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About Piglet_fy
Trade List:

x3 $2.00 CUREL moisturizer, any 31-Dec-11
x1 $3.00 ENFAGROW (1 can / 4-pack ready-to-drink) (exp) 31-Mar-11
x1 $1.00 ESTER-C 31-Dec-10
x2 $10.00 WUB>$20 FISHER PRICE Toy (exp) 31-Jan-11
X1 $2.00 FLINTSTONE gummies 31-Dec-10
x1 $5.00 GERBER Breast Pump (exp) NIL
x1 $1.25 GERBER Nurser (exp) NIL
x1 $1.00 GERBER Baby Nursing Pads (exp) NIL
x1 $1.50 GERBER Breast Therapy products (exp) NIL
x1 $1.00 WUB 2 GERBER Graduates (exp) 30-Jun-11
x5 $1.00 HEINZ baby foods (exp) NIL
x1 $2.00 WUB 10 HEINZ baby foods or juices (100ml, 128ml, 213 ml or microwavable 170g) (exp) 31-Dec-10
x2 $2.00 WUB2 HEINZ cereal (exp) 31-Dec-10
x11 $3 / 5/10 HEINZ Nurture infant formula Dec 31, 09 +10
x0 $1.00 WUB 2 HEINZ Strained meat baby foods OR Heinz juice (exp) 31-Dec-09
x8 $2.00 WUB2 HEINZ toddler snack (exp) Dec 31, 2010 , 2011 (x1)
x1 $2.00 HUGGIES diapers 31-Dec-10
x2 $3.00 HYDRASENSE 31-Dec-10
x5 $1.00 LACTANTIA Smart Growth milk 4l / 2x 2l 31-Dec-10
x3 $1.00 LIBERTE plain greek yogurt 31-Dec-10
x0 $1.00 MILUPA cereal 31-Dec-10
x0 $0.50 MOTHERHEN organic sorbet 30-Jun-10
x1 $1.00 NESTLE Graduates fruit twists (exp) 30-Jun-11
x4 $1.50 PEDIASURE Complete 4 x 235ml 20-May-12
x7 $1.00 PLAYTEX cup, any 31-Dec-10
x18 $5.00 PLAYTEX Diaper genie II elite system 31-Dec-10
x3 $1.00 PLAYTEX Diaper Genie II refill 31-Dec-10
x6 $1.00 PLAYTEX Drop-ins system bottle liners 31-Dec-10
x8 $2.00 PLAYTEX Drop-ins system getting started set 31-Dec-10
x4 $1.00 PLAYTEX Ortho-Pro pacifier 31-Dec-10
x4 $1.00 PLAYTEX pacifier or teethers 31-Dec-10
x0 $1.00 PLAYTEX Twist and Click cup 31-Dec-09
x8 $2.00 PLAYTEX VenAire Advanced Complete Set (exp) 31-Dec-10
x0 $1.00 PUREX baby soft laundry detergent 31-Mar-10
x5 $5.00 SIMILAC advance step 1/ step 2, sensentive lactose free (exp) Dec 31 (Step 1 x2), Nov 30
x9 $.5 / 1 YOBABY / STONEYFIELD farm yogourt Dec 31, 2010 / Mar 31, 2011 ($1x2), Jan 31, 2011
x0 $1.00 ZINCOFAX 30-Sep-10
x2 $5.00 LEAPFRG Explorer / learning games , Tag books, tag junior 02/28.2011

x3 $0.50 ACTIVIA (dessert) 31-Jan-11
x2 $1.00 APOLLINARIS Classic mineral water (exp) 31-Dec-10
x5 $1.00 ARCTIC GARDEN rice Aug 31 / Oct 30
x0 $0.75 ARMSTRONG cheese 30-Jun-10
x8 $1.00 ASTRO Biofest smoothie / Maximmunite probiotic drinks / yogurt (exp) 1/31/2011Jan 31, 2011 / Dec 31, 2010
x7 $1 / .5 ASTRO yogourt, any (exp) Dec 31, 2010 / Jan 31, 2011 (x1) / Apr 30, 2011(x1)
x4 $1.00 BAKER'S semi-sweet cholcolate 11-Jan-11
x4 $ 1/5 / 2.5 BALDERSON Cheddar cheese portion / 5 year 31-Jan-11
x2 $1.00 BEATRICE Sweetened condensed milk 31-Jan-11
x13 $1.00 BERTOLLI Olive oil 500ml or larger 31-Dec-10
x5 $1.50 BICKS 2 1l pickles 31-Dec-10
x2 $1.00 BICK'S less salt 50% baby dill pickles 31-Dec-10
x4 $1.00 BLACK DIAMOND Funcheez / Cheesstrings Ficello WUB2 Jan 31, 2001 / dec 31, 2010
x1 $1.00 BLACK DIAMOND natural cheese 200g, 300g,500g,700g 31-Dec-10
x2 $1.00 BLACK DIAMOND portion packs (126 pack) 31-Jan-11
x1 $0.50 BURNBRAE FARMS Free Run Omega 3 eggs 31-Dec-10
x7 $.75 / .6 CANTON standup pouch sauce / gravey 31-Dec-10
x3 $1 (WUB3) / $ .75 (WUB2)/ $.35 Carnation Evaporated milk WUB 3 (exp) 31-Dec-10
x1 $0.50 CASTELLO gorgnzola 31-Dec-10
x24 $0.50 CATELLI Garden Select 1-Jan-11
x1 $0.50 CHEERIOS 30-Jun-11
x8 $0.50 CHEF BOYARDEE 31-Dec-10
x12 $1.00 CLOVERLEAF Skinkess bineless Atlantic salmon Dec 31, 10 / June 30, 2011 (x5)
x5 $1.00 CLOVERLEAF Solid White Tuna WUB2 30-Jun-11
x1 $1.00 COZY SHACK 31-Dec-10
x1 $0.75 DAIRYLAND Lil Ones yogurt (exp) 31-Mar-11
x1 $0.75 DAMAFRO Brie cheese 31-Dec-10
x0 $.5 / 1 /1.5 DANACTIVE (exp) 31-Oct-10
x0 $0.50 DANINO GO 8 x 93ml, 4x93ml, Petit 6x60g, 8x100g 31-Dec-09
x1 $0.75 DANONE any 11-Jan-10
x0 $0.75 DARE / GRISSOL WUB2 ANY 31-Jan-11
x1 $0.50 DARE crackers (exp) NIL
x0 $0.30 DARE REALFRUIT gummies (exp) 31-Dec-09
x5 $0.30 DARE REALFRUIT minis fruit snacks (exp) 30-Jun-10
x6 $1.00 DEL Monte fruit twist 31-Dec-10
x0 $1.00 DEMPSTER New York New York bagels + MAPLE LEAF bacon 31-Dec-09
x1 $0.75 DEMPSTER Smart (exp) 30-Apr-10
x6 $0.75 DEMPSTERS Oven fresh 31-Dec-10
x12 $.5 / / $1 / 1.25 (WUB2) DEMPSTER'S pita products 31-Dec-10
x0 $0.50 DEMPSTER'S whole grain 12 grain / ancient grains breads (tortilla) 31-Aug-10
x2 $.75 / $1 (x0) DEMPSTER'S whole grain breads / Helathy Way WUB2 30-Jun-10
x0 $0.50 DEMPSTER'S whole wheat bagels (exp) 31-Aug-10
x7 $0.30 DEMSPTER 'S SMART BREADS, STAYS FRESH white, 100% ww, Healthy Way, whole grain (exp) 31-Dec-10
x3 $0.75 FLEISCHMANN's canada brand corn starch / pizza yeast Dec 31, 10 / 11
x0 $1.00 FOLGERS any (exp) 31-Mar-10
x1 $1.00 FOLGERS classic roast / gourmet selections (exp) 31-Mar-11
x8 $ 1 (WUB2) / $.3 FRENCH's mustard (exp) Dec 31, 09 / Feb 28,10 (SS-Nov) / may 30,10
x4 $1.00 FRUIT wub 400g TOBLERONE chocolate bar 31-Dec-10
x0 $0.30 GAY LEA real whipped cream (exp) 31-Mar-10
x2 $0.75 GAY LEA Spreadables butter (exp) 30-Sep-11
x1 B1G1 free GENISOY 31-Dec-10
x1 $10.00 GLOUCESTER Bakery (Gift Certificate, Toronto) (exp) NIL
x0 B1G1 free GREEN GIANT Essential 31-May-10
x5 $0.50 GREEN GIANT Valley (frozen food) 30-Jun-10
x1 $0.50 GRISSOL Rustic flatbreads 31-Dec-10
x1 $3.00 HAAGEN DAZS WUB2 30-Jun-10
x0 $2.00 HAAGEN DAZS / NESTLE REAL DIARY WUB2 (exp) 31-Jan-10
x1 $0.50 HAIN CELESTIAL 31-Jul-11
x0 $1.00 HEINZ chili sauce AND OCEAN SPRAY jellied cranberry sauce 1-Apr-10
x0 $1.00 HELLMANN's 1/2 the fat mayonnaise, 890ml 31-Dec-09
x4 $1 / .75 HELLMANN's 750ml Dec 1 / Dec 31, 2010
x1 $1.00 HIDDEN VALLEY ranch dressing 473ml 31-Dec-10
x31 $0.75 HIGHLINER 500g or 700g product ANY 31-Dec-10
x2 $1 / 2 HIGHLINER Pan-sear selects 540g Jun 30 / Dec 31, 2010
x1 $0.40 HONEYBAR / EVERYONE"S Organic bar 31-Dec-11
x0 $0.50 HORMEL Real Bacon (exp) 6-Jun-10
x1 FREE lettuce HORMEL Real Bacon bits / pieces (exp) NIL
x3 $0.50 HORMEL Xompleats microwave meal 31-Dec-10
x1 $0.50 IVANHOE Sharpe cold pack cheddar cheese 31-Dec-10
x1 Free JAVA JOE'S (Thornhill, ON) (exp) NIL
x7 $1.00 JELLO refridgerated pudding snack / gel Feb 28, 10(x1) Dec 31, 2010
x4 $1.00 JOHNSONVILLE any WUB2 (exp) 31-Dec-11
x6 $1.00 JOHNSONVILLE Italian ground sausage (exp) Dec 31,10 (x6)
x2 $1.00 JOHNSONVILLE Sausages, smoked and cooked WUB2 (exp) 31-Dec-11
x1 $0.75 JORDANS Morning Crisp 31-Dec-12
x3 $0.50 KIKOMAN No expiry
x7 $1.00 KNORR any WUB2 31-Dec-10
x1 $1.00 KRAFT aMooza twist / Sport 8-Feb-11
x0 B1G1 free KRAFT Delissio Flatbread melt 30-Sep-10
x2 $0.50 KRAFT Dinner Cracker 31-Dec-10
x1 B1G1 free KRAFT Dinner Cups (ww) 28-Feb-11
x4 $0.35 KRAFT Handi-snacks WUB2 (exp) 31-Dec-10
x1 $0.30 KRAFT Macaroni pasta salad WUB2 31-Dec-10
x0 $0.30 KRAFT Miracle Whip 532ml 30-Sep-10
x2 $0.75 KRAFT Sizzling salads 1-Feb-11
x2 $1.00 LACTANITIA Olivina / healthy attitude Omega 3 margarine 31-Jan-11
x2 $1.00 LACTANTIA butter 31-Jan-11
x3 $1.25 / 1 LACTANTIA creams 500ml wub2 Jan 31, 2011 / dec 31, 2010
x12 $1.00 LACTANTIA PurFilter milk (organic) 31-Dec-10
x2 $0.75 / 1 (wub2) LACTANTIA PurFilter milk 2l 31-Jan-11
x2 $1.00 LACTANTIA PurFilter milk 4l 31-Jan-11
x3 $1.00 LACTANTIA Smart Growth milk 31-Dec-10
x8 $1 / .75 LAUGHTING COW / PARTY CUBES Feb 28 / Jun30 ($1) / Sep 30 ($.75) / Dec 31 (party cubes)
x0 $1.50 LEAN CUISINE / BISTRO PANINI WUB 2 (exp) Nov 21, Nov 28, 09
x0 $0.50 LIBERTE Meduterranee yogurt 31-Dec-10
x3 $0.50 LIBERTE yogurt 31-Dec-10
x0 $0.50 LILYDALE daystarter sausages 31-Dec-09
x0 $1.00 LINDT family bars (exp) 31-Oct-09
x1 $0.75 LIPTON Cup-a-Soup WUB any 2 (exp) 30-Jun-10
x1 $1.00 LIPTON iced tea, sparkling green tea, DOLE sparklers (12 x 355ml) / DOLE Real Fruit (12x340ml) 31-Dec-10
x0 $1.00 LIPTON Pyramid tea (exp) 30-Jan-10
x1 $0.50 LIPTON receipe onion soup (exp) 30-Jun-10
x4 $1.00 LIPTON Soup WUB any 2 (exp) 30-Jun-10
x0 $0.50 LU biscuit, any (exp) 31-Mar-10
x1 $0.50 MADAME CLEMENT 200g cheese 31-Dec-10
x1 $0.50 MAILLE 31-Dec-10
x3 $0.5 / 1 MARCANGELO premium quality meat (exp) NIL
x0 $0.50 MARS bar (exp) 28-Feb-10
x1 $1.00 MAZOLA Corn/Canola Oil (exp) 31-Dec-10
x1 $0.75 MCCAIN Deep n Delicious pizza / pizza pocket 30-Jun-10
x0 $0.75 MCCAIN Purely potatoes 30-Apr-10
x0 $0.30 MCVITIES 500g digestive biscuits 31-Dec-09
x12 $1.00 MELITTA coffee 31-Dec-10
x12 $0.75 MELITTA filter 31-Dec-10
x0 $0.75 MENTos 30-Jul-10
x1 $0.50 MINUTE Maid / NESTEA/ FIVE ALIVE 10 x 200ml 31-Dec-10
x0 $0.50 MINUTE Maid 1.75ml Pure Squeezed not from concentrate orange juice 31-Dec-09
x0 $.75 / 1 MINUTE RICE (white/whole grain) (exp) Jan 31 / 25, 2010
x11 $1.00 MOTT'S Fruitsations (6x111/113g) 30-Jun-10
x1 $0.75 MR. CHRISTIE's Snak Paks , Soft baked cookies 28-Feb-11
x10 .3 / .5 NATUREGG Omega / OmegaPro eggs Dec 31, 10 / 11 (x1)
x6 $0.50 NATUREGG Omega3 hardboiled 2 egg 30-Jun-10
x9 1 / .75 NATUREGG Simply egg whites, liquid egg Dec31, 10/11
x2 $ 0.5 / $1 NESCAFE Cappuccino or Latte (exp) 31-Dec-10
x3 FREE / $1 / $2 NESCAFE Taster choice Single serve / instant coffee 31-Dec-11
x15 $1 / .75 / 2 OASIS health break/ NUTRISOURCE / Fruit /Juice Blend (exp) Mar 31,11 / Dec 31 ($2/juice blend) / June 31, 2011($.75)
x2 $1.00 OCEAN SPRAY 100% juice blend WUB2 (exp) Nov 15,10 / Feb 28,11
x0 $1.00 OCEAN SPRAY cocktail, 1.89l / 3.78l WUB2 31-Dec-09
x2 $1.00 OCEAN SPRAY Craisins sweetened dried cranberries (170g) 28-Feb-11
x2 OCEAN SPRAY Craisins sweetened dried cranberries (170g) x1 $1.00 PATAK'S Naan bread 31-Dec-10
x16 $1 / ,45 PATAK'S product, any 31-Dec-10
x5 $0.50 PERRIER (exp) 31-Dec-10
x1 $1.00 PHILLY whipped cream cheeze (sinach / T&B) 28-Feb-11
x2 $5.00 PITA BREAK WUB2 Dec 31, 2011/10
x1 $1 / .75 SPLENDA brand product, any (exp) 30-Apr-11
x5 $2.00 STOUFFER'S Saute Sensations 640g 31-Dec-10
x1 $0.50 SUN-RYPE Fruit to go (exp) 31-Dec-10
x0 $0.50 SUN-RYPE FruitSource mini bites 31-Dec-09
x7 $0.50 SUN-RYPE juice 1.36l (exp) 31-Dec-10
x0 $1.00 TABASCO (exp) 31-Dec-09
x0 $1.00 TENDERFLAKES products WUB 2 (exp) 1-Dec-10
x1 $1.00 TETLEY ready to drink tea (1.89L)or new Tetley Infusions (exp) 31-Dec-10
x6 $1.00 TETLEY specialty tea canisters (20s and 24s), WUB2 31-Dec-10
x0 $2.00 TOSTITOS tortilla chips, RUFFLES, DORITOS, Salsa, dips WUB2 7-Sep-10
x1 $0.50 TRE STELLE mascarpone cheese 30-Jun-10
x2 $0.50 TRE STELLE rocotta cheese / feta June 30, Oct 30
x5 $0.50 TRE STELLE slices 31-Dec-10
x0 $0.50 TRISCUIT cracker, any 1-Aug-10
x0 $1.00 TROPICANNA Essential juice (2.53ml) / Pure Premimum orange juice (2.63ml) WUB2 31-Dec-09
x1 $1.00 UNCLE BEN's Bistro Express Entrée 240 or 250g (exp) Feb 28 / jun 30 x1
x0 $1.00 V* vegetable cocktail 1.89l WUB2 31-Jul-10
x5 $0.75 V8 V-fusion 31-Dec-10
x0 $0.50 V8, V8 V-Plus or V8 V-Go vegetable cocktail (exp) 28-Feb-10
x5 $0.50 VACHON, Vanilla 1/2moon 306g / Chocolate 1/2 moon 206g, Jos Louis 410g, Ah Caramel 366g 31-Dec-10
x2 $2 (wub2) / .75 VH cooking sauces / cooking stir fry, dip (exp) 30-Jun-10
x0 $1.00 VH Indian Market cooking sauce 31-Dec-09
x7 $ 0.5 / 1(wub2) VILLAGGIO bread Oct 31 / Dec 31 (wub2)
x2 $.75 / 0.6 WELCH's 100% juice / cocktail (1.82l / 1.89l) 31-Dec-10
x2 $0.50 WESTERN cremery cream cheese 31-Dec-10
x1 $0.75 WONDER invisible 31-Dec-10

x1 $3.00 ADVIL cold or Sinus 31-Jan-11
x0 $1.00 ADVIL Tablets / Caplets 24', Gel Caplets 16', Extra Strength / Liqui-Gels, Extra Strength Liqui-Gels 16' (exp) 31-Mar-10
x2 $2.00 ADVIL Tablets 100's , Caplets 100's and Gel Caplets / Liquid Gel 72' and 115', Extra Strength 72's and 165's, Extra Strength Liqui-Gels 50's and 80's (exp) 31-Jan-11
x0 $2.00 AERIUS any allergy products (exp) 31-Mar-10
x6 $1.00 ALBERTO European extream style styling product 30-Jun-10
x1 $2.00 Arm & hammer Spinbrush Proclean sonic battery toothbrush or Sonic refill 10-Aug-10
x1 $1.50 Arm & hammer Spinbrush Proclean, Pro select or Pro-whitening battery toothbrush 10-Aug-10
x1 $3.00 Arm & hammer Spinbrush rechargeable toothbrush 10-Aug-10
x0 $0.50 ARMS & HAMER baking soda / frisge fresh 31-Dec-09
x5 $1 / .75 ARMS & HAMER toothpaste 31-Dec-10
x1 $5 MIR ARMS & HAMMER Advance Antiperspirant deodorant 30-Jun-10
x1 $3.00 AVEENO,NEUTOGENA etc. 30-Jun-10
x1 $2.00 BAND-AID brand flexible fabric bandage pack + x1 POLYSPORIN topical antibiotic / antiseptic 10-Jun-10
x1 $1.00 BENYLIN syrup 250ml 30-Nov-12
x1 $1.00 BIC SOLEIL 3 PACK / large bic flex shavers 31-Dec-10
x2 $1.00 BIC SOLEIL 3-pack or larger disposable shaver 31-Dec-10
x1 $4.00 BIC SOLEIL razor starter kit / Cartridge refill 4 pack 31-Dec-10
x0 $0.75 BLISTEX lip massage / lip balm 31-Mar-10
x0 $3.00 CANESTEN (exp) 31-Dec-09
x2 $3.00 CELADRIN holista / Joint care 31-Dec-10
x7 $3 /4 CENTRUM Cardio 31-Jul-10
x1 $2.00 CENTRUM Materna 2-May-10
x8 $2.00 CETAPHIL cleaser or mouturizer (excludes trail, 40ml & 28g) 31-Dec-10
x0 $3.00 CITRACAL Vit D 31-Mar-10
x3 $1.75 CLARITIN any products (exp) 31-Dec-10
x1 $2.00 COLD-FX 31-May-10
x1 $1.50 COLGATE 360 toothbrush 30-Jun-10
x4 $1.5 / 1 COLGATE Total Advanced health, any (exp) Jun 30 / Jul 30 $1
x0 $3 (WUB2) / $1 COVERGIRL 31-Mar-10
x2 $5/$7 CREST Whitestrips Advanced Seal / pro effect (exp) Mar 31 / May 02
x5 $0.50 DEGREE product, any/men/women 31-Dec-10
x5 $2.00 DOVE any 2 different products (exp) Dec 31,2010
x1 $1.50 DOVE beauty bar 4 x 90g 30-Apr-10
x3 $ 1 / 1.5 x3 DOVE Body wash with Nutrium moisture Apr 30 / Jul 31 (x3)
x0 $1.50 DOVE cream oil Body Wash (exp) 31-Dec-09
x2 1.5 / 1 /2.5 / Free DOVE Hair care products 750/950ml ($1.5) , x2 ($ 2.5) Dove Style ($1), Free Stlying wub 2x Dove Hair (exp) 31-Dec-10
x1 $0.50 DOVE Ultimate supreme anti-perspirant 31-Dec-10
x1 $2.00 GARNIER anti-sun damage 29-Apr-10
x6 $1.00 GARNIER Fructis style products (damage repair product) (exp) 31-Dec-10
x7 $1.00 GARNIER HerbaShine hair 31-Dec-10
x6 $1.00 GARNIER Nutrisse cream for hair 1-May-10
x1 $5.00 GARNIER Ultra-lift pro products WUB2 (exp) 29-Apr-10
x0 $1.00 GILETTE Fusion HydraGel 198g / HydraSoothe 100ml Jan 25 / Feb 23,10
x1 $4.00 GILLETTE Fusion / Fusion power 8ct cartridges 30-Apr-10
x1 $4.00 GILLETTE Fusion / Fusion power razor 30-Apr-10
x1 $1.50 GOLD BOND ultimate restoring skin therapy lotion 30-Jun-10
x0 $3.00 GRANIER Fructise Triple Nutrition WUB2 31-Mar-10
x1 $2.00 GRANIER Skin Renew Radiance Moisture cream 29-Apr-10
x3 $2.00 IMODIUM advanced caplets, advanced chw, quick dessolve Jna 25 / Mar 18 / Apr 30,10
x2 $2.00 INFUSIUM 23 31-May-10
x1 FRP Johnson;s, Desitin, Penaten 30-Jun-10
x2 $1.00 Johnson;s, Desitin, Penaten 30-Jun-10
x1 $5.00 K-Y Yours + Mine couple lubricant 3.0fl 30-Apr-10
x5 $4.00 LAKOTA Jun 30 (x1 - RP) / Aug 31 (SS - Mar)
x4 $1.00 LEVER 2000 soap bar 30-Apr-10
x6 $1.00 LEVER 2000, 4 / 8 packs 30-Apr-10
x4 $1.00 LISTERINE prelium 1l mouthwash (exp) Jan 18, Feb 09, Mar 18,Apr 30,2010
x1 $2.00 LISTERINE Smart rinse 500ml bottle 30-Apr-10
x1 $10.00 LOREAL Everpure - WUB3 30-Sep-10
x1 $2.00 LOREAL Excellence -to-go product 30-Sep-10
x4 $10.00 LOREAL Hair Expertise (WUB3) 30-Sep-10
x1 $2.00 LOREAL Healthy Look cream gloss color 31-Dec-10
x1 $2.00 LOREAL StudioLine Indestructible / mineral FX, SFX products 12-Jan-00
x1 $2.00 LUBRIDERM 480ml, any 31-Dec-10
x2 $1.00 MITCHUM 30-Jun-10
x1 $2.00 MORTIN cold and sinus pain (exp) 30-Apr-10
x1 $3.00 NEO CITRAN warming relief syrup/powder 31-Dec-10
x4 $5.00 NEUTROGENA Clinical 31-Dec-10
x0 $2.00 NEUTROGENA norvegian formula products 18-Mar-10
x1 $1.00 NIVEA anti-perpirant 30-Nov-10
x1 $10.00 NOCORETTE patch / gum 30-Apr-10
x7 $1.00 NOXZEMA Clean Nov 30 (x1), Dec 31, 10
x1 $5.00 OLAY Definity facial moisturizer + facial cleanser (exp) 2-May-10
x1 $6.00 OLAY Pro-X product (exp) 2-May-10
x1 B2G1 OLAY RENEGERIST Moisturisers, FREE cleanser 2-May-10
x1 $1.00 OLD SPICE 30-Jun-10
x1 $3 / 1 OLD SPICE deodorant / body wash Mar 31 (BS) / June 30
x4 $3.00 ORAL B 3ct Premium refill brush heads 30-Jun-10
x2 $1.00 PANTENE Pro-V any product (exp) May 02,10
x1 $1.00 PANTENE Pro-V any Styler or Treatment (exp) 2-May-10
x0 $1.00 PLAY ribbons body wash / quench advanced relief body lotion 31-Mar-10
x2 $2.00 PLEDGE Fabric Sweeper (exp) 1-Aug-10
x1 $1.00 POLYSPORIN lip product 30-Apr-10
x1 $1.50 REACH toothbrush (excl. 100 essential) 30-Apr-10
x0 $1.00 REDOXON-B product 31-Mar-10
x8 $1.00 RICOLA cough suppressant thoart drops, 17/19 lozenges bag 30-Apr-10
x1 $1.00 SATIN CARE product (exp) 29-Apr-10
x3 $2.00 Schick Quattro for Women TrimStyle razor / refill razors or refills (exp) 31-Dec-10
x2 $2.00 SCHICK Xtreme 3 3 disposable razor 31-Dec-10
x0 $1.50 SECRET flawless antiperspirant / deodorant 31-Mar-10
x1 $2.00 SECRET flawless any, WUB2 2-May-10
x1 $1.50 SENSODYNE Pro Namel 31-Dec-10
x4 $1.00 SENSODYNE toothpaste 31-Dec-10
x4 $1.50 SENSODYNE100ml / Pro-namel toothpaste 30-Jun-10
x0 $1.00 SENSODYNEPro-namel toothpaste 30-Apr-10
x1 $1.50 SLESUN BLUE itchy dry scalp / with botanicals anti-dandruff shampoos 30-Jun-10
x5 $1.00 ST. IVES facial care product 31-Dec-10
x0 $0.75 ST. IVES hand & body lotion, body wash, facial care product 31-Dec-09
x2 $1.00 ST. IVES hand & body lotion, body wash, facial care product 30-Jun-10
x0 $2.00 STAYFREE (exp) 31-Mar-10
x3 $5.00 SYATFREE/CAREFREE/OB (wub 2 at regular-price) Feb 9/mar 18 / June 302010
x0 $1(18ct) / $2.5 (36-40) TAMPAX Pearl / compak pearl 31-Mar-10
x0 $5.00 THERMALCARE 31-Mar-10
x8 $5.00 THRIVE 108ct gum and lozenge 4-Jun-10
x1 $1.00 TRESemme Fresh Start Dry / Natural 30-Sep-10
x1 $1.00 TRESemme Fresh Start Dry shampoo / wsterless foam shampoo 30-Sep-10
x11 $1.00 TRESemme shampoo / conditioner. 900ml 30-Sep-10

x5 $0.50 ARM & HAMMER baking soda 1kg / fridge fresh (exp) 31-Dec-10
x1 $1.00 ARM & HAMMER Essentials laundry detergent 30-Jun-10
x7 $1.00 ARM & HAMMER laundry detergent (exp) 31-Dec-10
x6 $0.75 ARM & HAMMER odor eliminator carget and room products (exp) 31-Dec-10
x1 $1.00 CASCADES,any 31-Dec-10
x1 $1.00 CASHMERE Fresh Wipes tubs ad refills 31-Dec-10
x2 $1.00 DURACELL batteries 30-Sep-11
x2 $3.5 / 1 /2 FINISH / ELECTRASOL quantum powerball tabs / gelpacs 30-Apr-11
x1 $1.00 METHOD laundry detergent, 25 or 50loads 31-Dec-10
x3 $1 / B1G1 SCRUBBING BUBBLES Automatic Shower Cleaner refill, Fantasik Triggers , Spray refiller (exp) 30-Apr-11
X2 $1.00 SCRUBBLING BUBBLES Action scrubber / fresh brush Dec 31,09 / Dec 31, 10
x0 $ 1.5 / B1G1 SCRUBBLING BUBBLES bathroom cleaner (exp) Jul 31 / Dec 31/ Jul 31, 2010
x1 B1G1 free SCRUBBLING BUBBLES fantastik trigger WUB Trigger / Aerosol (exp) 30-Jun-10
x2 $1.00 SCRUBBLING BUBBLES mega shower foamer / toilet cleaning gel / bathroom cleaner 31-Dec-10
x3 $1 / B1G1 SCRUBBLING BUBBLES toliet cleaning gel (exp) Dec 31, 09 / Jun 30,2010
x0 $1.00 SCRUBLING BUBBLE mega shower foamer / toilet cleaning gel / bathroom cleaner 31-Dec-09
x1 $1.00 SNUGGLE Fabric softener 31-Mar-11
x0 FREE SPONGETOWELS WUB and 2 full-size VIM products 31-Dec-09
x1 $1.25 SPOT SHOT 30-Jun-10
x0 $0.50 SPRAY'n WASH bright & white in-wash stain remover 31-Dec-09
x3 $1.00 SRUB FREE plus oxiclean / x-stream / Soap scum / milew / Naturally clean (exp) 31-Dec-10
x4 $0.75 SRUB FREE products (exp) 31-Dec-10
$2.00 SUNLIGHT 2x ultra wub2 30-Mar-11
x4 $1.00 VILEDA Glass Ceramic Scrunge 31-Dec-10
Wish List:
$1 / $5 PLAYTEX for any product
Toddler "healthy" snack
$1.50 Weston bakeries
$5 Maple Leaf
BECEL margarine (with Bertolli Olive oil only pls)
brown sugar
Chips (Sun Chips / Old Dutch / Ms Vickie / Cheetos)
Coffee (no Melitta / Nabab pls)
Congra Foods $1 voucher May 2011
GREEN GIANT / DE MONTE canned food
HAIN CELESTRIAL / RICE DREAM ( from Imagine creamy soup?)
HEINZ ketchup
HELLMANS mayo (regular only pls)
KRAFT Philly cream cheese brick
MARC ANGELO / MAPLE LEAF meat, good for any
Organic egg / yogurt
Organic rice / dairy / nut / white milk
pasta sauce / tomato paste (Hunts and Classico only pls)
PITA BREAK from manufacturer
SUN-MAID bread /



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Pampers GTG - Current Codes & Discussion Mon, Oct 10th, 2011 05:44 PM
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Fri, Feb 7th, 2014 02:15 PM
Join Date
Tue, Aug 18th, 2009

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