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About chriselle97

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About chriselle97
Trade List:
Here's my trade list:

Abreva 83829417 $3.00 12/31/12
Advil Muscle and Joint 12932511 $3.00 01/31/13
Advil Nighttime 12923508 $3.00 11/30/12
Advil Nighttime 12923595 $3.00 3/31/13
Advil Nighttime 129235524 $3.00 3/21/13
Air Wick Candles (0)6548168 B$10 S$.5 12/31/12
Air Wick- Freshmatic Products (0)6548142 B$10 S$5 12/31/12
Air Wick- Scented Oil Products (0)6548197 B$10 S$5 12/31/12
Air WickFreshmatic, Scented Oil or Candle Products $5.00 Apr. 30/13
AirWick Freshmatic scented oil or candle product $1.00 Jan.31/13
Alberto European product, 30004447 $1.00 31-Dec-12
Alberto Eurpean Product 85113985 $1.00 12/31/12
Alberto Eurpean Product 85113985 $1.00 12/31/12
Alberto Eurpean Product 89288540 $1.50 12/31/12
Anusol 4387839 $2.00 03/30/13
Arm & Hammer laundry detergent $1.00 Dec. 31/12
Arm & Hammer Laundry Detergent 65334080 $1.00 12/31/12
Armstrong/Saputo/Bari 5070621 $0.75 01/31/13
Aspirin 7656385 $2.00 4/30/13
Aspirin E-dining mail in rebate $5.00 1/02/13
Asssorted Pand G paper 66009144 $6.00 09/30/13
Astro BioBest Maximmunité 11909936 $1.00 12/31/12
Aveeno products (0)4386966 $3.00 12/31/12
Axe styling product 30005017 $3.00 31-Dec-12
Aylmer Accents 14502659 S1B2 12/31/12
BarillaPasta $0.75 Dec. 31/12
Becel 87410568 $1.00 6/30/13
Becel margine 1.5lb (680g) or larger 33689988 $5.00 03-Jan-13
Becel Proactive 87410504 $2.00 12/31/12
Benylin Extra Strength 4388164 $3.00 1/31/13
Benylin Extra Strenth 4388366 $3.00 2/28/13
Bertolli 59604802 $1.00 11/30/12
Bertolli Olive Oil 59604772 $1.00 12/31/12
BIC Hybrid Advanced 4 35410733 $2.00 12/31/12
BIC Hybrid Advanced disposable razors $2.00
Bick's products (purchase of 2) 77008145 $1.00 12/31/12
Bick's relish products 77008116 $0.50 12/31/12
Biotrue contact lens solution $5.00
BioTrue multi-purpose solution 74209369 $5.00 11/30/12
BioTrue multi-purpose solution 74209343 $5.00 11/31/12
BiotrueMulti-Purpose Solution, 300mL $5.00 Apr. 30/13
Black Diamond "Block" Cheese 46215723 $0.75 12/31/12
Black Diamond (any cheese products) $0.75 2/28/13
Black Diamond Cheesestrings Ficello 46215967 $2.00 12/31/12
Black Diamond Cheesestrings Ficello 46216175 $0.75 12/31/12
BlueWater 25604115 $1.00 28-Feb-13
BlueWater product (240g) 73901828 $1.00 12/31/12
Bothwell Cheese variety *2390071* $1.00 2/28/13
Bounty Napkins 63656738 $0.50 09/30/13
Breakfast Essentials 10033845 $2.00 12/31/12
Campbel's Broth (when youn buy 2) 923923 $0.75
Canesoral 7655946 $3.00 12/31/12
Carnation Evaporated Milk 51526522 $1.00 3/31/13
Cascades paper towel or 12 double roll toilet paper $1.00 Dec 31/12
Ceasar Dry Food 8299680 $2.00 12/31/12
Ceasar Wet Food 8299677 B3G1 12/31/12
Centrum 12923801 $3.00 6/30/13
Centrum (men/women) 12923582 $3.00 11/30/12
CESAR Dry Dog Food $2.00
Charmin Fresh mates 63656783 $0.50 09/30/13
Charmin Product 63656956 $1.00 09/30/13
Cheesestrings 46215967 $0.75 12/31/12
Clairol Hair colour (Max value: $16.99) 87410571 $1.00 30 Jun 2013
Clear 89288541 $1.00 12/31/12
Clear Scalp & Hair Beauty Therapy and one (1) Clear Men Scalp therapy product 99801043 $1.00 30-Jun-13
Clear Scalp & Hair Beauty Therapy or one (1) Clear Men Scalp therapy product 4200635 $1.00 31-Mar-13
Clorox Clinging Gel with Bleach (0)12236688 $1.00 12/31/12
Clorox2 - Stain Fighter & Color .... (0)1223574 $2.00 12/31/12
Clorox2 Stain Remover Spray (0)1223561 $1.00 12/31/12
Clover leaf Tuna 25409039 $1.00 6/30/13
Club House 20905196 B2G1 12/30/12
Cold a tak 43403282 $3.00 11/30/12
Cold FX 79505824 $2.00 12/31/12
Cold FX 79506683 $2.00 7/31/13
Cold SoreFX 79506579 $5.00 12/31/12
Coldsore FX 79506713 $5.00 03/31/13
Cottonelle Dry Bathroom Tissue (Ultra or Clean Care, 12pk or 24pk) AND any Cottonelle Flushable Wipes $1.00
Crisper 5534467 $0.50 12/31/12
Dairyland Organic Milk *5070547* $0.75 12/31/12
Dairyland Organic Milk *5070692* $1.00 3/31/13
Degree Men Product 89288480 $1.00 12/31/12
Degree Women Product 89288376 $0.50 12/31/12
Delight 5070528 $0.50 01/30/13
Denta Stix (158-180g) treats $0.50
Disney Gummies 99800987 $2.00 07/30/13
Disney Gummies Product 4200651 $2.00 31-Mar-13
Disney Gummies Product 4200664 $1.00 31-Mar-13
Dofino Harvarti cheese 72005196 $1.00 2/28/13
Dove ClearTone Anti-Perspirant 89288507 $1.00 11/30/12
Downey/Bounce 63656321 $0.50 9/30/13
Dr. Otker Added Touch Baking Mixes 88623346 $0.50 12/31/12
Dr. Otker Desserts 88623333 S1B2 12/31/12
Dr. Otker Mousse 88623551 $0.50 12/31/13
Dr. Otker Mousse 88623320 $1.00 12/31/12
Dr. Otker Mud cake 88623580 $0.50 12/31/13
Dr. Otker Filling 88623304 B2G1 12/31/12
Dr. Otker Sherriff Mousse 88623564 $0.50 12/31/13
Drixoral 60315625 $2.00 04/30/13
Egg Creations- French Toast Blend 42406059 $1.00 12/31/12
Egg Creations- French Toast Blend 42406525 $1.00 6/30/13
Egg Creations- Liquid Egg Product 42406046 $1.00 12/31/12
Elastoplast 8918345 $1.00 05/31/13
Ester-C product 4200677 $1.00 31-Mar-13
Estroven, 8307981 $2.00 31-Mar-13
Europe's Best- Roasted Gourmet V. 87511614 $2.50 12/31/12
Fantasik/ Scrubbing Bubbles 33689089 B1G2 9/12/12
Fantasik/ Scrubbing Bubbles Trigger 33689005 B1G1 11/19/12
Febreze - NOTICEables warmer 63659984 $3.00 3/31/12
Finish Dishwasher Cleaner 6549507 $1.00
Finish Dishwasher Detergent Tabs (Quantum Powerball or Gelpacs – 20ct or larger) 6549464 $2.00
Finish Jet-Dry Rinse Agent (Quantum Jet-Dry, Turbo-Dry or Jet-Dry) 6549480 $1.00
Folgers 30404045 $1.50 12/31/12
Folgers 30404016 $1.50 12/31/12
Folgers/Folgers Gourmet selections 30403606 $1.00 3/13/13
Frank’sRed Hot Sauce $1.00 Feb. 28/13
FREE Lysol No-Touch Hand Soap System Kit (Mail-in Rebate) MIR
French’s Mustard 6549334 $0.75
French’sMustard (Expires: February 28, 2013) $0.75 Feb. 28/13
Friskee Dry Indoor Product 276674000 $0.50 12/31/12
Garnier- Nutrisse Mousse Foam 46965152 $3.00 12/31/12
Gay Lea Spreadables 2707482 $0.75 4/30/13
Gaylea's spreadable 2707176 $0.75
Gilette Fusion Razor 63764824 $4.00 2/28/13
Gilette Mach 3 63764837 $2.00 2/28/14
Gillete Custom Plus 3 66011372 $1.00 11/30/12
Gillette Fusion Proglide 66011398 $4.00 11/30/12
Glad sandwich bags (100 count) or glad cling wrap $0.50 Dec.31/12
Glade $5.00 when you purchase $15.00 worth of Any Glade products (including value packs) 30004421 $1.00 31-Dec-12
Glade Expressions B1G1
Glade products 33689698 B1G1 11/15/12
Glade products including value packs (great for the mail in rebate) $5.00 Dec. 26/12
Granny's Ginseng Fed Chicken 73901828 $1.00 12/31/12
GreenWorks (0)1223604 $1.00 12/31/12
Head & Shoulders products 63764404 $1.00 11/30/12
Head & Shoulders products 63764417 $1.00 11/30/12
Healthy Choice Grourmet Steamers 44407429 $1.00 2/28/13
Healthy Look Créme Gloss Color 46964683 $2.00 12/31/12
Hellmann's 87410537 $1.00 12/31/12
Herbal Essence, Pantene, Head & Sholders, Aussie hair care products, BOGO 30004434 $3.00 31-May-13
Hershey‘s Drops, 200g 86531275 $2.00
Highliner 12605241 $1.00 12/31/13
Highliner- 215-700g 12605169 $1.00 12/31/12
Highliner 680g product 12605170 $1.00 12/31/13
Highliner Crusted Fillets (250g) 12605210 $0.75 12/31/12
Highliner Pan-Sear Selects (540g) 12605172 $1.00 12/31/13
Highliner Signature 680g product 12605170 $1.00 12/31/13
Highliner VAC IQF Fillets 400g/454g 12605149 $0.75 12/31/12
Hill's Science diet 73113720 $2.00 06/30/13
Honey Bunches of Oats 26003825 0.75 8/10/12
Huggies Baby Wipes (56ct or larger) 49109391 $0.75
Huggies Diapers 49109388 $1.50 09-Nov-12
Huggies Little Movers, Little Snugglers or Overnight Diapers 49109375 $2.00
Huggies mega pack diapers, 168-216ct wipes or refills or Huggies newborn gift packs - unknown expiry $1.00 April 15/13
Hunt's 44405436 $0.75 3/31/13
Hydrasense 60315612 $3.00 4/30/13
Hydrasense 60315612 $3.00 4/30/13
Imagine Organic Soup 87511589 $1.00 12/31/12
Immodium 4386692 $3.00 12/31/12
Immodium 4387842 $2.00 12/31/12
Immunity FX 795005550 $3.00 12/31/12
Immunity FX 79506667 $12.00 6/30/13
Immunity FX 79506771 $8.00 3/31/13
Iogo 29212776 $0.75 8/31/13
Johnson's Baby product $1.00 Dec.31/12
Johnsonville Sausage 44203883 $1.00 12/31/12
Johnsonville Sausage 44203896 $1.00 12/31/12
Johnsonville Sausage 44203870 $1.00 12/31/12
Kleenex 1 auto pack or 3 wallet packs or 3 pocket packs $0.50
Kleenex Facial Tuissue (50ct or higher) 49109232 $1.00
Knorr 87410457 B3G1 12/31/12
Knorr 87410480 B3G1 12/31/12
Knorr 87410564 $1.00 12/31/13
Kraft- Parmesan/Shaved/Grated (0)5533334 $0.75 12/31/12
Lactantia 13611822 $1.00 3/31/13
Lactina Milk 2x2L 13611574 $1.00 12/31/12
Lever 2000 Bar (4pk) or Body wash 99801030 $1.00 31-Dec-12
Lil-ones 5070559 $0.75 3/31/13
Listerine kids (0)4387943 $4.00 2/28/13
Listerine( Total Care/ Zero) (0)4387770 $1.00 2/28/13
Litehouse Caramel Product $1.00
Live Clean Baby products 99801032 $3.00 31-Mar-13
Live Clean Fresh Face products 24814384 $4.00 17-Nov-12
Live Clean hair and body products $2.00 31-Dec-12
Live Clean Spa Therapy products 9980983 $1.00 30-Nov-12
L'Oreal Revitalift 46966285 $2.50 3/31/13
Lysol No-Touch Hand Soap System $5.00
LysolFabric Mist $1.00 Jan 31/13
Maille Dijon 500 ml. 4250684 $1.00 12/31/12
Majesta facial tissue 12 pack or 12 roll toilet paper or 8 roll paper towel $1.00 Dec. 31/12
Maple Leaf Deli-Fresh 606556 $1.00
Maple Lodge Farms Chicken Deli, $.75 any pre-packaged 66011734 B1G1 31-Dec-12
Marcelle Eye Makeup Remover 4506384 $3.00
Marcelle New Age Precision 4506300 $3.00 2/28/13
Maxidol Liquid Gels (0)7656369 $1.00 12/31/12
McCain Fries 4619996 $1.00 3/31/13
Melitta Filter 140708318 $0.75 12/31/12
Mellitta- Coffee 140708318 $1.00 12/31/12
Meow Mix 669903156 B1GF 12/17/12
Motrin Liquid Gels 4387930 $3.00 12/31/12
Motrin Liquid Gels 4388148 $3.00 2/28/13
Mott Fruitsation- Fruit Rockets ( When you buy 2) 22223395 $2.00 12/31/12
Nabob 300-400g. 5536854 $0.50 12/31/12
Nabob 300-400g. 5536854 $0.50 12/31/12
Nasa Mist Saline Spray 89288580 $2.00 31-Dec-12
Nasa Mist Saline Spray 26204169 $0.75
Nasa Mist Saline Spray 25604128 $1.00 Jan 31, 13
Nasogel Spray 592810074 $5.00
NasoGel tube or spray, 56300983 $3.00 Jan 20, 13
Nature’s Bounty product, 56300996 $2.00 Jan 20, 13
Naturegg Simply Egg Whites 42405838 $1.00 12/31/12
NeilMed (0)5592811087 $3.00
Nesteaor Nestea Cool Iced Tea, 12 Pack $0.75 Dec. 31/12
Nestlé- 1L bottles 82402958 $0.50 12/31/12
Nicorete Gum 4387318 $5.00 12/31/12
Nicorete Quick Mist 4387653 $5.00 1/11/12
Nicorette Mini Lozenge (0)4387972 $5.00 12/31/12
Nivea shower / bar soap product (0)8918534 $1.00 12/31/12
Nivea Visage, Body, Crème, Soft 8918576 $3.00 12/31/12
Nutro Natural Choice Dry Dog Food, $4 any V1008121208123501 $3.50 Dec. 8, 2012
Oasis- Health Break 2250899 $0.75 12/31/12
Oikos 29408258 $0.50 12/31/12
Oragina 22223786 $0.50 12/31/12
Orajel Toothpaste 65334050 $1.00 1/31/13
Orville Popcorn ready to eat 44406817 $0.50 06/30/13
Osteo Bi-Flex, $3 any V1008121208125001 $5.00 08-Dec-12
OxiClean 65334075 $1.00 12/31/12
OxiClean- Max Force Power Paks 65334077 $1.00 12/31/12
OxiClean- Versatile Stain Remover 65334079 $.1.00 12/31/12
Pampers- Diapers 63946387 $1.00 9/30/13
Pataks Products 49904710 $1.50 06/30/13
PediaSure 18218695 $3.00 2/28/13
Pedigree 8299619 $2.00 12/31/12
Pedigree 8299882 S2B2 3/31/13
Pedigree 8307952 $5.00 8/12/12
Pedigree Care & Treats BOGO V1008121208122501 $2.50 08-Dec-12
Pedigree Dry food 8299664 $3.00 12/31/12
Pedigree Wet food 8299622 $2.00 12/31/12
PedigreeVitality Dog Food, 13-16kg $5.00 Jan. 03/14
PedigreeVitality Dog Food, 2kg B2G1 Jan. 03/13
PedigreeWet Dog Food, 630g B2G2 Jan. 03/15
Pepcid Complete 4386458 $3.00 12/31/12
Perrier 82402860 $0.50 12/31/12
Petkin 50ct Bamboo Eco Pottypads $1.00 Nov. 30/12
Philadelphia 5534760 $0.50 12/31/12
Phillips Antacid/Laxative 7655920 $2.00 12/31/12
Pillsbury 76144413 $0.50 12/31/12
Platex Nurser Newborn Gift set $2.00 Dec. 31/12
Poise Body Cooling Towelettes, Feminine Wash or Panty Fresheners 49109043 $1.50
Poise Personal Lubricant or Roll-on Cooling Gel 49109056 $2.50
Pro-Activ (calorie -reduced mar.) 87410504 $2.00 12/31/12
ProMist mop and a refill 17300107 $2.00 Apr 30, 13
Puff product 63656927 $1.00 09/30/13
Purell 236 ml or higher $1.00
Purell products $1.00
PurellProduct, 236mL or larger $1.00 Feb. 05/14
PurellProducts $1.00 Feb. 05/13
Purex free Designer series 12015825 Free 12/31/13
Purex laundry detergent $1.00 Jan 31/13
Purina Beneful 27674130 B1G1 11/30/12
Purina Snackin 27674143 $1.00 11/30/12
Red Lobster- $3 off Any 2 Lunch Entrees $3.00
Red Lobster- $4 off Any 2 Dinner Entrees $4.00
Resolve Crystal White (0)6547963 $2.00 12/31/12
Resolve CrystalWhite powder or li. (0)6547963 $2.00 12/31/12
Resolve Dual Power (0)6547918 $1.00 12/31/12
Resolve in wash Stain remover 6548881 $2.00 3/31/13
Resolve product (0)6547921 $0.50 12/31/12
Resolve Product 6549552 $1.00
Restoralax 60315250 $3.00 05/30/13
Rhinaris 3380017 $1.50 9/09/13
Ritz Crackerfuls 5636838 $0.50 12/31/12
Robin Hood Oats products (0)9245046 $1.00 3/31/13
Royal 6 roll paper towels 68006512 $1.00 12/31/12
Royal 6 roll paper towels 68006525 $1.00 12/31/12
Royale 3 ply dinner napkins 68003438 $1.00 12/31/12
Schick Hydro Silk razor or refills 29007556 $2.00 12/31/12
Scrubbing Bubbles- Colour Power 33689021 $1.50 01/31/12
Scrubbing Bubbles- Colour Power 33689063 $1.00 9/12/12
Scrubbing Bubbles One Step Toilet Bowl Cleaner Started Kit $5.00
Scrubbing Bubbles products B1G1
Scrubbing Bubbles Toilet Cleaning Gel, Get 1 Fresh Brush or Toilet Duck Free B1G1
Scrubbing BubblesAerosol $1.50 Mar. 31/14
Scrubbing Bubblesor Fantastik Trigger $1.00 Mar. 31/15
Scrubbing BubblesToilet Cleaning Gel B1G1 Mar. 31/13
Scrub-Free Cleaner 65334037 $0.75 12/31/12
Scrub-Free X-Treme 65334039 $0.75 12/31/12
Scrunge product any one (1) 89288560 $1.00 31-Dec-12
Scrunge product any two (2) 89288556 $1.00 31-Dec-12
Shake 'n Bake coating mix 5531729 $0.50 12/31/12
Sidekick 87410457 B1G1 12/31/12
Simple products- (1) 89288372 $2.00 12/31/12
Simple products- (1) 89288518 $2.00 12/31/12
Simple products- (2) 89288374 $5.00 12/31/12
Simple products- (2) 89288516 $5.00 12/31/12
Sinugator 89288558 $1.00 31-Dec-12
Sinus Rinse or NasaFlo, 72613703
Skippy "Natural" products 87410499 $0.75 12/31/12
Smuckers- Dessert Topping 51526463 $1.00 12/31/12
Smucker's Simple Blends 51526577 $1 3/31/13
Smucker's/ Adam's 51526623 $1.00 3/31/13
Source 76144699 $0.50 2/28/13
Source 76144699 $0.50 2/28/13
Special K Cracker Chips 71194905 $0.50 4/31/12
Special K crisp 71195155 $0.50 12/31/13
Speed StickPower Antiperspirant, 85g $1.00 Apr. 30/13
Spinbrush Kids Battery Toothbrush 65334051 $1.00 1/31/12
SplendaSweetener Product $1.00 Feb. 05/13
St. Ives Body Wash
Stagg Chili 850019380 $0.50 11/01/12
Stopain Cold 49000190 $2.50 12/30/12
Sublime Mousse 46964609 $4.00 12/31/12
Sunkist Vitamin 43403266 $1.00 11/30/12
Sunlight laundry detergent 72613616 $1.50 1/31/13
Sunlight pacs laundry product (24 load) when you buy one Sunlight liquid product (78 or 96 load) 8308085 31-Mar-13
Temptations 8299811 B1G1 11/30/12
Temptations cat treats $0.50 Mar. 31/13
TENA Product 28004703 $1.00 12/31/13
ThriveLozenge or Gum Product, 108ct $1.00 Dec. 31/12
Tide Detergent 12/31/12
Tinactin 60315162 $2.50 12/31/12
Toilet Duck/ Scrubbing Bubbles 33689092 $1.00 9/12/12
TRESemmé 89288510 $1.00 6/30/13
TRESemmé 89288543 $1.00 6/30/13
TRESemmé- Nourishing Rituals 85114076 $1.00 12/31/12
TRESemmé Split Remedy 85114005 $1.00 12/31/12
Tylenol Sinus and Cold 4388180 $3.00 1/31/13
Uncle Ben's 8299707 B1G1 12/31/12
Uncle Ben's (any) 8299710 $1.00 12/31/12
V8 (00)924593 $1.00 12/31/12
V8 Vegetable cocktail (00)924593 $1.00 12/31/12
Valid from September 8 - 27, 2012 Max $8.00 value upc: 30004346 $5.00 30-Nov-12
Van Houtte 1190213 $2.00 12/31/12
Van Houtte 1190213 $2.00 12/31/12
Van Houtte coffee (225g and up, exluding K-Cups), 89288545 31-Mar-13
Vaseline "Any" lotion 89288567 $1.00 13/31/13
Vaseline "Total Moisture" lotion 89288498 $1.00 12/31/12
VH Sauces 44405609 B2S2 03/31/13
VH Streamers 44406905 $1.00 12/31/12
Vileda Scrub & Go or Scrunge product, 89288569 $1.00 31-Dec-12
Vileda Scrub & Go or Scrunge products WUB2 89288570 $3.00 31-Dec-12
Vim product (excl. 250ml) V0908121108124001 $4.00 08-Nov-12
Vim product. $0.50 Dec. 31/12
Vitalux Product 51301923 $2.00 12/31/12
Voortman No Sugar Added Cookies V0908121108122002 $2.00 08-Nov-12
Voortman Turnover Cookies V0908121108121001 $1.00 08-Nov-12
Welch Juices 22223630 $0.50 12/31/12
Wheat Thins 5534089 $0.50 12/31/12
Wheat Thins Sti or Munchables 5534047 $0.75 12/31/12
Whiskas dry cat food (9.1 kg) $1.00 Mar. 31/13
Whiskas Dry Food for Cats 66011473 30-Nov-12
Windex Trigger 33689018 B1/G1 11/19/12
Woolite Product 6549578 $2.00
Yoplait- Asana 29212428 $1.00
Yoplait- Yoptimal (Back of Asana)
Yoptimal 76144686 $0.50 2/28/13
Zak’s Original Bruise or Heelspur Cream (redeem at Rexall and SDM) 99801023 $2.00 30-Aug-13
Zak’s Original Darkspot Cream (redeem at Rexall and SDM) 76405251 $1.00 30-Nov-12
Zantac 4386722 $3.00 12/31/13
Ziplock brand containers $1.00 Dec. 31/12
Wish List:
Dove $2.00 off any product (except ending 409 and 529)
Palmolive Dish soap (except 320)
Free Product Coupons


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hello from chriselle97 Thu, Nov 1st, 2012 12:46 AM
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Sat, Nov 17th, 2012 02:11 AM
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