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Thread: March 2023 Frugal Chat

  1. #421
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    We are still stocked up with groceries for the next few days, I’ll just pick up fresh vegetables and fruit after pickleball this morning. I think I’ll go to super store because they stock some good local wine, and I’m taking a couple bottles to a dinner party this weekend, and I can get my produce there as well. I really don’t like driving around to different stores and find I save money by using less gas in the truck and staying to my list. The weather is so lovely and if my knee isn’t too sore, I’ll get a walk in before I have a zoom meeting this afternoon, and making pork fried rice and shrimp stir fry for dinner. I never did get my chocolate fix in so while dh us at pickleball tonight, I really should get some baking done!

  2. #422
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    [QUOTE=coupon girl;7234427]Sueshe-thanks for the nice comment .I am really loving plants ,the peace lily from my dear moms passing is hard to keep thou (10 yrs now) so i decided to move it to the upstairs bathroom with a skylight.
    Sometimes things can pile up on us and wear us down. I love that you have kept a peace lily alive that long as I’ve never been able to. Just bringing a beautiful green plant into the house can change my mind about being grumpy 😄
    I hope today you are feeling energized,enjoying your new plant and making progress on the plumbing issues!

  3. #423
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    Good Morning!

    Dropped DS off at school and decided I should pop in to No Frills to get bread, buns and wraps.
    Then stopped at Food Basics for romaine and cucumbers.
    Have a package of beef in a pan on the stove now- Making taco meat.
    I wanted taco salad- they all wanted tacos We have everything else needed. I will chop the lettuce and peppers and cucumbers and shred cheese so its all ready in the fridge when its time to eat.

    We are dog sitting my sister's dog for 2 weeks while they are away on vacation. I will go pick him up afterwork today. We are excited to have him because we all love him

    Have a great day!
    Last edited by Frugalbigmama; Thu, Mar 30th, 2023 at 03:30 PM.

  4. #424
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    sueshe -thanks yes little things can get you down ,plus my grown kids sometimes have things happen in their life that just bring me down .

    Update -my hubby and his brother just worked on the shower for an hour and a half .Hubby just had a shower and it didnt drip -yes .Sometimes you just need someone another persons perspective on a problem .
    harbie, JadeAngel, barbis9 and 3 others like this.

  5. #425
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    @harbie the plants look awesome.

    I buy mini plants at Canadian Tire and Giant Tiger and they seem to be ok. The ones from Walmart always seem to die on me. I'm trying to turn my bathroom into a plant/spa look. Rather than toiletries, I'm looking to add greenery to offset the white enamel.
    Last edited by barbis9; Thu, Mar 30th, 2023 at 02:42 PM.

  6. #426
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    Quote Originally Posted by harbie View Post
    Good morning.

    I’ve tweaked my back again…… actually it’s been about 4 years since I had a blowout so I can’t complain. It’s bad enough that I’ve cancelled work today and tomorrow and going to my RMT this afternoon. Even though it’s painful it’s also WAY better than blowouts in the past but I’ve learned to take the time to heal rather than pushing through it and causing more damage.

    I’m not able to do much but I did manage to “make the bed” to the best of my ability. I’ll fold some laundry and tidy some papers in between my routine of stretches.

    I’m headed out for a slow walk in the sunshine.

    Have a great day everyone.

    Thanks @walkonby. I cry a lot still when I see pics of Harley. He was our baby and I miss him more than I miss anyone who I’ve lost.
    @harbie I too cry and miss my sweet cat Olive. She was my baby and now with 4 cats, I still think of her. I understand - most pet owners have one pet that they miss terribly. Olive had cancer, and I keep a photo of her beside my bed. She was suffering so putting her down was horrible decision, but you know as a pet owner, you have to do what is best.

    My best friend can't go into the examination room at her vets' because that is where her dog was put down. She too is in tears when she sees photos or a dog that looks the same.

    Your Harley is beautiful. while its hard, try to think of the positive memories.
    Last edited by barbis9; Thu, Mar 30th, 2023 at 02:59 PM.

  7. #427
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    Thankfully the crazy weather is gone. One minute I hear thunder, and than a mini snow blizzard, than nothing. Crazy.

    Speaking of plants, I am killing my snake plant. I was hoping it would grow larger, but the leaves are dying. I don't know what else to plant, as my cats love eating my tulip plant ?? Destroyed plants and lots of cat fur in my home.

    Sunny out, time to take the dog for a walk. Lost a lot time this morning just being on the internet.

  8. #428
    Must Coupon, Must Save :) SassyAshley's Avatar
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    Good Afternoon,
    Another super busy day but so happy.

    The plan was to get up at 5 so I had a couple of hours to work before I had to leave, nope, I got up at 6. But got everything I needed to get done before I had to leave. I needed to meet some staff at a branch to set them up for go-live, on my way I ran to Freshco for a few things:
    2 x Flour 10kg $9.99 with Scene Card
    4 x Morning Toast Everything $2
    2 x Morning Toast Oat & Honey $2
    1 x Celery $2.49 + 50 pts
    2 x Romaine 3-pack $2.88 (PM Food Basics)

    Loving that price for flour, not as good as the $7.99 I used to pay but better than the $11.99 I paid last time. Tried the Morning Toast I got last week and loved them, Mom tried them and loved them. I was going to go back to No Frills for more but did not make it before the sales ended but it worked in my favour as they were cheaper at Freshco this week. My No Frills only carry the 2-pack Romaine so I cannot Price Match so grabbed them at Freshco so I did not need to run to Food Basics.

    Just an FYI, they are saying lettuce prices are going to skyrocket again in April as California flooded and Lettuce is affected. Although what I do not understand is they said it is going to be all spring and summer before the prices recover in Canada.

    I went to the branch met the staff, did what I needed to do and was able to get home in time for my meeting. I had a backup plan if I was running late the manager said I could use their office and take my meeting there. After my meeting I had to run out to put gas in the car, there was no time to stop on the way home so I also ran to No Frills where I got:
    3 x Russet Potatoes $1.99 + 500 pts/bag
    3 x Ground Beef $9.88 - Worked out to $3.44/lb + 100 pt/$
    3 x Peameal $1.99/lb
    2 x Onion Soup Mix 4-pack $3 WUB 2 or more
    1 x HP $4.99 - UGH when did this get so expensive
    2 x Sugar $1.77
    2 x No Name Sour $1.99 + 400 pts/$2
    2 x Astro Vanilla Yogurt $2.44 (PM Food Basics) + 800 pts/$4
    2 x PC Frozen Green Beans $2.79 - Personal Offer + 400 pts/$2
    1 x PC Frozen Edamame $2.79 - Personal Offer + 400 pts/$2
    1 x Dr. Pepper 6-pack $2.99
    1 x Ginger Ale 6-pack $2.99

    I spent more than I had hoped this week but I could not pass up some of these deals and my points lined up so well on some of them as well.

    Normally I would only grab 2 peameal but these ones were very small so I got 3. I have been watching Pop sales, this was one thing Mom mentioned, she loves our Homemade Pizza but missed getting the pop with it (we split one bottle), but lately they never have Dr. Pepper which is her fav so since they had it, I grabbed it. These will last us months. Happy to see Sugar on Sale again. I went to grab Green Beans last week to discover we are out so happy for this personal offer, I was going to Price Match to Zehrs for $2.99 but my personal offer was better.

    Now let's hope for a smaller shopping week next week. But oh well, if I have to, I will pull some $$$ from my stock-up budget or take-out budget.

    Now to make my to-list for the weekend. I need to be organized as I just found out I have to work this weekend. I have to do testing Saturday and Sunday but shouldn't be until the afternoon so in the morning I gotta knock it out.

    Happy Thursday
    2022 is going to be my year, the year I find organization in my life and the year I focus on myself,
    follow along as tackle day to day life and whatever else 2021 throws at me:

  9. #429
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    Update about school: Yesterday I saw psychologist.Today I saw all the team )psy.,ortho,director and the person representing the financing at school.So ...They want me that I do school only part time because of my learning and stress problems.And that would said no more money from the program.Or to go with gvnt pret and bourses.( I dont know the name in english) like a certain amount money is given to you the other one you have to repay.I fought very hardly that I am not agree with that and the factor that my medication should and will helps me..And they are agree to give me a final chance with a resuscribing for my fail ....and the financing program is not happy with that.Plan will be reevaluated shortly...So ...I still have financing for the moment ...but for how much time??? That is very freaking....I will work school and at home...
    The goal is to live day by day not to much thinking hahaha !!!!
    I love to save money!!! Frugal life hahaah !!!

  10. #430
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    Quote Originally Posted by HermanH View Post
    I, too, managed to get my lower back problems under control. However, if I fail to run or stretch for a few days, they seem to start re-appearing. I am more concerned over the long run. I can handle/manage it now, but what about when I get much older and cannot be as physically active? Once I hit 70, will I be forced to just live with chronic nagging pain? The mere thought scares me.
    I have been doing my stretches and regular workouts but it still blew out unfortunately. Sometimes it’s going to happen due to the amount of trauma it endured early on (having an adult on a ladder land on top of you while sitting cross legged and leaning forward is bound to screw things up a bit
    ). I worry a bit too about getting older but I’m just trying to focus on keeping things as strongly and fluid as I can now to help in the future. We just gotta keep plugging along

  11. #431
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    Took it easy today after my treatment so just some laundry (stripped bedding). Final load is spinning now. Tidied the kitchen went for 2 walks (1 alone 1 with parents) did a 60 min tread walk at double incline followed by stretching and also several lower back and hip flexor stretches at home throughout the day.

    Plan for tomorrow is vacuum and was floors plus workout.

    Tulip buds are starting to show so that means it’s getting close to filled the rest of the garden up. To combat lettuce prices I’ll be back to growth my own. I used to grow some for Harley since he was addicted to romaine and it’s always been a fabulous crop.

    Off to figure out tonight’s dinner……..

  12. #432
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    Whew, all caught up. You have all been busy this week. The new fridge arrived today, this has been stressing me for weeks because the space to get it out was tight. We tipped the delivery guys as it was a heck of a job. But my house is so clean now because I wash the floors and the area of the fridge and stove. I am so grateful for a somewhat handy son. He moved the gas stove (he is licensed gas fitter) as it was in the very tight space the fridge needed to get through. Then he took the doors off the fridge and put the new fridge and its contents together. The clearance to get the old one out was and 2 cms on either side hence my anxiety. The fridge was installed before the counters so that’s how that happened. The new fridge is not as deep so we lost some space but I know longer have 2 teen boys so I don’t need so much fridge.
    So it was pizza for dinner as I also had a very busy day at work, but we had a free pizza at Dominos so that’s a sort of frugal win.
    Friends don't let real friends pay full price.

  13. #433
    no more door to door! :) walkonby's Avatar
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    @harbie when my DH had some of his earliest back issues the one thing he was told never to do was vacuum, which he took such delight in telling me.
    I hope your vacuuming doesn't aggravate the back any further.
    It is not even 7 a.m. yet but I am chomping at the bit to get out for my shopping and gas tank fill. I avoided going out every day for a variety of reasons, but mainly it was because we truly could survive quite easily on the stocked up cupboards, fridge and freezer(s) .
    Just a bad habit at times to dash out for sale items.
    I'll be doing GT, NF and maybe FB, but definitely Dollarama as I need a couple more table items for the Easter dinner coming up.

    Charles R.I.P. passed October 29th 2024 52 years old

  14. #434
    Must Coupon, Must Save :) SassyAshley's Avatar
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    Good Morning,
    Happy Friday, I was up earlyish this morning but I am struggling hard this morning. All day yesterday I kept thinking it was Friday and I woke up literally just as my alarm went off and thought "Today is Saturday, I don't have to get up yet," halfway through that thought my alarm went off telling me it is Friday.

    Yeah, my whole body feels like it is Saturday and my body so badly wants to take today off and curl up under a blanket and watch movies, but it is Friday so I must work.

    My plans to take this weekend off were shot down yesterday. I thought we were down until Sunday for the upgrade, nope we will be back up sometime tomorrow and there is a whole list of testing to be done. Then Sunday there will be some additional things done followed by more testing. I did think I might have to work an hour or two this weekend but now it looks more like 6 to 8 hours (rough guesstimate based on the list I was given).

    So new plan, I am taking Easter Weekend off and all 3 days. Mom is doing her Easter dinner during the week and pretty sure Dad's side is skipping Easter because the on the 10th one household moves and on the 11th another household moves. Which kind of works for me because a 3-day weekend sounds amazing right now.

    I started writing my to-do list last night it is going to be a busy weekend, quite a few things I need to tackle but I did it to myself with my shopping this week. The pantry needs a good tidy, lots living on the floor instead of the shelves, the chest freezer needs a good tidy because I keep just throwing things in and the Kitchen freezer is a disaster. Plus I got 3 packs of Ground Beef, one needs to become Taco Meat, one needs to become burgers and one needs to be turned into Meatloaves. Plus I have my produce prep and some baking to do, I have some blueberries that need to become muffins. It is a lot but I am hoping if I stay focused I can get it done.

    Happy Friday Everyone.
    2022 is going to be my year, the year I find organization in my life and the year I focus on myself,
    follow along as tackle day to day life and whatever else 2021 throws at me:

  15. #435
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    That sounds super busy sassy! I hope you find an hour or two to put your feet up❤️

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