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Thread: Serious September Savers Frugal Chatter

  1. #271
    Canadian Guru jasperandchar's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by shmeelady View Post
    Today is my day! After job searching for 3 months without even ONE interview. I got two call backs back to back! Fingers crossed I land myself one of these jobs! One interview today and another tomorrow morning.

    On another note, SUPER deal on carrots at walmart! 2 pound bags of Earthbound Organic Carrots are on for $1.77 each. Only $.77 after coupon!!

    I used the last bit of my grocery budget and picked up 6 pounds of carrots and an english cuke for $3.19.
    Good thing DS and I both love carrots, can never have enough of them hanging around.

    Edit To Add;; After I hit enter I received ANOTHER call back for an interview tomorrow afternoon. I AM SO HAPPY RIGHT NOW. LMFAO.
    That's fantastic, things happen in 3's (lol), good luck tomorrow at your interview let us know how it goes.
    2019 is the year that we continue to save before we buy!!!

  2. #272
    Canadian Guru jasperandchar's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Angela273 View Post
    Goal update: take advantage of the time when LO is at daycare in the morning, even when I am not working.
    Tuesday: I got a bunch of shopping done.
    Wednesday: I got my hair cut (first time since Dec.) and bought a dress for $10.
    Today: I am not feeling good. Got up with LO at 5:00am with a splitting migraine. I took 2 Tylenol (all I can take while nursing). I've been napping most of this morning. Just had a shower and deep conditioned my hair. I'll be paying a couple of bills before I pick up LO from daycare.

    Goal update: continued to water the garden because it is 30+ outside and no rain yet. I have given away 11 large tomatoes so far. 5 to my brother and his co-workers. 6 to a friend last night who babysat for us while we went out for supper alone.
    Goal update: I have 3 full teaching days booked for September.

    Some of the other goals have not been worked on yet.
    How was your anniversary dinner, was your hubby surprised?
    2019 is the year that we continue to save before we buy!!!

  3. #273
    Canadian Guru jasperandchar's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by momof5boys View Post
    The day was off to a good start - finally cleaned a few of the front windows inside and out, including screens. The neighbours probably thought I was a crazy lady cleaning before 8 am lol. Our furnace guy showed up to do the regular maintenance on our 45 year old Airco furnace - yes, 45 years!!! He says they don't make them like they used to. Ours is ticking along just fine and we don't pay any more for our heating than people in newer homes. So much for efficiency talk

    We are planning to sell our home - any advice? I've already spent a lot of time de cluttering. We had some realtors in and they said it is good and ready for showing. So now we just need to make up our minds if we want to sell or not. We thought maybe to sell and then rent for a bit until something comes up that we like in a better neighbourhood. Our home shouldn't be difficult to sell because the layout is such that a suite can easily be added.
    45 years and still going strong , I would suggest getting a letter from the furnace guy to give to your realtor should you decide to sell as some people may try and either talk you into a new furnace or reduce their offer by a cost of a new furnace, just my opinion. If you are patient and don't mind staying in a rental until you find the new to you home then that would be ideal, however, you don't want to have to commit to a 1 year lease or maybe you do? I'm not Not much help.
    2019 is the year that we continue to save before we buy!!!

  4. #274
    Canadian Guru jasperandchar's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by avoncallingu View Post
    Our downtown is having a Ladies Night tonight. I missed it last year. Apparently lots of sales, freebies, entertainment, food. I'm looking forward to going.
    We accomplished getting the dresser out of the 2nd bedroom today and over to St. Vincent De Paul as well as some men's clothing and "office" kinds of stuff that we don't need.
    I have Ikea "Malm" dressers and sidetables in white that I assembled many years ago. They're not the most sturdy but I like the look of them. Now that the dresser is gone, we have room for the bedside table. We've been storing one of the bedside tables in the shed and it was all mildewed! Yuck! I used Fantastic with bleach. It took the mildew off but I managed to bleach mark BOTH my new pants and top. Yes, it was stupid to not get dressed into "cleaning" clothes to do it, but I didn't expect to get BLEACHED! I may call the company and complain. I'll check the sprayer first to see if it has a warning.

    Gotta go and get a shower and get "gussied up" for the "Fashion in the City!"
    Hope you have a great time at Ladies Night! Check the bottle and if no warning definitely call them. But darn how upsetting about your new clothing
    2019 is the year that we continue to save before we buy!!!

  5. #275
    Canadian Guru jasperandchar's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Granger View Post
    Love grade 6!!! No drive thru trips yet! Yay!!!
    Congrats you are doing fabulous!
    2019 is the year that we continue to save before we buy!!!

  6. #276
    Canadian Guru jasperandchar's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Crochetlady View Post
    I am SOOO mad at myself right now. I got a late start with the relish today and I think I didn`t let the veggies drain well enough before I started cooking. It took longer to cook down and it burned. All that time and ingredients wasted!
    Crap, how frustrating for you, are you all done now or do you still have more zucchinis?
    2019 is the year that we continue to save before we buy!!!

  7. #277
    Canadian Guru jasperandchar's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by cath007 View Post
    I hope everyone had a great day!!! Read all those motivations comments are so kind of all of you,That definatelly made my day!!! Thank you again.You are all awesome
    back at you girl, what are friends for!
    2019 is the year that we continue to save before we buy!!!

  8. #278
    Canadian Guru jasperandchar's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by saundyl View Post

    1) Got my part time job - so far 4 shifts this month 8 hours each
    2) yet to try some slowcooker meals.
    3) Groceries so far I've spent $20 and another $20 on bathroom essentials. I spent 169 on inhalers and such - but i admit as i get all of that back I'm not counting it as an true expense just a necessary temporary expense. it takes 4 days to come back into my account.
    4) So far have $10 of Giftcards for - other than swagbucks are there otherways to earn amazon giftcards that dont use the same offers to earn?
    5) I cant decide if im eating healther but i am tracking what i eat...and what i make. This also covers that i can say no i know what i fed the boys last week i have it written down. (they tried to say i fed them soup everyday for lunch when i did it twice)
    6) Scrapbooking stuff is advertised. - no takers yet

    a different earning thing thats come up.
    Several people have approached me regarding screen replacement in laptops and ipods/ipads. I've accepted one - the cost for the digitizer and shiping was just under $ and labour are quoted to the owner for a cost of $100 - $45 for the parts and $55 for 2 to 3 hours time for replacement. If it takes me less than my normal amount of time i will lower the price.

    I havent worked on PC's much here but I used to have my own Tech shop in Sask (closed last summer to move) and I have been missing the mental challenges.
    great job you are doing great with your goals/challenges so far! Hope you get more pc type jobs/repairs.
    2019 is the year that we continue to save before we buy!!!

  9. #279
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    Quote Originally Posted by jasperandchar View Post
    How was your anniversary dinner, was your hubby surprised?
    Thanks for asking.
    DH was somewhat surprised. I walked out of the bedroom with my new haircut, brand new dress, and 3" strappy black heals. I'm 5' 10" tall bare foot, and taller than dh. He likes me in high heals, even though I don't wear them very often. I did tell him about the gc I had traded for, we'll just have to use it another time. We went to BP anyway. I used a $7.xx gc I had traded for plus the $15 pre-paid gc that I had just received from Huggies. Dh paid for the rest of the bill. Dh had opened his shaver on Tuesday because his work delivered it (so he just brought it home after work), and he was excited for it. He knew about the shaver because I wanted to make sure that I got the right one for him. What DH was really surprised about was the anniversary card. Inside the card I included a small envelope with LO's hand prints traced on it. Inside the envelope was a big piece of my hair from that morning's hair cut. DH has had a piece of my hair in his wallet since we started dating 11yrs ago (when I seriously chopped off my was almost pixie cut short). He had asked a while ago for a new piece of my hair for his wallet, whenever I next cut my hair. He said that the contents of the card was a much more appreciated gift than the new expensive electric shaver. We only went out for 2hrs because we were too full after supper for desert, and we didn't like the movie options in town.
    Help me out with Swagbucks and we can both earn gift cards and PayPal money
    Pm me for a referral link if you’d like to earn a $10 bonus! when you create your Checkout 51 rebate account
    Caddle Referral Code:
    ANGELA67343 and we will both earn $1 bonus

  10. #280
    Canadian Guru jasperandchar's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Angela273 View Post
    Thanks for asking.
    DH was somewhat surprised. I walked out of the bedroom with my new haircut, brand new dress, and 3" strappy black heals. I'm 5' 10" tall bare foot, and taller than dh. He likes me in high heals, even though I don't wear them very often. I did tell him about the gc I had traded for, we'll just have to use it another time. We went to BP anyway. I used a $7.xx gc I had traded for plus the $15 pre-paid gc that I had just received from Huggies. Dh paid for the rest of the bill. Dh had opened his shaver on Tuesday because his work delivered it (so he just brought it home after work), and he was excited for it. He knew about the shaver because I wanted to make sure that I got the right one for him. What DH was really surprised about was the anniversary card. Inside the card I included a small envelope with LO's hand prints traced on it. Inside the envelope was a big piece of my hair from that morning's hair cut. DH has had a piece of my hair in his wallet since we started dating 11yrs ago (when I seriously chopped off my was almost pixie cut short). He had asked a while ago for a new piece of my hair for his wallet, whenever I next cut my hair. He said that the contents of the card was a much more appreciated gift than the new expensive electric shaver. We only went out for 2hrs because we were too full after supper for desert, and we didn't like the movie options in town.
    oh Angela I`m speechless how romantic & thoughtful. It just goes to show you don`t need lots of $ or extravagant gifts to show someone you love them. Again Happy Anniversary to you both.
    2019 is the year that we continue to save before we buy!!!

  11. #281
    Canadian Genius Crochetlady's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jasperandchar View Post
    Crap, how frustrating for you, are you all done now or do you still have more zucchinis?
    That`s it. I`m done. BIL asked if I want more. I very politely told him NO.

  12. #282
    Smart Canuck saundyl's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jasperandchar View Post
    great job you are doing great with your goals/challenges so far! Hope you get more pc type jobs/repairs.
    I hope so too - i've been commenting on the local classifieds that im certified everytime someone asks who can or does.

    wow 45 years for a furnace thats awesome.
    Last edited by saundyl; Thu, Sep 5th, 2013 at 10:46 PM.

  13. #283
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    I pm'd some Whiskas cat food at WM this evening. Used $2 off coupons on them. Found $2 peelie coupons (exp Dec 31) on some of the bags that I was buying. I kept the peelies and used the coupons that I planned to use (exp Nov 1). Picked up orajel for LO with $1 off coupon, plus some other things we needed. Submitted the receipt for $2 CO51 rebate from using my VISA + entered their contest.
    Help me out with Swagbucks and we can both earn gift cards and PayPal money
    Pm me for a referral link if you’d like to earn a $10 bonus! when you create your Checkout 51 rebate account
    Caddle Referral Code:
    ANGELA67343 and we will both earn $1 bonus

  14. #284
    Canadian Guru jasperandchar's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Crochetlady View Post
    That`s it. I`m done. BIL asked if I want more. I very politely told him NO.
    Crochetlady and avoncallingu like this.
    2019 is the year that we continue to save before we buy!!!

  15. #285
    Must Coupon, Must Save :) SassyAshley's Avatar
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    Good Morning Everyone,

    Wow the past couple of days have been busy, which is normal for this time of year. This is when everyone panics and realizes they never got the work they needed done on their house which makes all of our customer's busy which makes us busy.

    No work has been done on the bathroom yet, I was going to work on it last night but instead opted to go out to dinner with my mom and bro (they were already going but lately I do not go and stay home instead). My mom laid down the rules for our cruise since my bro and our half bro are coming. You would think in 2013 people would be used to blended families and that but wow a lot of people are shocked that we are going with my mom and our half bro is coming who is not my mom's.

    Looks like it going to be a big shopping week for us, a lot of stuff we do not buy a lot is on sale and I have some coupons so it time to stock up.

    How is everyone else's grocery list looking?

    Also does anyone know if Rexall takes printed coupons?
    2022 is going to be my year, the year I find organization in my life and the year I focus on myself,
    follow along as tackle day to day life and whatever else 2021 throws at me:

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