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About stanzy

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About stanzy
Professional Body Piercer
Trade List:
FPC’s / B1G1 / HV:

(x1)$5 off good start - pm me for specifics, its a long list - exp june 30, 2012

(x1)$6 off enfamil a+, gentlease a+, enfapro a+ formulas(tub or box only) exp june 30, 2012

(x1)$10 off enfapro a+ - exp june 30, 2012

(x1)nordicacottage cheese - fpc tub or pack - exp dec 31 2012

Gillette B1G1 exp 06/30/2012 – “any 1(one)mach3 disposable 3ct or 6ct, sensor3 4ct or 8ct, custom3 4ct or 8ct. up to $20 value”

(x1)Febreeze Car Vent Clip free – wub any febreeze fabric refresher - – exp june 18, 2012

(1)Aerius - $10 off non drowsy/30 tablets or more


Goodnights Bed Mats exp 06/15/2012 – any 1(one) package of goodnights bed mats(jumbo or large)
Pull-ups training oants exp 6/15/2012 - $2 off any one pkg training pants( jumbo or larger)


(x1)FREE febreeze set and refresh starter kit wub 3 cascade, dawn, mr clean, febreeze, and swiffer - exp july 31, 2012
(x1)FREE febreeze air effects wub any 2 febreeze 500ml fabric refresher - exp july 31, 2012
(x1)$1 off any one febreeze fabric refresher – exp06/30/2012
(x1)$1 off any one febreeze product – exp 06/30/2012
(x7)$1 off any one febreeze fabric refresher – exp 09/30/2012
(x1)$1 off any febreeze product – exp june 18, 2012
(x1)$3 wub any 2 febreeze products - – exp and june 18, 2012
(x3)$1 off any fabric refresher 800ml – exp 09/30/2012
(x1)$1 off wub2 febreeze products(loblaws, superstore, no frills only) exp 12/31/2012
(x4)$4 off any one flameless luminary starter kit – exp 09/30/2012
(X2)$2 off any one 60 oz carpet, rub, and upholstery cleaner – exp 06/30/2012
(x2)$2 off any one 28oz carpet, rub and upholstery OR spot and stain removedr – exp 06/30/2012
(x1)$2 off any home collection product – exp 06/30/2012


(x6)$5 off airwick freshmatic starter kit – exp 09/30/2012
(x15)$5 off when you spend $10 on freshmatic products
(x15)$5 off when you spend $10 on airwick scented oils products – exp 09/30/2012
(x15)$5 off when you spend $10 on airwick candles – exp 09/30/2012
(x1)$2 off any airwick scented oil starter kit – exp july 31, 0212
(x1)$3 off any freshmatic odour detect starter kit – exp july 31, 2012

Paper Products:

(x1)$1 off one charmin product – exp 12/31/13
(x1).50c off any one charmin product – exp june 18, 2012
(x1).50c off any one charmin(exc single roll/pack) - exp july 31, 2012
(x3).50c off any charmin freshmates – exp 09/30/2013
(x2)$1 off any one 6-pck or larger cottonelle bathroom tissue – exp 07/14/2012
(x1)$1 off on royale 6-roll paper towels – exp 12/31/2012
(x2) .75c off any size royale paper towel – exp 09/30/2012 and 12/31/2012
(x2) .50c off any one bounty product (exc. Single roll) – exp june 18, 2012 and july 31, 2012
(x1) .50c off any one bounty product – exp 02/28/2013
(x2)$1 off any bounty 12 roll count or larger paper towel – exp 09/30/2013
(x1)$1.25 off when you buy any 2 brands: bounty, charmin, puffs(exc. Single roll/pack) exp june 18, 2012
(x2) $6 off when you buy – 1(one) bounty(exc single roll), 1(one) charmin(exc. 4 pack), AND 1(one) puffs (exc. Single pack) – exp 09/30/2013
(x2) $1 off when you buy any puffs product(exc single pack) – exp 09/30/2013
(x1)$1 off one multiple pack (6 or larger) or 6 individual boxes of royale ultra-facial tissue – exp 12/31/2012
(x3) .50c off any bounty napkin – exp 09/30/2013
(x1) $1 off one pack of 3 ply elegant dinner napkins – exp 12/31/2012
(x1) .50c off any one puffs(exc. single pack) exp july 31, 2012

Food + Drink:

(x3)activia - $1 off any activia 650g – exp june 8, 2012
(x2)activia - $2 off any activia 12x100g – exp june 8, 2012
(x6) adams - .75c off any adams product – exp july 30, 2012
(x1)alpen - $1 off any alpen cereal – exp aug 31, 2012
(x1) aylmers accents - $1 off wubany 2 alymer accents tomatoes – exp dec 31, 2012
(x1) bush beans - .50c off when you buy any one baked bean, any size and flavour exp july 31, 2012
(x1)bush beans - .50c off one honey baked beans – exp july 31, 2012
(x1)delverde - $1 off wub any 2 delverde pasta packs – exp 12/31/2012
(x1)equal - $1 off any size equal – exp 7/31/2012
(x1)europes best - $2 off the purchase of any one roasted gourmet veg product - exp dec 31, 2012
(x1) gaylee sour cream - $1 off wub new gay lee gold premium sour cream - exp july 2, 2012
(x1) Giovanni panzani - .75c off any one Giovanni panzani product – exp june 03, 2012
(x6)highliner - $1 off any pan sear selects 540g product – exp june 30, 2012
(x4)highliner - $1 off any pan-sear selects 540g OR selects 540g-600g product – exp 6/30/12
(x15)highliner - $2 off any 500g packages of flame savours fillets – exp june 30, 2012
(x16)knorr homestyle stock - $1 off any honestyle stock – exp dec 31, 2012
(x10)knorr - buy 3 select knorr products and get one free – inc sidekicks side dishes, knorr sauces, seasonings and gravies and homestyle stock products – exp dec 31, 2012
(x1)kraft singles - $1 off singles white cheddar – exp july 31, 2012
(x3)la tortilla factory - .50c off any one package of tortillas or wraps - exp 6/30/2012
(x1)lifestyle cookies - $1 off - exp aug 31, 2012
(x1)pediasure - $2 off any pediasure complete 4x235ml pack – june 30, 2012
(x6)pringles - $1 off wub any 2 snack stacks – exp 09/30/2012
(x1)rice thins - .75c off any one rice thin crackers, or rice thins brown rice crisps, any size, any variety - exp dec 31, 2012
(x1) slimfast - $2 off wub 2 slimfast snack bars
(x1)slimfast - $5 off wub 2 slimfast replacement products( exc. snack bars)
(x3)smuckers - .75c off any smuckers product – exp july 30, 2012
(x1) source - .50c off 16x100g , 650g, minigo 6x60g, tubes 8x60g,OR yop 6x200ml exp aug 31, 2012
(x1) so good - .75c off vanilla, chocolate, strawberry, or light vanilla 1.89 L - exp july 06, 2012
(x1)spreadables - $1 off any gay lea spreadables butter(reg or light) - ecp sept 30, 2012
(x12)splenda - $2 off no calorie sweetener granulated 275g or brown sugar blend 454g – exp june 30, 2012
(x1)spreadables – gaylea .75c off any gaylea speadables
(x7)spreadables – haylea $1 off any gaylea spreadables butter 9reg or light) – exp sept 30, 2012
(x1)smartfood popcorn 0 $2 off wub 2, 170g-220g bag, exp sep 30, 2012
(x1)stag chili - .50c off wub one can of microwaveable bowl of stag chili - any - exp oct 31, 2012
(x2)sunmaid raisin bread - .50c off raisin bread - exp aug 31, 2012
(x1)Tetley - $1 off any green tea product – exp june 30, 2012
(x1) thinsations - .75c off any variety – exp june 12, 2012
(x1)vanhoutte coffee - $2 off 225g and up, not applicable k-cup - exp july 31, 2012
(x1)welches - .50c off 100% juice, juice cocktails, prune nectar(1.6l) – exp sept 30, 2012
(x1)wheetabix - $2 off any wheetabix – 400g – exp aug 31, 2012
(x1)wheetabix - $1 off any cereal 400g or larger – exp july 7 2012


Apetina - .75c off any feta cheese exp oct 31, 2012
Dofino - .75c off any Havarti cheese exp oct 31, 2012
Francos - $1 off any mozzarella 454g exp aug 20, 2012
La creme - $1 off any spreadable snack cheese - exp july 21, 2012
Madame clement - $1 off brie 175g exp aug 20, 2012
Tre stella ricotta cheese - .75c off exp oct 31, 2012
Tre stella bocconini cheese - .75c off exp oct 31, 2012
Village cheese - .75c off any village artisan cheese (min. 160g) aug 20, 2012

Personal Hygiene:

(x1)alberto - $1 off any - exp dec 31, 2012
(x13)bare foot - .75c off any bare foot product – exp 12/31/2012
(x1)biore - $2 off biore combination balancing cleanser 200ml – exp 12/31/2014
(x1)covergirl - $3 off wub2 – exp june 18, 2012
(x1)covergirl - $4 off any covergirl product including lastblast 24h, last blast fusion, lastblast length, lashblast volume, lashblast luxe, smokey shadowblast, intense shadowblast, liquiline blast, blastflipstick – exp 06/30/2012
(x1) covergirl - $2 off any covergirl natureluxe product(store specific) exp 12/31/2012
(x1)covergirl – $4 off wub $15 or more in covergirl products(store specific) exp 12/31/2012
(x8)fat hair - $2 off shampoo, conditioner, stylers, and hairsprays 9exc trial sizes) exp 06/30/2012
(x1)dover men+care - $2 off any 2(400ml facewash, 4x90g body+facesoap, 2x210g body+face bar, 355ml shampoo, 750 ml shampoo, 76g antipersperant, 85g deodorant, and shower tool - exp sept 30, 2012
(x1)Gillette-free Gillette series shave gel with the purchase of any Gillette fusion cartridge – exp 12/31/2012
(x1)Gillette - $2 off wub any Gillette antiperspirant/deodorant or personal cleaning care – exp 02/28/2013
(x1)Gillette - $2 off wub any Gillette fusion proglide razer – exp02/28/2013
(x1)gillette - $5 off wub any proglide styler - exp july 31, 2012
(x1)gillette - save $5 on proglide raxer wub any proglide cartridge - exp july 31, 2012
(x1)gillette - $2 off wub any 3-bladed razor - exp july 31, 2012
(x1)gillette - $1 off wub any antipersperant/deodorant or body wash - exp july 31, 2012
(x3)head and shoulders - $2.50 off wub any shampoo and conditioner(exc trial size) exp 09/30/2013
(x1)head and shoulders - $2.50 off wub any shampoo and conditioner(exc trial sizes)exp 07/18/2012
(x1)head and shoulders - $2 off wub any two products – exp 12/31/2012
(x2)head and shoulders - $1 off wub any product(exc trial sizes) exp 07/18/2012 and july 31, 2012
(x2)head and shoulders - $1 off any, exc trial sizes and bonus pack, exp june 30, 2012
(x1)irish spring - $1 off any one antiperspirant or deodorant 92g – exp july 31, 2012
(x9)irish spring - $2 off any one body wash 443ml-532ml or any one antiperspirant/deodorant – exp 10/31/2012
(x1)jergens - $2 off wub any natural glow daily moisturizer – exp 12/31/2012
(x1)lady speed stick - %1 off any fresh fusions antiperspirant exp 10/31/2012
(x3)natural instinct - $1 off wub any one hair colour product – exp 09/30/2013
(x1) natural instinct - $2 off wub any box of hair colour(store specific) – exp 12/31/2012
(x1)nice n easy -$1 off any foam hair product - exp july 31, 2012
(x1)nice n easy - $3 off wub any 2 foam hair products - exp july 31, 2012
(x1)nutrisse mousse - $3 off any nutrisse mousse product - exp dec 31, 2012
(x1)olay -$2 off wub any olay complete or age defying cleanser or moisturizer(store specific)-12/31/2012
(x1)olay - $5 off wub any two skin moisturizer, cleanser, or treatment(store specific)exp 12/31/2012
(x1)olay - $5 off wub any total effects, regenerist, pro-x or smooth finish product(store specific)exp 12/31/2012
(x1)orgnx - $2 off wub any lacoupe orgnx hair care product (exc trial size)exp june 30, 2012
(x1)pantene - $1 off any shampoo and conditioner or 2-in-1 product(exc trial sizes) exp july 31, 2012
(x1)poise- $1 off any product – exp 06/29/2012
(x1)poise - %1.50 off any one hourglass shape – exp 06/29/2012
(x1)satin care – FREE satin care gel with the purchase of any venus cartridge(store specific)exp 12/31/2012
(x1)satin care – FREE satin care gel(198g or under) with the purchase of any venus cartridge - exp july 31, 2012
(x18)sublime mousse formula - $4 off any – exp 08/31/2012
(x1)shick - $4 off any shick hydro silk refill – exp 12/31/2013
(x2)shick Quattro - $2 off any refills – exp 09/30/2012
(x1)secret - $2 off wub any two secret outlast antiperspirant/deodorant – exp june 18, 2012

(x1)st ives - $1.50 off any bidy wash – exp 12/31/2012
(x3)secret - $1 off any secret clinical strength – exp 09/30/2012
(x18)speed stick - $1 off any one power antiperspirant 85g – exp 08/31/2012
(x1) tampax/always - .50c off any always untra thin or maxi, tampax cardboard, or always pantiliners - exp july 31, 2012
(x1) tampax - $1 off always infinity, tampax pearl, or tampax compak pearl - exp july 31, 2012
(x1)venus - $3 off wub any venus razor – exp 02/28/2013
(x1)venus - $3 off wub any razor OR disposable razor - exp july 31, 2012

Dog/Cat Food:

(x1) $1 off beneful snackin slices dog snacks purina – any size – exp nov 30, 2012
(x1) Beneful prepared meal free(max 3.28)wub any size any variety purine baneful dry food – exp nov 30, 2012
(x9) . 50c off cat chow purina – exp 12/31/2012
(x17)$2 off cesar dry food for small dogs(1.6 or 3 kg) exp- july 31, 2012
(x1) .75c off friskies wet indoor cans wub 10 – exp 12/31/2012
(x1) .50c off any friskies dry indoor product – exp 12/31/2012
(x1)iams - .50c off wub any wet dog or cat food - exp july 31, 2012
(x1)iams - $3 off wub any dry dog food(3.5lb or larger)exp july 31, 2012
(x1)iams - $3 off wub any dry cat food(1.5lb or larger) exp july 31, 2012
(x3)$1 off jonny cat cat litter, any variety
(x1)kibbles and bits - $1 off any 3.6kg bag of NEW bistro meals - exp dec 3, 2012
(x15)$3 off pedigree dry food for dogs – any size or variety – exp 09/30/2012
(x2)pedigree - $3 off wub any one dry dog food for dogs, any sizeor variety) - exp aug 31, 2012
(x18)$2.50 off new purina one premium dog food – 2.7kg or larger, any variety – exp 09/30/2012
(x1) $1 off new purina one smart blend cat food, 1.8kg or larger – exp 12/15/2012


(X9)arm and hammer - $1 off any a&h plus oxiclean liquid detergent – exp 09/30/2012
(x9)arm and hammer - $1 off on any a&h crystal burst power packs – exp 09/30/2012
(x9)afresh - $2 off any afresh cleaning product –july 15, 2012
(x1) bounce - .50c off any one dryer sheets – exp july 18, 2012
(x6)bounce - $1 off any size or scent dryer bar – exp 09/12/2012
(x1)Clorox - $1 off clorox2 stain remover – exp 12/31/2012
(x1) Clorox - $2 off clorox2 stain fighter & colour booster packs – exp 12/31/2012
(x1)downy - $2.50 off on any unstoppables wub any one downy product(52 lds or more) exp july 31, 2012
(x1)downy - $2 off wub any one downy unstopables fresh or lush – july 18, 2012
(x1)downy - .50c off any one product(40 ld or larger) – exp july 18, 2012
(x3)downy OR bounce - .50c off any downy or bounce – exp 09/30/2013
(x1) downy OR tide OR bounce - $2 off wub any 2 tide downy or bounce products(store specific) – exp12/31/2012
(x14) fleecy - $1 off any liquid fabric softener product(1.6L or 3L sizes) or dryer sheets product(80 sheet count size) – exp 10/31/12
(x1) gain - .50c off wub any product - exp july 31, 2012
(x1)gain - $1 off wub new gain scent booster - exp july 31, 2012
(x1)gain - $2 off wub any 2 products - exp july 31, 2012
(x9) oxi clean - $1 off on oxiclean max force power chrystals or any max force power packs – exp 09/30/12
(x9)oxi clean - $1 off on oxiclean versatile stain remover powder – exp 09/30/2012
(x9)oxi clean - $1 off any maxforce spray, multi-purpose stain remover spray, or multi-purpose stain remover refill – exp 09/30/2012
(x1)purex - $1 off on purex ultra packs laundry detergent – exp 12/31/2012
(x1)tide - $1 off wub any one product(exc tide pods, and liquid 6 load) exp july 31, 2012
(x1)tide - .50c off wub any stain release boost, tide to go, or washing amchine cleaner – exp 06/18/2012
(x1) tide - $2 off wub any liquid or powder product(exc 6 load trial size) exp 06/18/2012
(x1)tide - .50c off any tide powder – exp10/31/2012
(x1) tide - $1 off wub any tide liquid(exc 6 load trial size) – exp 10/31/2012
(x2)tide - .50c off wub any tide product – exp 09/31/2013

Cleaning Products:

(x1)cascade - $1.50 off any actionpacs - exp july 31, 2012
(x9)Clorox - $1 off any clinging gel with bleach –exp 12/31/2012
(x1)dawn - .50c off any one product (store specific) – exp 12/31/2012
(x1)dial - $2 off wub any body wash or lotion(345 ml or higher), 1.18 L liquid hand soap refill pouch, or 8-pack of bar soap – exp june 23 2012
(x1)draino - $2 off - exp 10/31/2012
(x14)fantastic- $1 off any trigger – exp 08/24/2012
(x15)fantastic - $1 off any trigger – exp 08/03/2012
(x1)finish - $2 off any - exp july 31, 2012
(x1)finish - $1 off any dishwasher cleaner – exp 10/30/2012
(x1)Lysol - .75c off continuioous action toilet bowl cleaner – exp june 14, 2012
(x1)Lysol - $1.50 off wub disinfectant spray AND continuious action toilet bowl cleaner – exp june 14, 2012
(x1)Lysol -$2 off wub Lysol disinfectant spray AND toilet bowl cleaner – exp june 14, 2012
(x1)Lysol – buy one get one free – toilet bowl cleaner(exc value and twin packs) – exp june 19, 2012
(x1)mr clean - $1 off wub any 2 products(store specific) – exp 12/31/2012
(x1)mr clean - $1 off wub any 2 (exc 1ct eraser)exp july 31, 2012
(x25)Palmolive - $1 off any one Palmolive untra 793 ml liquid – exp oct, 31, 2012
(x1)resolve - $2 off any – exp july 31, 2012
(x1)Swiffer - $3 off any Swiffer duster refills wub a starter kit(store specific) – exp 12/31/2012
(x1)swiffer - FREE wetjet 1.5l solution, pad 12 ct, sweeper 12ct or dry 16 ct refill wub sweepervac or wet jet starter kit
(x1)swiffer - $5 off wub any wetjet starter kit - exp july 31, 2012
(x1) swiffer - $1.50 off wub any refill - exp july 31, 2012
(x1)swiffer - $1.50 off wub any sweeper or duster starter kit - exp july 31, 2012
(x9)scrub free - .75c off on mildew or soap scum bathroom cleaner – exp 12/31/2012
(x8)scrub free - .75c off on x-treme – naturally clean bathroom cleaner – exp 12/31/2012
(x11)scrubbing bubbles – buy one get one free on toilet cleaning gel – exp june 30, 2012
(16)scrubbing bubbles - $5 off on one step toilet bowl cleaner starter kit – exp july 11, 2012
(x18)scrubbing bubbles - $1 off one step toilet bowl cleaner refills – exp aug 3 2012
(x12)scrubbing bubbles - $3 off bath power sprayer starter(extend a clean or daily shower) exp june 30 2012
(x16)scrubbing bubbles - $5 off bath power sprayer starter(extend a clean or daily shower) exp 07/11/2012
(x15) scrubbing bubbles - buy one toilet cleaning gel get one toilet duck(750 ml) FREE – exp 08/24/2012
(x15)scrubbing bubbles - buy one scrubbing bubbles bathroom trigger or aresol and get one bathroom cleaner colour power technology FREE – exp 08/24/2012
(x15)scrubbing bubbles – buy one get one FREE – on trigger, aresol, mega shower foamer or power sprayer refill –exp 08/3/2012
(x11)scrubbing bubbles OR fantastic - $1 off scrubbing bubbles or fantastic product – exp june 30, 2012/
(x14)vileda - $3 off wub any 2 scrunge products – exp june 30, 2012, one exp aug 31, 2012
(x1)vileda - $1 off any vileda product – exp june 30, 2012
(x1)vileda - $1 off wub any one scrunge on the go product - exp aug 31, 2012
(x8)vim - $1 off any vim product(exc 250 ml) exp 12/31/2012
(x1)windex – buy one windex outdoor all in one starter kit, get one outdoor all in one refill FREE – exp 10/31/2012

Oral Care:

(x8) save $3.50 when you spend $10 on any of these participating brands – sensodyne, pro-namel, aquafresh, biotene, polident, poli-grip, abreva – exp june 30, 2012
(x9)arm and hammer - $1.50 off any adult pro series spinbrush toothbrush or replacement head (pro sensitive, pro clean, pro whitening, or pro clean sonic) exp 09/30/2012
(x15)colgate - $1 off 360 optic white toothbrush – exp oct 15, 2012
(x6)colgate - $1 off any optic white toothpaste – exp 10/15/2012
(x1)colgate - $1 off any optic white toothpaste - exp july 21, 2012
(x1)crest - $5 off off one crest 3d white 2 hour express or professional effects white strips – exp 02/28/2013
(x1)$5 off wub any crest 3d white strips(exc vivid) - exp july 31, 2012
(x4)crest - $7 off off one crest 3d white 2 hour express or professional effects white strips – exp 09/30/2012
(x1)crest - $7 off one crest 3d white 2 hour express or professional effects white strips – exp 12/31/2013
(x1)crest - $8 off one crest 3d white 2 hour express or professional effects white strips(store specific) exp 08/31/2012
(x2)crest - $1 off any 3d multi care whitening rinse – exp 08/31/2012, and july 31, 2012
(x1)crest - .75c off wub crest 3d white paste - exp july 31, 2012
(x4)maxilla - .40c off flosser picks – exp 12/31/2012
(x1)$3 off wub any battery powered oral b toothbrush - exp aug 31, 2012
(x1)oral b - $1 off any manual toothbrush(store specific)exp 08/31/2012
(x1)oral b - $10 off any professional care power toothbrush – exp 08/31/2012
(x1)$3 off wub any oral-b 3d white battery toothbrush - exp july 31, 2012
(x1) Rembrandt - $2 off any one Rembrandt product – exp june 30, 2012
(x1)scope - .75c off any dual-blast rinse


(x1) advance breathe right - $2 off nasal strips 26’suno july 31, 2012
(x1)aerius - $10 off non drowsy/30 tablets or more – exp 08/01/2012
(x1aerius - $4 off dual action 12 hour 30 tablets – exp april 30, 2012
(x1)aerius - $4 off 20 tablets or more – exp april 30, 2012
(x12) cold a tak - $3 off any cold-a-tak or virus-a-tak product from webber naturals – exp 11/30/2012
(x1)cold sore fx - $5 off – exp 12/31/2012
(x1)centrum - $7 off for men or women – exp may 31, 2013
(x10)centrum - $3 off new centrum for men ot centrum for women – exp june 30, 2012
(x1_duracell - $1 off wub any coppertop or ultra power batteries(8ct or higher) - exp july 31, 2012
(x1)duracell - $2 off wub any NiMH rechargable batteries - exp july 31 2012
(x1)duracell - $5 off wub any NiMH charger - exp july 31, 2012
(x3)Duracell - .75c off wub any soppertip or ultra advanced batteries – exp 09/30/2013
(x1)Duracell -$2 off wub any two packages of soppertop batteries – exp 02/28/2013
(x1)heelspur - $2.50 off zax’s original heelspur cream(store specific) exp 10/31/2012
(x1)hydrasence - $5 off purchase of any product for babies, kids, or adults – exp 12/31/2012
(x1)lakota - $4 off any Lakota supplements – exp 12/31/2012
(x1)midol - $1 off liquid gels – 12/31/2012
(x1) Metamucil - $4 off any product (store specific) exp 12/31/2012
(x2)Nicorette - $5 off Nicorette extreme chill 105 ct – exp june 30 2012
(x3)Nicorette quick mist - $5 off - exp nov 1, 2012
(x1)nicorette mini lozenge - $5 off lozenges - 4x22 exp 12/31/2012
(x7)multinoba - $5 off any size product – exp aug 31, 2012
(x1)osteo bi-flex - $5 off any – exp 31/05/2013
(x1)reactine - $2 off any - exp aug 31, 2012
(x12)sunkist - $1 off any product – exp nov 30, 2012
(x1)voltaren emulgel - $1 off any size - exp sept 30, 2012
Wish List:
I prefer only FPCs or B1G1, but I will make it worth giving them up.

FPC Dr Oetker free mousse/mug
Almond breeze
*Carnation breakfast drink
Quaker oatmeal - FPC
*Scrubbing Bubbles FPC only – recent samplesource
Tide (FPC or $3 wub2 or higher)
Arm and Hammer Laundry Soap – FPC
Purex – FPC
Sunlight - FPC
*Puppy chow FPC


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FT - $20 off nestle good start alsoy and $10 off at thyme maternity Fri, Jul 13th, 2012 03:49 PM
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Fri, Aug 10th, 2012 07:17 PM
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Sat, Feb 11th, 2012
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