Ah Eltada - it was a great time for me too. Look at that brag album and the goodies. See that you're using your savvy shopping/couponing skills.
Hey There! I got your envie today...and i really appreciate what you had included! A true gift. Thank you!
Thanks for the rep!
Thanks!! LOL I like bright colours!! haha
Thanks for the rep...hope you get some good airmiles deals!! baggypants
Hey we are all getting together again this Saturday March 12th at 2pm at Linda's house. If you can come and want directions just send me a message! Hope you can make it!
thanks for the rep
Thank you for the wonderful note, and for the coupons from my wishlist!! That was so sweet of you! I was so surprised! I thanked you in this thread as well...just because I think other SC'ers should know how kind you are!! : http://forum.smartcanucks.ca/185715-...a/#post3062258
Thank you so much for my Valentine package! Very very much appreciated!! Thankyou,Addismom
Senior Canuck
Smart Canuck