Conversation Between Andit and VeeVee

16 Visitor Messages

  1. Thank you
  2. Thanks! He does look cute in his Jackolantern shirt. Orange suits him, almost as well as pink.
  3. Oh its adorable! I migt just have to order it haha
  4. I came across this just now & had to show you:[0]=tags&includes[1]=title
  5. Thanks! He is quite huggable (I call him my living teddy bear).
  6. Im good thanks, fighting a cold...I think...LOL
    Will get some Vit D when I leave work soon...but I am already cold so I might freeze on my way home haha

    have a great day!
  7. Hi! How are you doing?

    Get out & get some Vit D if you can...but bring a sweater. It's still chilly out there.

    Have a great day!
  8. Thanks! Glad you like our new pic.
  9. Thanks for the rep my fellow Dork! Have a great night
  10. Thanks! Glad you liked their picture.
  11. Your animals are so cute! I took a look at your You Tube videos made me very cute!
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 16 of 16