Awww send it again! lol
I am so sorry! I didnt know it was someone from here. I have had too many people ask to be my friend etc... I aplogize!
Thanks. I need the NP, so I'll sell them.
what happend to ur tarantula? did it die or u gave it away? i have many tarantula, cat, rat, i love all kids of animals
yeah its a mexican rose, cute little things arent
OH! I feel dumb now. They just looked at the referral!
OMG! The items are so cute! Thanks so much. They're worth like what my account is worth, lol. I guess I'll keep them to be polite.
How they knew my username before I posted it, I don't know. EVEN SCARRIER! lol
Who's this Sage guy then?....I'm scared,lol. I just looked for my oldest new Neofriend. (oldest meaning longest membership) Thanks so much for the grundo. Happy valentine's day!
Are you sage61104? If so, thanks for the Grundo!
You're welcome, Hope you enjoy it as much as I do
Smart Canuck