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Thread: September 2020 Frugal Chatter thread

  1. #316
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    Good morning! Crisp sunny start to the day here today.

    I wanted to get at the laundry today but DS has clients today so I will wait till tomorrow I think. Same with making my hot sauce.
    So I think I am best to putter in the garage today and sort the stuff for sale and keep posting.

    I made black bean burgers a few weeks ago and put them in the freezer. Put lots of the hot peppers I grew in them. Well we made dinner at the inlaws Sat night (burgers and fries lol) and the ones that ate the bean burgers really liked them so they are a hit and I will make them again! I want to try making hummus this week too.

    I plan on making a roast beef dinner tomorrow so I will take the roast out tonight. Will make early during the day so the boys can eat before they both go to work. Will cook up a tray of BLSL chicken at the time since the oven will be on for dinner the next night (wraps/chicken ceaser salad or whatever I decide)

    Have a great day my friends!
    Giseledta, Ciel, cath007 and 1 others like this.

  2. #317
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    I have 20x the points wus $50 at SDM on my 2nd card. Went to 2 SDM's yesterday and they were out of the stuff that I was planning to buy to make it worth it. Oh well wasn't meant to be.

    Other then my SDM shop haven't gone to real grocery store since flyers started. Only need the 3pk romaine (GT $1.97) and fresh strawberries for DS's lunch. Will pop out today or tomorrow. Will have to pm romaine at RCSS I am guessing since GT will probably be out but that is ok can check for cheap produce while there.
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  3. #318
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    morning all. my todo list is ta ready.... lol. its my light day of the week... so i will be productive , hopefully.

    tonight i will work on soe dc programing, and get that organised a bit.
    supper... chili from the freezer , and buns from the freezer.

    dog food is ordered.
    working on the less is more mentality of my home.. that means , sorting using and recreating.

    sassy- i am extreamly concerned about the ontario numbers.
    Angela273, barbis9, Ciel and 3 others like this.
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  4. #319
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    Good morning
    Thank you @Frugalbigmama for posting about the Romaine lettuce . I will sure take advantage of this at RCSS today when I shop
    Giseledta, barbis9, Ciel and 2 others like this.

  5. #320
    Smart Canuck Arjon's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by cath007 View Post
    Currently debatting if I should buy a small freezer for the stock I want to purchase ....but it is expensive (at least 250$ for a small one at wm) -checked online- will have to maybe 10$ in my saving per week to get it and I have currently no space that suck...I sure would have been stocked on janes chicken strips ,patatoes wedges mccain and o sole mio frozen dinner....they where cheap this week with no coupon
    Before you go and spend a sizable amount of money on a freezer to hold things like the ones you listed, it might be worth asking yourself a couple of bigger-picture questions. One is how many times you eat these and similar things in an average month, and the one that naturally follows is whether you should try to eat less of them so that you don't feel any need for the freezer.

    It's not like any of them is healthy, and can you rule out the possibility that having more on hand because you have more freezer space will lead to you eat them even more often than you do now?

    What's more, on a cost per serving basis, it's not hard, not for me anyway, to come up with healthier meal alternatives that cost about the same or less, and that also don't take appreciably longer to put on the table.

    You should do what's best for you of course, so I'm not trying to tell you what to do. Rather, I offer the above as food for thought in case you haven't looked at these and other bigger-picture considerations.
    Giseledta, barbis9, Ciel and 1 others like this.

  6. #321
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    Quote Originally Posted by Frugalbigmama View Post
    Good morning! Crisp sunny start to the day here today.

    I wanted to get at the laundry today but DS has clients today so I will wait till tomorrow I think. Same with making my hot sauce.
    So I think I am best to putter in the garage today and sort the stuff for sale and keep posting.

    I made black bean burgers a few weeks ago and put them in the freezer. Put lots of the hot peppers I grew in them. Well we made dinner at the inlaws Sat night (burgers and fries lol) and the ones that ate the bean burgers really liked them so they are a hit and I will make them again! I want to try making hummus this week too.

    I plan on making a roast beef dinner tomorrow so I will take the roast out tonight. Will make early during the day so the boys can eat before they both go to work. Will cook up a tray of BLSL chicken at the time since the oven will be on for dinner the next night (wraps/chicken ceaser salad or whatever I decide)

    Have a great day my friends!
    @Frugalbigmama if you don’t mind can you share the recipe you used for the black bean burger. I tried making some once but my girls was not big fan of them
    Giseledta, barbis9, Ciel and 2 others like this.

  7. #322
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    Quote Originally Posted by flemeth View Post
    @Frugalbigmama if you don’t mind can you share the recipe you used for the black bean burger. I tried making some once but my girls was not big fan of them
    Sure, I will pull it out later!
    Giseledta, barbis9, Ciel and 2 others like this.

  8. #323
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    My frugal thing today was filing the cheap plastic toss out pepper grinder that was empty. I paid $1.50 for peppercorns and cut a hole in the plastic and filled it up and will tape the hole up. Fine for the family to use!
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  9. #324
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    off to the beer store to return more empties I found (DS!) I will put the money in my jar
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  10. #325
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    Quote Originally Posted by Arjon View Post
    Before you go and spend a sizable amount of money on a freezer to hold things like the ones you listed, it might be worth asking yourself a couple of bigger-picture questions. One is how many times you eat these and similar things in an average month, and the one that naturally follows is whether you should try to eat less of them so that you don't feel any need for the freezer.

    It's not like any of them is healthy, and can you rule out the possibility that having more on hand because you have more freezer space will lead to you eat them even more often than you do now?

    What's more, on a cost per serving basis, it's not hard, not for me anyway, to come up with healthier meal alternatives that cost about the same or less, and that also don't take appreciably longer to put on the table.

    You should do what's best for you of course, so I'm not trying to tell you what to do. Rather, I offer the above as food for thought in case you haven't looked at these and other bigger-picture considerations.
    I look at this completely different. It does not really matter what her eating habits are like. It is always a good idea that will help you save money later. If she had the freezer when the sale was on she would of been able to purchase more of the items because without the freezer she is going to run out of those items very quickly and will have to pay full retail for the items rather than just to walk over to her new freezer and take one out that was on sale a couple of weeks ago. Having more freezer space also lets you purchase more of fresh meat, poultry, pork and vegetables that stores often discount heavily when they are over stocked.

  11. #326
    Mastermind cath007's Avatar
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    thanks for the input ,it is just an idea since 5 years ...not in a hurry too
    Giseledta, Ciel and SassyAshley like this.
    The goal is to live day by day not to much thinking hahaha !!!!
    I love to save money!!! Frugal life hahaah !!!

  12. #327
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    I am purging old blanket of mom's going to donation ,ring toss game on kijiji.Hung a load out and will whipper snip the yard
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  13. #328
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    I am a prisoner in my own home ughhhh.... I have to be quiet while DS is working with clients. But now I am hungry and want to make perogies lol but that is off the table. The sacrifices we make for our children to help them make their path!
    Giseledta, barbis9, Ciel and 2 others like this.

  14. #329
    Smart Canuck Arjon's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Thatdone View Post
    I look at this completely different. It does not really matter what her eating habits are like. It is always a good idea that will help you save money later. If she had the freezer when the sale was on she would of been able to purchase more of the items because without the freezer she is going to run out of those items very quickly and will have to pay full retail for the items rather than just to walk over to her new freezer and take one out that was on sale a couple of weeks ago. Having more freezer space also lets you purchase more of fresh meat, poultry, pork and vegetables that stores often discount heavily when they are over stocked.
    I'm not saying either of you or anyone else should think like I do. However, let's recognize that your opinion is at least somewhat tangential since it's about a different category of food. She's not talking about getting the freezer in order to be able to stock more meat and veg, but rather food to cook or reheat from frozen.

    Don't get me wrong; I buy some of this stuff. That said, there are two key questions for me. One is how often I feel comfortable including such food in our diet, both individual items and the category as a whole. Is it once a week? Three or four? Or maybe just once every couple of months?

    After answering this, the second is how much my maximum stock level should be.

    In addition, we both know that shopping isn't binary where the only possible prices are a really good deal and full retail. So making that comparison isn't fully realistic unless she will buy the same numbers of those products for full price, which seems pretty unlikely. Otherwise, it's far more relevant to compare the prices she's usually willing to pay when stocking up. It's smoke and mirrors to count savings based on prices we never actually pay. As a personal example, the most I'll pay for lean ground beef is $3 a pound. So if it's $2, I save $1. I don't save $4 compared to the retail price of say $6 because I wouldn't buy it at that price, and I can't save money I wouldn't have spent.
    Giseledta, barbis9, Ciel and 1 others like this.

  15. #330
    Smart Canuck Arjon's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by cath007 View Post
    thanks for the input ,it is just an idea since 5 years ...not in a hurry too
    It happens to be a timely topic for me because I've had the same basic discussion three times IRL in the past year or so. It's from those conversations that I know some of the bigger picture considerations that people can miss.
    Giseledta, barbis9, Ciel and 1 others like this.

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