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Thread: Insulting or attacking another SmartCanucks member = BAN

  1. #61
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    Yeah Rude
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  2. #62
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    I understand ... but then again
    SillyLoocie likes this.

  3. #63
    Frosh Canuck
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    Hi Boo.

    I think Smart Canucks is a great website.

    The Smart Canuckers I am leary of are the ones who omit info from their profiles. Some users don't even list their location. It leaves me suspicious, wondering what if anything the person might have to hide.
    SillyLoocie and Tweets77 like this.

  4. #64
    Sith Lady and Cool Kid Darth Penguin's Avatar
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    Talking for myself, i don't want a lot of random information out me on the internet. I value my net privacy.

    Short answer : no Long answer : NOOOOOOOOOOO!

    Welcome to the Penguinocracy..One Penguin, One vote..I am The Penguin..I have the One Vote

  5. #65
    Smart Canuck toronto166's Avatar
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    I am the same Darth. Where I live is really no one's concern (although my name gives it away ).I have nothing to hide I'm a very private person, hence why I am not on facebook or twitter. My posts are sincere and honest and come from the heart. I think people will know me through those posts.
    Last edited by toronto166; Tue, Dec 22nd, 2015 at 02:30 PM.

  6. #66
    Mastermind bargain_hunter_lola's Avatar
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    I agree.

    Members should be judging content (posts, trade ratings, etc), rather than on what people choose to put in their profile (if they have to judge at all).

    I think a lot of people forget this site can be seen by everyone- not just members. I'm okay with people I trade with knowing my location but not anyone on the entire Internet. That's my personal decision, if that makes someone not want to trade or interact with me then so be it - but I'd like to think my track record speaks for itself.

    Sent from my iPod touch using Tapatalk

  7. #67
    Trade Mod FallenPixels's Avatar
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    There are lots of reasons people do not want to share that information, even down to a violent ex or just wanting to keep their online life private from RL
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  8. #68
    CaToonie eggroll's Avatar
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    ^^^ Shhhh! I'm not *really* an eggroll.

  9. #69
    Still keeping the faith SillyLoocie's Avatar
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    I don't think you can ever get enough positive thoughts or vibes to be sent your way,
    The support & strength of others is worthy of being put on display,
    Life gets so much in the way of life, then things get so out of kilter,
    & it's easy to explain to some people, but with others we need to filter,
    Energy levels seem to peak & then they remind you that you need some rest,
    One cannot help but wonder if this is some kind of test!
    Just find a smile in every day, as it really helps the worry seem a little bit softer & lighter,
    & all I can say is that I hope that just a few words, can make you feel a bit brighter.

    I have had positive experiences here on Smart Canucks. We have our differences, but we still like to be here to share what we can. Many of you have helped me tremendously. If you don't want to share your location, that's fine by me. Have a terrific day.

  10. #70
    Sith Lady and Cool Kid Darth Penguin's Avatar
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    Newfiescreech likes this.

    Short answer : no Long answer : NOOOOOOOOOOO!

    Welcome to the Penguinocracy..One Penguin, One vote..I am The Penguin..I have the One Vote

  11. #71
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  12. #72
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    Newfiescreech likes this.

  13. #73
    Mastermind Shwa Girl's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Boo Radley View Post
    If you directly or indirectly, explicitly or implicitly attack, insult, mock, moderate or tell another Smartcanucks member what to do or not do while naming them or not mentioning their name in the Rants section or any other section on SmartCanucks you will be banned period.

    No second chances... no warnings.... learn to be respectful and polite... life is too short to be rude to others.

    We don't want negative people on Smartcanucks. We pride ourselves on being a positive stress free community and we want to remain that way. If you want the drama and negativity there are loads of other forums out there geared to your desires.

    End of my rant

  14. #74
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    you are absolutely right, there is no need for violance, and if some one trys to bully you just say the right words to protect your self or just roast him

    First, for those of you who don’t know what does it mean to roast someone. It means to make fun of them with the type of words that leave them astounded.

    Only limited things in life can be as satisfying as to roast someone who deserves to be roasted. As you know life may not always be as fair as we would like it to be. So, why to put up with verbal abuse!. Just pull yourself together and whenever any schmuck picks on you, just roast them.

    Dealing in such situations can be quite difficult. As we supposed to be living in a civilized world. it’s no longer legal to beat the hell out of the ones who pull on your nerves. That’s why roasting may be the way to go for many underdogs around here. You don’t have to be helpless and out of control no more. In this article, we’ll provide you with some of the best lines to help you in those awkward situations to roast someone well.
    dededi likes this.

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