All welcome aboard, which will then bring our total to 11 rider's!! Hope that's alright with everyone but kears10 posted in the train thread before I...
Received Train #2 today. Took out $7.00 and added $11.00 plus my BP of WL coupons for you!! Already back in the mail en route to LynnM (had her addy...
Received Car #1 today. Took out $4.25 and added $7.25 plus my BP of 3 WL coupons. Already back in the mail en route home!! Leaving FB now. Thanks for...
Received an envie on Friday from peachy_105. I have sorted through it with no issues!! :top: Another perfect envie for this train!! She will also be...
Born and raised in Owen Sound, Ont...moved to NS in it here :)
Dartmouth, NS
coupons, saving money, getting free stuff lol
professional butt wiper
Wish List:
Jen Jackson wishlist(jenj77)
No store specific, french or printables unless specified
Toonies for tummies ok if for Atlantic canada
everything else ok :) *Not able to stack* :(
pampers wipes
huggies wipes
Irish Spring
Axe $2 for spray
goldfish crackers
women's bodywash
Nivea $1/$2(not pure&natural)
john frieda(not wub)
purex $3
vitamin waters any brand
pasta sauce/pasta
$3 hamburger
baking products: chipits, baker's chocolate, cream cheese bricks etc.
miracle whip
driscolls berries .50 *printable*
kelloggs cereals
kraft products
chapmans $5
kids fruit snacks(not betty crocker)
cake mixes, icing
Colgate call ins
Johnson & Johnson callins
Playtex $1 for bottle liners
KD smart .50 or .75
Hunt's snack pack
Nutrigrain bars
any crackers except ritz munchables(have lots)
Prime chicken portions
Dove go fresh bodywash/soap
any colgate toothpaste
lysol wipes
Crystal Light
chocolate bars
Iams $3 or $5(dry cat food)
Temptations cat treats(no