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  1. #12736
    Pirate Wars Whoremaster Aphena's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by stardreamer7880 View Post
    We kinda think it's y'all yankees who talk funny! DH has the sexiest voice in the world I swear but he was away in the air force for a lot of years so lost some of his down home accent, now he's got a soft velvet way of saying things without sounding uneducated. Hmm maybe I need to go wake that man up for some sweet nothings . Ok I need to quit drooling my keyboard is getting wet!

    Kayla moist heat will help with sciatica pain, don't leave it on for over 20 mins though.

    Yankess talk like television people. Notice that? I am nto from the bronx, I am inner NY. LOL.

    I understand talking about your hubby makes you wet. I get liek that with Jenny all the time.

  2. #12737
    CaLoonie lol am loony stardreamer7880's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jettred View Post
    Watch out Aphena, you got a few southern gals on here--right Treble, RQ, & ME!!
    you tell her!

    Forgot to say hi and welcome to coupon nut, hope you love it here, its a great place and yes lol this board moves so flippin fast I can't keep up. Spent last two days trying to get caught up after spending all day saturday with my DH. Went to a little casino a ways down the road omg they had a security guard/bartender working the night shift there that was a total jerk!!!
    We ended up reporting him just to find out that he was being a jerk cuz he'd ordered food in the convience store then didn't want to pay for it and cuz he had to work alone oh boohoo . He was missing for a long while and when he came back he totally ignored everyone whether you wanted to cash in a ticket, get change or order a drink. He was writing in a notebook and wouldn't even acknowledge anyone!!! DH finally asked him if he could possibly get him a won't believe his answer....he told DH that he was busy doing something more important and he didn't care about his beer or if he ever got one. DH asked him if that wasn't his job and he told him if he wanted a beer to go to another casino . Sure hope he no longer has a job the jerk! He finally got over his funk and started waiting on people but was never pleasant, if it hadn't been so far to another casino we would of gone. They promised the manager would call us but hasn't but I will call in another day or so and if that guy still works there we won't be going back and will tell them that! NUTZ! Ended up only spending $40 between beer and the slots though so that wasn't bad won enough to make it a pretty cheap night out.

  3. #12738
    Boo Radley Conspirator roseofblack25's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by NSangel View Post

    is there any real canadians here besides me, haunish and petite?????

    it's a bloddy INVASION
    you forgot me! I'm canadian! wait real canadian what does that mean...! I was born and raised here if thats what you want to know

    yay more words thanks! have 6470 points in the contest of page two I'm getting there just need to find the rest of those darn words we are all missing...

    I would like to go brush my teeth so I don't have to at like 3am when I go to bed but for some reason my sister feels the need to lock the bathroom door to blow dry her hair

    Search and win with SWAGBUCKS!

  4. #12739
    Smart Canuck zoodle's Avatar
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    I am canadian also
    I live Alberta with dh and 1 cat and 1 pup on an acre with small orchard in a little village .
    Our wonderful old house has aprox 2700 sq feet and was built in 1918.
    welcome to all our US friends and invite all the lurkers to join us here at SC.

    Life is Good

  5. #12740
    Smart Canuck zoodle's Avatar
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    still trying to get pic in my sig.....

    Life is Good

  6. #12741
    Smart Canuck zoodle's Avatar
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    0 (0%) still isn't working, why does it show [sigpic] in the sig and not the pic

    Life is Good

  7. #12742
    Boo Radley Conspirator roseofblack25's Avatar
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    hmm have no idea it should work no matter what cause if its too big SC resizes it for you automatically

    Search and win with SWAGBUCKS!

  8. #12743
    Smart Canuck
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    New people! yahhh! not I don't have to listen to NS so much ... ROFL (let's see how long it takes NS to get back at me for that one! lol) ... luv ya girl!

  9. #12744
    One of a kind! Harley Grandma's Avatar
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    Good night everyone off to bed for me. Will be on sometime tomorrow.. Still can't find any words in message boards. Is racking her brain trying to see if there is anything we have overlooked.

  10. #12745
    I'm your Huckleberry. lolcat's Avatar
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    I guess I should introduce myself too
    I'm Michelle, 33, stay at home mommy to 2 girls, Monet who is 1 and Winter who is 3, and expecting #3 in May.
    I went to school to study Vocal music, and I teach it on the side, if anyone ever wants lessons! I live in London, Ontario, but I am originally from New York. I moved here to marry my hubby, whom I met in an online game called Everquest.
    I am the "Wiki keeper"... the link to it is in my signature. It is the place to go to collect all the newest words if you don't have time to look through the posts on a given day.. I update it about once a day.

    Nanaimo bars... I never had those till I moved here, they are SO DELICIOUS!
    I ate a whole tray of them once when I was pregnant with Winter, and got so sick.. lol

    I just went through like 10 pages of posts, and was updating wiki, so I apologize for not saying much exciting!

    I am SO EXCITED that I got in on ordering that little wooden rabbit and carrot puzzle. 250k points seemed exorbitant, but with all the DVD's lately even costing 225k, I couldn't pass that puzzle up. It will make both my kittens so happy this Christmas. Winter will get to play with it, and Monet will get to chew on it..

    Hugs to everyone! Welcome to our newest contributors/friends... you are going to LOVE it here. It always feels like my second family!

  11. #12746
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    well, Im still up, going to head down to the kitchen and work on the pea soup I started yesterday! night all or morning all, depending if your are getting up or heading to bed!

  12. #12747
    SC Candy Addict rebate queen's Avatar
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    This feels like SCAA-Smart Canucks Addicts Anonymous...
    Hi, my name is Dawn and I'm an addict....
    all together now....
    Hello Dawn...LOL!!

    Anyway, I'm another American sent to this board to terrorize NSangel. I live in North Carolina currently, but am originally from Kentucky. I was transplanted here when my ex joined the Marine Corps. We've been apart since early last year, so I don't have to stay her now, but I choose to. My kids were both born here-Patrick(14) and Eliza(9)-and I have my own business here. I'm a Massage Therapist and do a little mystery shopping and focus groups on the side. Haha ...probably more than anyone wanted to know....

    Quote Originally Posted by seekthetruth View Post
    damn now I got to send a rescue guy for the rescue guy. SOrry rq your crowd was too rough for him.
    OK-I'll be waiting on all of them....

    Quote Originally Posted by Jettred View Post
    Watch out Aphena, you got a few southern gals on here--right Treble, RQ, & ME!!
    Yep, but me loves Aphena!

    Quote Originally Posted by Kitty77 View Post
    Trebleclef, Jettred, Rebate Queen & Armh:
    What are some good Coupon sites on the net for a person to use while staying in the states during the winter? Many Canadians go to the south to get away from the snow. Which stores take those printable coupons? DH & I would like to go south one of these years and stay for awhile, Thanks in advance for any advice.
    Let me get a few together and pm them to you...
    I get coupons from the paper, lots in the mail, and I print a lot of them. I have never had any trouble using the printed ones, but some people do. I mainly shop at the military commissary, Food Lion, Walmart, and Walgreens.

    Quote Originally Posted by seekthetruth View Post
    gnite everyone going to bed be back around five am lol. Hope someone is here in the morning. Gets lonely lol.
    LOL!! I might still be on....

    I would love some help in finding a good Halloween avatar for myself

  13. #12748
    I'm your Huckleberry. lolcat's Avatar
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    For anyone who has never ordered a P&P prize before..
    I have ordered 11 prizes so far, and they have come as quick as 2 weeks, and as long as 2 months. Even when they send you the email saying it has been shipped, sometimes it takes a while

    I recieved my latest prize today, a book, and I had ordered it on September 10.. so don't be disappointed or worried if it doesn't come quickly

  14. #12749
    SC Candy Addict rebate queen's Avatar
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    More info on Nanaimo Bars...

    This is very, very, close to the recipe haunish sent me. Also gives the background and hints for us Americans that can't find custard powder.

    What do the Canadians think? Are the story and recipe accurate??

    Nanaimo Bars Recipe
    Printer Friendly Page

    anaimo Bars (or N.B.s for short) are one of Canada's favorite confections. The beautiful City of Nanaimo, British Columbia lays claim to these squares, telling us on their website that it all began when a Nanaimo housewife entered a recipe for chocolate squares in a magazine contest some 35 years ago. She called her recipe 'Nanaimo Bars' and when she won the contest, not only did her dessert become popular throughout Canada, so did the town they were named after. Whether this story is true or not, we will never know, but what we do know is that these bars are delicious; a three layered square with a crumb base, followed by a layer of light custard buttercream, that is topped with a smooth layer of chocolate.

    There are many different recipes for these squares. In fact, when the City of Nanaimo ran a contest back in 1986 to find the 'ultimate' Nanaimo Bar, there were about 100 recipes submitted. All Nanaimo Bars begin with a base layer, a combination of cocoa powder, chopped nuts, coconut and graham cracker crumbs held together with melted butter. Once this mixture is pressed into a square pan and chilled it is then covered with a rich layer of buttercream made of butter, powdered sugar, custard powder, and a little milk. An important part of this buttercream is the dried custard powder, which was the invention of an Englishman, named Alfred Bird. He invented this powder because his wife loved homemade custard but was allergic to eggs. Alan Davidson in his "The Oxford Companion to Food" tells us that this powder is not, in fact, a dried form of real custard but is just cornflour (cornstarch) and sugar that has been colored and flavored. When the dried custard powder is used in this buttercream it adds a lovely flavor and it also turns the cream a soft peach color. Now, if you live in the States, custard powder is not readily available. I have found it in specialty food stores (Bird's Custard Powder is the most popular brand) or online, but if you are unable to find it, just substitute it with an equal amount of instant vanilla pudding. . The finishing touch to these squares is a coating of shiny semisweet chocolate that provides a slight crunch as you bite into them. For this recipe, because chocolate is one of the more dominant flavors, make sure to use a good quality chocolate that you enjoy eating out-of-hand. When choosing a chocolate, always look for one that has a lovely shiny finish (a sign that the chocolate was cooked at the right temperature for the right amount of time) and one that has that wonderful 'snap' when you break it into pieces. Once the melted chocolate is poured over the buttercream layer and has been left to set, cut the squares with a sharp knife that has been dipped in hot water and then wiped off.

    Butter (or use a cooking spray) a 9 x 9 inch (23 x 23 cm) pan.

    BOTTOM LAYER: In a saucepan over low heat, melt the butter. Stir in the sugar and cocoa powder and then gradually whisk in the beaten egg. Cook, stirring constantly, until the mixture thickens (1 - 2 minutes). Remove from heat and stir in the vanilla extract, graham cracker crumbs, coconut, and chopped nuts. Press the mixture evenly into the prepared pan. Cover and refrigerate until firm (about an hour).
    FILLING: In your electric mixer cream the butter. Beat in the remaining ingredients. If the mixture is too thick to spread, add a little more milk. Spread the filling over the bottom layer, cover, and refrigerate until firm (about 30 minutes).
    TOP LAYER: In a heatproof bowl over a saucepan of simmering water, melt the chocolate and butter. Spread over the filling and refrigerate.
    TO SERVE: To prevent the chocolate from cracking, using a sharp knife, bring the squares to room temperature before cutting.
    Yield: Makes about 25 squares

    Bottom Layer:
    1/2 cup (1 stick) (113 grams) unsalted butter, room temperature
    1/4 cup (50 grams) granulated white sugar
    1/3 cup (30 grams) unsweetened cocoa (I use Dutch-processed)

    1 large egg, beaten

    1 teaspoon pure vanilla extract
    2 cups (200 grams) graham cracker crumbs
    1 cup (65 grams) coconut (either sweetened or unsweetened)
    1/2 cup (50 grams) walnuts or pecans, coarsely chopped
    1/4 cup (56 grams) unsalted butter, room temperature
    2 - 3 tablespoons milk or cream
    2 tablespoons vanilla custard powder (Bird's) or vanilla pudding powder
    1/2 teaspoon pure vanilla extract
    2 cups (230 grams) powdered sugar (confectioners or icing) sugar

    4 ounces (115 grams) semisweet chocolate, chopped
    1 tablespoon (14 grams) unsalted butter

  15. #12750
    SC Candy Addict rebate queen's Avatar
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    OK's lonely in here at 4 am also....

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