Conversation Between orv and madchives

13 Visitor Messages

  1. LOL thanks for the rep! Hope your having yourself a wonderful long weekend =)
  2. LOL!!! that was cute. thanks for the rep chives! =)
  3. glad you liked it, orv, does look a bit familiar
  4. WOW I think i remember receiving that EXACT valentine as a child. Total trip down memory lane. Thank you madchives! made my day! =)
  5. happy valentine's day, orv
  6. thanks for the sweet and understanding rep, orv

  7. hope you have a good mommy's day,
  8. geee, doesn't take much for you to lmao, kiddo
    thanks for the rep,,,
  9. Not a problem i figured we were reppin and chattin enough it was time to move up to the next level! LOL hope you have a great sunday! =)
  10. hi, orv, thanks for the friend request.
    great way to start a sunday,
    with a new friend, hope it's a good
    day for you,,,,,
  11. hey, orv, thanks for the swag rep.
  12. hi, orv, thanks for the swag rep thingy.
    i stopped holding my breath, though.
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 13 of 13