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  1. #20701
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    Thanks for all the new words!!

  2. #20702
    Cat Trainer (Trainee??) Andit's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by NSangel View Post
    so glad we have andit to give us pet training tips, and humor.

    have a question andit:

    my dogs are totally untrainable, no fooling. they are the stealing food off the table, eat the cat food, chew 10 pairs of shoes and underwear and chew up the damn pencils ds let fall on the floor types. and bark at anything that move or doesn't. you get the idea.

    well, missy (golden retriever husky mix, aka the brown one) whines til it drives you insane. gets on everyones nerves. if you go near her she goes nuts at the door, put her out, she barks comes back in same thing over again. she has food, water, pats? she's 11 years old, and finds it hard to walk on one leg (arthritis i think), but anyway, her whining is bad at times.

    Sorry for the delay getting back to you. The brats & I went to my parents to do our annual "remove the decorations from the xmas tree & reminisce over each one" routine.

    No one is untrainable...well, except for male humans. My dog was 6 months old when I got her & was a wild child, so wild that one trainer I contacted told me she could never be trained. My cat was a feral kitten that the local humane society told me to put down because he was too wild to ever be tamed. I'm glad I just don't listen to experts.

    First thing, with the arthritis, is Missy on glucosamine? It`s a joint supplement (cheapest source is Walmart). You might want to mention it to your vet at her next check-up.

    Most trainers will say that whining is a sign of stress. It can also be a sign of frustration. Sounds to me like it`s more of an "I want it!" cry, especially since she has Husky (talk about vocal) in her. She's likely bored & wants attention. Do you go out with her? Also does she know any tricks?

    There's a protocol called No Free Lunch or Nothing In Life Is Free. Basically, the dog has to work for everything. It should help with the food stealing. Do your dogs know "Leave It" (a touch that & I will murder you command)? Have you worked on any self-control exercises? Both my cat & dog are expected to sit & wait for permission to eat when I put the food bowls down.

    Give me a bit more info on what she knows to do & I'll see if I can give you some more pointers.

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  3. #20703
    Cat Trainer (Trainee??) Andit's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Harley Grandma View Post

    Thanks I'll give it a try..

    Well Kodyac is almost 2 years old. As for her obedience it is lacking big time. I have been trying to work with her. We got her almost a year ago from a friend who let her do whatever whenever, yep even CHASE CATS. Now Kodyac would leave Gomer alone but he was a big fat cat and he would pop her and let her know he was in no mood for her BS. She stares, she barks, she drolls, she does not blink, she growls, she does NOT wag her tail, she has short stubby floppy ears that do not ever move, I am sure I am leaving some stuff out. Its late and I am beat.. Prancer is driving Dasher crazy.. Because Gomer liked to play where Dasher well she does NOT like to, after a while she will give in and then smack Prancer aroound..
    Here's another thought. Prancer might also be triggering Kodyac, because he no longer has his playmate as an outlet. Maybe your son could train the kitten to do some tricks to keep Prancer occupied & tire him out? Tell him all his friends will be jealous that he has a trained cat. I've got a couple of videos on youtube of what my cat can do to give you a few ideas (

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  4. #20704
    Smart Canuck
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    tks for the all the new words. i found a few and of course they are posted. lol but didnt see this one posted.

    flipmtv for 100 pts

  5. #20705
    First Aid Officer Ricki911's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by newsnakeowner1978 View Post
    tks for the all the new words. i found a few and of course they are posted. lol but didnt see this one posted.

    flipmtv for 100 pts

    Thanks for the word

  6. #20706
    Smart Canuck zoodle's Avatar
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    thanks for the new words, gave all the rep it would allow
    have a g-day everyone

    Life is Good

  7. #20707
    Smart Canuck RTlady's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by marjem View Post
    Now I know why "chocolatemilk" isn't working - my fault....
    I double checked the word and it's supposed to be "chololatemilk" , sorry for the typo.
    now I understand... thank you for clarifying the error of their ways!!

    Quote Originally Posted by Love2save View Post Keyword: BACKSTAGE worth 100 points good through 2/7/09.
    thank you!!

    Quote Originally Posted by Harley Grandma View Post
    Popping in to say HI..
    I hope these are not reposts is so I am really sorry
    HOTHITMAKER - 100 points 2/7/09
    Pepper 150 01/08
    Thank you for the words!

    Quote Originally Posted by PetiteFemme View Post
    Forgot to mention! I also participated in the SC Pet contest as well! My entry is #66! Don't forget to drop by and vote for your favorite ones! You can vote for more than one entry at one ends on the 10th I believe!
    Thank you for the reminder I'd forgotten all about this one.

    Quote Originally Posted by marjem View Post
    5 potion
    15 bonanza
    25 outoftown
    50 tintedwindows
    100 haircut


    5 cologne
    15 keyring
    25 returns
    50 stunning
    Thank you for all these words!

    [quote=bumble;653056]vegsoup-100 exp Jan 11/09 from moms menu email
    (I have not tried it yet b/c I had entered my words before I received the email). Thank you!!

    Quote Originally Posted by newsnakeowner1978 View Post
    tks for the all the new words. i found a few and of course they are posted. lol but didnt see this one posted.
    flipmtv for 100 pts
    Thank you!!

    WOW you guys have been real busy with the word hunt - Thank you,
    thank you for your constant hard work.

    Have a question for you guys - Is it OK for the Super / Owner to come
    into your apartment at any time and not for an emergency?
    Yesterday they came around checking the smoke detectors; I was home
    but the people next door didn't answer so they let themselves in.

    Don't they have to give notice before going in? When I lived in Windsor
    and Toronto, a notice was given prior to them coming in for whatever.
    I have images of being 'unpresentable' and having someone walking in.

    It's a cold day but oh so sunny - hope you all have a great day!
    'Life is not the way it's supposed to be. It's the way it is. The way you cope with it is what makes the difference.'

  8. #20708
    Smart Canuck
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    thanks for all the new words....

  9. #20709
    Junior Canuck Jettred's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by RTlady View Post
    Have a question for you guys - Is it OK for the Super / Owner to come
    into your apartment at any time and not for an emergency?
    Yesterday they came around checking the smoke detectors; I was home
    but the people next door didn't answer so they let themselves in.

    Don't they have to give notice before going in? When I lived in Windsor
    and Toronto, a notice was given prior to them coming in for whatever.
    I have images of being 'unpresentable' and having someone walking in.

    It's a cold day but oh so sunny - hope you all have a great day!
    RT when I lived in an apartment the maintenance man would come around occasionally to check certain things like putting a new filter on the heating unit, spraying for insects, etc. & they would not give advance notice. I can remember I was at home sick one day & he knocked on the door & before I could make it to the door he opened it & came in. It scared both of us to death!!

  10. #20710
    CaLoonie lol am loony stardreamer7880's Avatar
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    Andit, thanks for sharing that video. He looks so alert and interested, only looked around that one time. I know you can train cats since my dad taught our cat to sit up and beg but lol she was easy to train since she went absolutely nuts over cookies, he used those and shoot she would of jumped thru burning fire to get one. It was so funny mom had a jewelry party one time and served cookies at it. One of the ladies was taking a bite of her cookie when Gimlie reached over and took the cookie away from her lmao was too funny that woman was shocked to say the least. She was a really neat cat tho. She loved the coated bands for your hair, the little coated rubberbands or whatever is inside. We'd hide them all over the house and it was a huge house, 5 bedroom, and she'd find them bring them back to us to hide again and you could never hide them in the same place twice cuz she'd find it in minutes flat. Really cool cat she was a calico. She had kittens i think there was 6 of them. any time she'd leave them for any time our poodle would kittysit them until she came back (frustrated momma who'd had puppies a couple times but none were born live). lol got to the point that Gimlie would start meowing and Coco would come, then Gimlie would leave go do her thing and Coco would watch over her babies, you couldn't get near them when Coco was kittensitting was too cute.
    Does anyone know what I need to do so I can see the google ads on here that Nortons is blocking, least I think it is nortons doing it. How could I set it to see them but block other sites?

  11. #20711
    Smart Canuck haunish's Avatar
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    very cool pets you have andit, I would love to train my cat, she does love to notify us when her bowl is running low, not empty just getting thats it

  12. #20712
    SC Candy Addict rebate queen's Avatar
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    0 (0%) Keyword: FITMOM worth 100 points good through 2/8/09.


  13. #20713
    Boo Radley Conspirator roseofblack25's Avatar
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    thanks rebate

    Search and win with SWAGBUCKS!

  14. #20714
    Boo Radley Conspirator roseofblack25's Avatar
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    gave out as much rep as I could

    Search and win with SWAGBUCKS!

  15. #20715
    One of a kind! Harley Grandma's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Andit View Post
    Here's another thought. Prancer might also be triggering Kodyac, because he no longer has his playmate as an outlet. Maybe your son could train the kitten to do some tricks to keep Prancer occupied & tire him out? Tell him all his friends will be jealous that he has a trained cat. I've got a couple of videos on youtube of what my cat can do to give you a few ideas (
    I have taught Prancer (Kitten) to do high 5.. Dasher (cat) can shake.
    Kodyac aka the horse can shake.

    Thanks for all the new words..

    Gave reps where I could..
    Off for round 2 of testing today..

    I have alot to say but have to head out..
    Will write more later..

    Everyone stay safe ...

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