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Thread: "Fall" into September Savings

  1. #46
    Canadian Genius LuvToUseCoupons's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by cdngal75 View Post
    Happy first day of school!!! YAY!!!!!

    I got to meet my new niece yesterday. my poor sister endured 29 hours of labour with no drugs or epidural. ouch!!! she is tougher than me, I concede defeat.

    Hope eveyone has a wonderful day. Also, hope Caseythegoalie is doing okay, haven't noticed her post for a while.
    Cdngal I was in labour for over 50 hours with my last, after that I ask them to stop counting.....
    Then went from 6cm to delivery in about 15-20 minutes.

  2. #47
    Canadian Genius LuvToUseCoupons's Avatar
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    Granger love love love the yard.
    It is nice and big, great job on all the work you're doing.
    It's looking great .

  3. #48
    Canadian Genius LuvToUseCoupons's Avatar
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    Morning All,
    Back to school today.
    Still have 1 home today, staring later this week.
    Already I'm hearing Mom it's so quiet here, I said yes it is.
    If only they could hear themselves lol.
    Here wishing everyone a great start to there back to school.
    Have a great day all.

  4. #49
    Canadian Guru jasperandchar's Avatar
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    Natatalka what a spread, hope you take it easy today and feel better
    2019 is the year that we continue to save before we buy!!!

  5. #50
    Canadian Guru jasperandchar's Avatar
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    thriftygranny hope Jayden is doing better
    2019 is the year that we continue to save before we buy!!!

  6. #51
    Canadian Guru jasperandchar's Avatar
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    cdngal congrats on your new niece
    2019 is the year that we continue to save before we buy!!!

  7. #52
    Canadian Guru jasperandchar's Avatar
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    Morning All,

    Happy 1st day back at school

    My boys are off and it was nice to be honest (no arguing) as Jaden is out the door getting pick up at 7:05am while Logan only wakes up at 7AM.

    Jaden packed his own lunch and starts football today, thanks goodness I scored those cleats yesterday (perfect timing)

    Need to make some baked goods later this evening or before supper.

    Supper tonight is chicken breasts thinking I might try a new recipe otherwise on the bbq they go, along with rice.

    Swung by and pick up some apples for the boys lunches (jeepers 6 apples costed $6.28) they were enormous - way too big to be honest but the guys wanted apples, however, they look really nice/fresh which is great.

    I called fresh express last week as this is not the 1st time my salad bags are mushy, so I called and they are sending me 2 FPCs coupons and 2 50% off coupons, so waiting for those to arrive.

    Laundry is washed and on the line, so all items I got yesterday will be clean and put away before the guys get home.

    DH is puttering around the yard and will be in shortly for lunch, we are having leftovers which is great, just reheat and enjoy.

    Wishing everyone a fantastic day.

    If anyone has a Mike Dean's near them they have 10lbs of white potatoes on for $1.99 so when we go back to bring the truck in tomorrow (he couldn't do it today) I will pick up 2 bags.

    Also need to call the consignment shop and see if any of my summer items sold (fingers crossed).
    Andit, Crochetlady, Ciel and 5 others like this.
    2019 is the year that we continue to save before we buy!!!

  8. #53
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    Quote Originally Posted by cdngal75 View Post
    Happy first day of school!!! YAY!!!!!

    I got to meet my new niece yesterday. my poor sister endured 29 hours of labour with no drugs or epidural. ouch!!! she is tougher than me, I concede defeat.

    Hope eveyone has a wonderful day. Also, hope Caseythegoalie is doing okay, haven't noticed her post for a while.
    I had a long labour with LO. I will always be a high risk pregnancy because of my own health condition, so we had moved up to Saskatoon to wait for our baby to arrive. My contractions started on September 4th (our wedding anniversary, so I got checked out at the nice dinner for us). I was walking around Saskatoon 3cm dilated, visiting family and friends, going to the movie theatre, and shopping. Good contractions started on September 8th and LO was born at 7:16am on September 9th. *shrug* I didn't let them augment my labour because I understood the increased risks. I had a completely natural labour and delivery, which is what I had wanted.

    I hope your sister is doing ok.
    Andit, Crochetlady, Ciel and 4 others like this.
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  9. #54
    One Awesome Domestic Diva MrsSunshine's Avatar
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    congrats 'Auntie gal'
    well my plan for today has been slightly altered. but its ok. i have all week to conquer my tasks so its all good.
    Be Strong
    Be True
    Be You.
    Simple as that!

  10. #55
    Smart Canuck
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    Well DD got off on the bus for her first day of high school-I think most of we Mum's are looking forward to getting back into the fall routine and having some quiet time during the day!

  11. #56
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    -lovely home granger
    -congratson th baby auntie
    -well I am off to dentist(cleaning) and i will talk to her about my sore gum-and bank yah got my 42.00 from checkout51 an 5.00 rebate for dishwasher I thinkand I just rolled 10.00 in quarters -so 57 for hubbies wallet cause it is empty
    -get this "the kids cheered for my hubby on the bus this morning "they were so glad they got him back-he loves the little ones he has been dong it for 4 yrs now this afternoon he gets high school kids-they are no problem they just swear a lot he told me

  12. #57
    Canadian Guru jasperandchar's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by coupon girl View Post
    -lovely home granger
    -congratson th baby auntie
    -well I am off to dentist(cleaning) and i will talk to her about my sore gum-and bank yah got my 42.00 from checkout51 an 5.00 rebate for dishwasher I thinkand I just rolled 10.00 in quarters -so 57 for hubbies wallet cause it is empty
    -get this "the kids cheered for my hubby on the bus this morning "they were so glad they got him back-he loves the little ones he has been dong it for 4 yrs now this afternoon he gets high school kids-they are no problem they just swear a lot he told me
    what a great day for dh to start his day
    Andit, Crochetlady, Ciel and 4 others like this.
    2019 is the year that we continue to save before we buy!!!

  13. #58
    Canadian Guru jasperandchar's Avatar
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    holy crackers - had a huge brain fart forgot to take the butter out of the freezer so I'll be baking later this pm or maybe tomorrow. Can someone confirm that tonight is Jill's wedding from 19 kids and counting, I checked out the guide for 9pm and it just says Jill is planning her wedding and a mother's day celebration????
    Andit, Crochetlady, Ciel and 2 others like this.
    2019 is the year that we continue to save before we buy!!!

  14. #59
    Canadian Guru jasperandchar's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by lizzie bargain View Post
    Well DD got off on the bus for her first day of high school-I think most of we Mum's are looking forward to getting back into the fall routine and having some quiet time during the day!
    Quiet time (smiling)
    Andit, Crochetlady, Ciel and 2 others like this.
    2019 is the year that we continue to save before we buy!!!

  15. #60
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    15 mins to catch up before I pick up DS at school then prep dinner. Have to wrap up stuff for his birthday. Have a few little things and a GC from bulk barn and $50 bill since he really doesn't want anything. He cN put the $ in the bank and save it. Took out a whole chicken and have it defrosting in the sink. Going to try it in the slow cooker tomorrow. Will serve with rice and salad and broccoli. Just bought 3 family trays of boneless skinless chicken for the freezer. Price matched Food basics ( we don't like the meat especially chicken at FB anyway. The breasts are huge and don't look nice at all).

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