Hello ~ I PM'd you to find out if you've received my end of the trade yet.....I haven't received mine. I haven't had a response from you.....please let me know !!
are you still interested in thr MIRs ..I didnt get a reply from you..
hi! did you receive my GC?
Hey sorry slow in getting back to you been crazy at my house lol The coupon is not available thanks!!
forgot saying, the airwick with coupon on its body doesn't match each other, you have to get coupon and find the right "smell" to match. like yesterday i saw "apple cinnamon medley" sk on clearance, and just at its side , another "smell" also on clearance , which had coupon right for apple cinnamon medley"....
it s red peel-off coupon on package , like sunlight mail in rebate form on its body
Hello! To give a rep you see the comment box in a thread....then on the left side under feedback score there are 3 icons...1st one tells if the person is online (green dot) , 2nd one is to give reps, click & a box comes up to put a message, 3rd one is to report someone (never used it!). Glad to help!
Harley Gal
Smart Canuck
I Love Deals