of Chris Pratt, a Canadian artist!! I'm still finding my 'song' as they niche...but I'm having fun exploring it all! I manages to snag some really good seats for the Jays game we're taking Ernie to in June early this morning, so that was a nice thing to have happen.

    How about you, Hon? I'm a tich concerned about your not being able to get a good night's sleep lately, though; you know how unhealthy that is, can you get any help from your doctor to set you back on the right path again?

    Good night and I hope, sweet dreams through a restful night's sleep...
  8. Thanks hon.
    No pain meds any longer. JUST heard that I was approved for another round on in-home physio, so I'm happy about that. I hope you have a great w/end too. Any plans ? Me, laundry. Yippee.
  9. worries, that's what can happen when you're loopy on drugs......Jk of course; hope you don't have to rely on them lately for are you doing in that department? Gosh it's such a tough road you're on..we expect miracles, don't we? I hope you have a lovely weekend!!
  10. sorry about that rep; I got distracted, & typed it yours by mistake
  11. Heidy-Ho, Hicks!
    Our DD calls me every time she's on the road to another bank for client appointments and we get caught up and chat all the way there. It's usually Thursday mornings, but this one was a "ledge jumper" in the vernacular, someone who hears something on the news and panics and needs to chat about their money. Yes, I do love our chats...although we do talk at other times, too!
    You haven't posted much on how you're feeling lately, how you're getting on with walking on that leg; how much pressure can you put on now? Are you in any pain?
    Continue your care, Hon....Spring is just around the corner!!
  12. My goodness, pink eye. You must be joking. Not funny. Just one more negative about 2015. I hope it's better now, should be.
    I hate that 'decluttering' but it always feels so good once it's done. Gook luck.

    I see the surgeon again on Wed. I'm expecting things should go fairly well. Fingers crossed.

    All the best with your diet, and the unpacking. I know, I still have unpacked boxes from 6 years ago.
    Maybe next winter. lol It was going to be my winter task this year. So much for best laid plans.

    Take care, & ttys
  13. Hello, Hicks....well, how's my day going? Did I mention I found out I had pink-eye on boxing day morning? Uh-huh. Lucky me, eh? BUT...that was still 2015, so I don't anticipate any more surprises this year. I've started on my healthier way of eating (ie: losing weight again!), am decluttering our storage area downstairs (the boxes we never unpacked when we moved in here!)...ugh. Finland won. Stupid Canadian penalties.

    I hope you're in tip-top shape today; I forget when you said you your next doc's appt is...
    Take good care, Sweets!!
  14. ​I'll have to p.m. you, my message is too long.
  15. Thank you, my Friend; I hope you had a relaxing Christmas day. I know...not the same as other years, but I try to think that things happen for a reason, and maybe it was time for us to slow down and assess things for the new year.
    However, after 19 months, I'm done assessing and just want to get on with it all!!

    I lost my best Friend to ALS, and this is my 2nd Christmas without her...I've cried, I've talked with her and I know she was with until the 11th hour as we usually did, just to be in the crowds, finding little treasures for our Daughters. I miss her almost every single day, honestly...if there are Angels, then surely she was one.

    How are you these days, Hicks? Are you in any pain? Can you put any pressure on that foot, yet? No matter...these things shall pass, right? And they do get better...maybe not in our time, but in time....
    Hugs, Sweetheart...Lynn
  16. Hello, Sweetie....well, I had to drive across town to give my girlfriend her Christmas gift, so I had a coffee and chat with her and her family visiting in town, then I just happened to go to the mall and found a couple of other things I didn't know I needed for gifts, all on one single T3!
    The snow is GONE again, so yes, Punkin, I'm doing much better today.

    Now, how about you? Still basking in the glow of your family's visit? What a sweet and thoughtful thing for them to do for you....aren't we just so blessed?

    Hugs, Lynn
  17. Thank you for that "days getting longer" message you posted this morning...when I told my Hubby it was almost Spring, the ol' grinch said, "It's not even winter, yet!" But I sure told him!! The days ARE getting longer=Spring!!
    And it's all green out there now!!! I LOVE IT!!!

    Take good care of yourself, Darlin'...and yes, next year will be quite different for you, too!
  18. ​That's very pretty; thank you.
  19. Hello. I'm sure you're going all out this year, as I expect to be next. I'm tired just thinking about it. lol I'm doing ok, but as you said, a little frustrated, but considering how bad it could have been, pretty good. I think you should be careful you don't do too much; you wouldn't want a set back, but in the meantime, have fun, enjoy the family, and all that goes along with the warmth of Christmas.
  20. Hello, Sweets! Just wondering how you're doing's so aggravating to be laid up this time of year, but...I'm sure you'll make up for it next year!! Feels good to be able to do things this Christmas that I could barely manage last'll see!!
    Hope you're enjoying your weekend as much as possible..
  21. Hello @ Lynn49 - thanks for that commando recipe. I think I might just try them, @ least once I'm up & around again.
    I'm doing ok, just bored. For the most part, there's not much pain, just occasionally.
    Yesterday was not good, but not bad today. I'm not taking anything for pain.
  22. Thank you, Hicks, on this lovely rainy day! hahaha!!!

    How are you doing today...btw, how's the pain day to day? Do you have to take meds for it or are you okay without them?
    Hope you're having a peaceful day, Sweets!
  23. Thanks Lynn. I been really nervous on snow & ice for the past few years, after I broke my back. My worst fear was falling & re-injuring it. With no weight baring for the next few months, maybe I won't have to. With any luck, winter will be almost over. I have those spiky things too, and have used them for the past few years. Will be doing so always in the future.
    Anyhow, take care and enjoy the rest of your day.
  24. Oh, I'm so happy without that horrid snow, too!! You're going to find one thing will be new for you: your trepidation walking in snow or ice from now on. I'm so deathly afraid of falling again, I'm uber cautions and if I'm alone on the stuff I still take my cane with the spikey thing on the bottom that my Hubby puts on it in the winter.
    Hope you're having a good day today, Hon!! There are always more Christmas movies to watch!!
    Hugs, Lynn
  25. oops, sorry. I keep hitting the enter button on the laptop. I'll tell you, I certainly have a much better appreciation of what you had / have to go through. Good on you. As for me, it's a good thing I'm a tough b i t c h. lol

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