Happy long weekend guys - I popped into RCSS to check out the new coupon zone coupons (my favorite bi-weekly outing :biggrin:) and to grab some FREE...
Just noticed that there is a Coupon Zone coupon for $0.30 off any Catelli Smart Pasta. If you price match Foodland's flyer it's on sale for $1.00 so...
Thanks, I love my little coupon bag, I've been slowly working up the strength to switch to a binder, but I might just buy a bigger bag... It can all...
Thanks so much ladies :smile: I like it when brags are easy to follow as well, so I don't have to read through every comment to figure out the deal....
The categories I have are:
Using Today, Cleaning, Household. Beauty, Hygiene Oral Hygiene, Papergoods, Personal Care, Baby Product, Medicine,Yogurt,...
There was only one person that was rude on this thread (who was banned for a week) 99.5% of the people on this site are extremely nice - and all the...