Happy Birthday!
Thought i'd show up here and wish you avery Happy Birthday, hope it's a great one.
happy new year! health and peace to you and yours!
Just stopped by to say Happy Birthday to you, hope it's the best one of your life.
Still can't stay away!!!!
Go back and report now!! LOL
Can't stay away? Did ums get voted off the island? LOL
Lurkers never prosper!!!
BAck to the dark side
I haven't seen that commercial in a long time (rice a roni).... Same with one with the dog chasin after the wagon (dog food) commercial I think it was a Gravy Train dog food or somethin like that. Crap, that's gonna bug me now tryin to think of it lol
hi jimbo! thanks for the rep! nice to see ya back!
LOL Thanks for the repperoni - yummy LOL
Thanks for the rep!
Thanks for the rep Sir
It's been a long time since you have repped me. Phew if I smoked, I'd be lighting up right now! Cheers to you & Happy Vrooming!!
Thank you for the rep!!!
Thanks for the rep Jimbo!
Stopping by to say hello to you and to remind you that soon you'll be riding again!!
Canadian Genius
In a better place now. HA
Smart Canuck
need to go riding
SC's Official Playmate!
Jenine not Janine