Hi Orv, Just wondering what you won? Sounds Fabulous.
Thanks for the rep! Have a great weekend!
Im so jealous! Sounds like you had one hell of a night! Im so happy that you won the grand prize! Just reading your brag i almost started crying happy/excited tears
congrats on the win see you on tv!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hahaha, I'm getting sick of the t-pain mic already! It was hilarious at first but now it's just annoying lol.
Woohoo, good for you! I voted for you, hope you win.
Thanks for the rep. Eek, once per IP - hope my second vote won't be a problem - was a different name. Fingers crossed for you.
Not a problem! I put the link in my siggy also. I really hope you win! Merry Christmas!
Thanks for reps hope you win !!!
Oh boo that sucks. I'll try to vote again at my parents' house or get my sister to.
Thanks for the rep and no problem! Can you vote every day or is it just once per computer?
Thanks for the rep
You're welcome & thanks for the rep!
Canadian Guru
Canadian Genius
Smart Canuck
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