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Thread: Thankful for Savings - October 2014 Frugal chatter thread

  1. #511
    Canadian Guru jasperandchar's Avatar
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    Afternoon my Frugal Friends,

    Got a lot of small tedious projects done over the weekend.

    My parents came for yesterday for lunch and a nice visit, they are planning on doing something with the kids as this Friday is a PA day here. If both boys decide to go that will mean I have to tag along and play referee as my boys don't get along very well. I hope only 1 of them goes at a time as it's very hard on everyone's nerves to be completely honest.

    I still need to pick up a few items for my getting ready for the cold/flu season, I will get those 2 items by the end of the month as I gave myself the whole month of October.

    Feeling so blah today and lazy so I am giving my self the day off.

    So needless to say dinner will be very low key - chicken burgers with frozen fries.
    2019 is the year that we continue to save before we buy!!!

  2. #512
    One Awesome Domestic Diva MrsSunshine's Avatar
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    I completely get ya on that one Nancy. my kids were the same.. the last time they went together with my parents. that was it.
    well heard back from a recent job app. waiting to hear back when they want to see me. part of me doesn't want to screw this up as we need the money.
    the other half says forget this year. dh is on holidays soon. (although i know if i worked he'd be having a hey day on his holidays and have the house ready by himself, dinner would b ready everyday).. im so tempted.
    just not sure. its only seasonal. what to do?
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  3. #513
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    Rainy crappy day here today. Went to Superstore to grab a few things and spend $40 to get the 4000 bonus pts (figure its like 10% so worth it) Had a hard time since I didn't write out a list but had my flyers to PM. Well got a few rolls of Christmas wrap for $1 each and I'm set for the trick or treaters. Bought 5 cases of the fruit punch they have on for $1 so along with the 3 boxes of Chocolate bars I bought at Metro on the weekend for $4.99 (used Airmiles so no $ out of pocket) and redeemed awhile ago and got 3 bags of suckers at Shoppers so we are set! Glad to have that done.

  4. #514
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    Not sure my plan for dinner- Will see what my teen wants since its just him and I. There is leftovers from the prime rib my mother delivered to us but we both had that for lunch. Whatever it is it will be simple.

  5. #515
    Canadian Guru jasperandchar's Avatar
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    Anyone up for a challenge???

    I need to tackle under the cabinet under the kitchen sink, it's not a huge job it's just one of those jobs, anyone else interested in doing this????

    2019 is the year that we continue to save before we buy!!!

  6. #516
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    I'm still working on my kitchen challenge lol. I have the list of all the to do's on the fridge. Just have to get at it. This past weekend was a write off with being away for 3 days for hockey. I may take a day off work this week to get stuff done. Have vacation days to use up so think that may be the plan.

  7. #517
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    I cleaned under my sink awhile ago and it is still clean and organized so I just need to work on the rest of the kitchen.

  8. #518
    One Awesome Domestic Diva MrsSunshine's Avatar
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    oh man.. i should really take this challenge. needs done badly. thinking i may also put down some plastic vinyl shelf cover too. looks horrible from water damage. need to find a way to organize everything too.
    im crossing my fingers as i may be getting a free hutch.
    i have a feeling the gap on my resume is preventing my getting hired anywhere. its nearly 8 years.
    dh says i should send an email explaining my 'absence' from working. what do you think?
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  9. #519
    Canadian Genius Crochetlady's Avatar
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    Just came back from getting an eye injection. I`m finally on maintenance so I go back in Dec for the next one. We`re hoping this will keep the eye stable.
    I should be doing all the challenges but I don`t have time right now and truth be told I don`t do well with lists or deadlines.

  10. #520
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    mrs .sunshine I was not working for 8 years when the kids were little-when I went back I thought nobody would hire me but I put tons out -the kmart called along with a few others-mind you this was 24years ago

  11. #521
    Canadian Guru jasperandchar's Avatar
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    Mrs. S. perhaps instead of having an 8 year gap perhaps indicate homemaker or something of that sort. I don't think you should call an explain the 8 year absence, I would casually bring it up in an interview situation but would not go out of my way to call a potential employer it would seem odd to me if I were hiring. As for being seasonal, how long would you be working for a couple weeks or several months, I know you want to spend some much needed vacation time with your dh to get things done but if you get say 6 months work then can draw EI then be off for 6 months or something else might come up and then get called back for next seasonal opportunity at this store/shop or whatever.
    2019 is the year that we continue to save before we buy!!!

  12. #522
    Smart Canuck
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    Mrs S-I agree with J and C. As a former manager, I wouldn't suggest sending an email at this point to explain it. Just revise your resume for next time and indicate you were a homemaker for the 8 years in question-this fills in any gaps in your resume. Hope you get work soon.

  13. #523
    One Awesome Domestic Diva MrsSunshine's Avatar
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    thanks for the support ladies.
    i can't even get an interview once i've dropped of my resume to explain my absence. i ve put out about 50 resumes in the last few months.
    i won't call. its only until new years. so really not worth getting anxious over.
    there has to be a better opportunity out there.. where is it?? lol
    in the meantime i'll change my resume.
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  14. #524
    Smart Canuck
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    Well keep trying and hopefully something will come-I know it is hard not to feel discouraged when you send so many out-not sure how the economy is doing in Ontario but this may be more about that than your resume per se? I had a friend last fall( with a Phd yet) in boomtown Calgary who kept submitting resumes and going for interviews but nothing( I think for many of the jobs she was likely overqualified and people didn't want to hire her thinking she would not stay). She was getting quite discouraged and desperate as she and her hubby were separating and she had 3 children to support. Even though she was starting to feel down( which becomes a viscious cycle) I did my best to encourage her to keep trying and now she has been working for 6 months full time in a decently paying job she likes. So it took her about 6 months and times were very tight for her financially but her tenacity paid off.
    Last edited by lizzie bargain; Mon, Oct 20th, 2014 at 07:45 PM.

  15. #525
    Canadian Guru avoncallingu's Avatar
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    OMG, J&C! My dh took a tumble like that 4 years ago and broke 6 ribs in 12 places! Be careful that you haven't cracked a rib! As you can see, I'm WAY behind reading posts! Take care, friend!

    Quote Originally Posted by jasperandchar View Post
    Afternoon everyone,

    it rained here yesterday and well last night I took Chester out for a pee before bed and I did a big wipe out and landed with my back on the I'm very sore today, hurt my upper back, 3 fingers and the heals of my feets as my slippers went flying BUT it could have been much worse, so the ladder didn't take me down the stupid wet deck combined with a hyperactive soon to be 2 year old golden retriever did.

    Supper tonight is hamburgers w/ ceasar salad.

    Very quiet on here today everyone must be busy or at work (lol).

    Anyways wishing everyone a delightful afternoon and evening.
    Andit, Crochetlady, Ciel and 4 others like this.
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