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Thread: Tips to Winning Contests & Sweepstakes

  1. #1
    ~ƃuılıǝɔ ǝɥʇ uo ƃuıɔuɐp~ koala's Avatar
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    Tips to Winning Contests & Sweepstakes

    Nothing beats the high of receiving that Congratulations email, or "the" phone call.
    On occasion, notification may arrive by mail, or will just arrive at your doorstep.
    No matter by what method you receive your win, it is an amazing feeling.

    Just remember, if a notification involves money, it's a scam. Legit contests do not ask for money.

    Canadian Law stipulates that a skill testing question be asked. A simple mathematical question is all that is usually required.

    Always Follow the Rules!

    Read the rules
    Make sure you read the Official Rules.
    If you an ineligible because of age, where you live, or anything else in the rules, do not enter.
    You will be disqualified.

    Enter As many times as you are allowed
    If you are entering online sweepstakes then entering daily is a good idea and doesn't cost you anything except for your time.

    Enter for prizes you want to win
    Don't enter a sweepstakes just to enter and get something free. You should enter to win prizes you can use, need, or can give away to a family member or friend.

    Install a Form Filler program to make entering faster
    Using a program such as RoboForm can save you time when entering online. It stores all of your personal data like name, address, phone, and email address.
    Personally, I do not use it, but some find the form a must.
    Again read your rules:
    You'll see something like: "Should it be discovered that an entrant is using the aid of computer programs to auto-fill entries, that entrant will be immediately disqualified from the Contest."

    Enter at least one time if you are at all interested
    The more giveaways you enter the better chance you will win something. I try to enter my favourites daily, but sometimes time does not allow that. I figure one time is better than nothing.

    Enter short-ending sweepstakes for better odds
    If you happen to stumble upon a short ending promotion then enter it immediately. One-day and one-week promotions are a good beat for winning consistently. They receive less publicity, are harder to find, and less people will be entering.

    Play Instant Win Games on a regular basis
    These can be so frustrating. It's all in the timing, but they do have results. Most of the time you are also entering for the Grand Prize. Be persistent.

    Sweepstakes offering large numbers of prizes offer the greatest potential of winning
    The more prizes a promotion is offering the better chance you will have of winning at least one.

    My favourite tip
    Sign up with your local radio station, or newspaper to receive email alerts on a regular basis. These contests cover a smaller geographic area, and the odds of winning something increases, because there is a smaller audience.
    You can win food, trips, gc's, DVD's. They have some amazing contests.

    Say Thank You to the Sponsors
    It only takes a moment, but I find it courteous to send off an email to thank the sponsors of a contest. Sometimes, I submit a photo.
    Especially, if it's a small blog hosting it, they like to post your comments/photo as a follow up on their sites.

    Have FUN!!!
    You never know when you will see the word "CONGRATULATIONS!"
    Big or small of a win, it's a great feeling. You are allowed to jump around, stop breathing for a few minutes, and you might want to throw up.

    Please share your wins in our Winner's Circle.
    We want to hear all about it!!!!

    Please contribute any tips you may want to share. Everyone has a different strategy, and everyone has their own style.

    Happy Contesting!!!
    & Good Luck!!!

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    Last edited by koala; Tue, Feb 24th, 2009 at 01:36 PM.
    ROMEO, Silk, Tweets77 and 11 others like this.

  2. #2
    ~ƃuılıǝɔ ǝɥʇ uo ƃuıɔuɐp~ koala's Avatar
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    Another thing just to warn you about. If you win/enter an American contest, you may be liable for taxes, duties on the win. UPS may even nab you with their infamous "charges".
    Be sure it's something you want to really want to win, or you may be liable for some charges.

  3. #3
    Smart Canuck tommygunn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by koala View Post
    Install a Form Filler program to make entering faster
    Using a program such as RoboForm can save you time when entering online. It stores all of your personal data like name, address, phone, and email address.
    Personally, I do not use it, but some find the form a must.
    Just an FYI, but a lot of contests negate entries that use auto-fills. It's mentioned in the 'official rules' most of the time.

    You'll see something like: "Should it be discovered that an entrant is using the aid of computer programs to auto-fill entries, that entrant will be immediately disqualified from the Contest."
    Silk and bullet tooth like this.
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  4. #4
    Bloo is Pronounced BLUE Bloo's Avatar
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    excellent thread!!

    you answered al my questions,thumbs up!!
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  5. #5
    ~ƃuılıǝɔ ǝɥʇ uo ƃuıɔuɐp~ koala's Avatar
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    very true tommygun

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    Thank you for the info, I will definitely be reading the rules more carefully
    from now on. Again, thank you valuable info for all.

  7. #7
    Smart Canuck Alixana's Avatar
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    As I found out, blog contests are really great! They usually cater to specific readers so there's a big chance of winning. If you look for blogs that are geared towards your interests (mine are family oriented products), start looking for the ones that do giveaways.

  8. #8
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    Thanks for the advice!
    Great catch on the auto-fill programs, something I wouldn't have thought about...good thing I havn't used one!

  9. #9
    Boo Radley Conspirator roseofblack25's Avatar
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    i never use auto fill for contests since too many of them wont let you use it so to be safe i manually fill out all of them LOL

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  10. #10
    Thanks SC....Saving alot ssuba's Avatar
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    Thanks for the tips Koala......very nice of you......took your time and gave us all these advices...Once again thank you very much!!! Have Great Day!

  11. #11
    ¤♥¤♥¤٩(͡๏̯͡๏)۶ TrixyRox's Avatar
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    lol its called!!! ALL LUCK!!
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  12. #12
    Canadian Genius baggypants's Avatar
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    1)Enter local/regional contests (Ontario only, GTA only,etc)..less entrants...more chances to win.

    2)Double check your entry forms before you push enter...if you have an error on your entry form, you may disqualify yourself or make it difficult for the contest company to contact you.

    3)If you are entering travel contest, make sure that you can travel the dates given and that your travel documents are in order.

    4)Read the rules about UPC's and you have to keep the product/UPC to claim prize??

    5)Take advantage of all your entries (eg 5 additional entries for providing 5 friends emails.

    Fingers crossed for everyone!!

    Last edited by baggypants; Tue, Feb 24th, 2009 at 04:58 PM.

  13. #13
    S J is offline
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    thanks never knew, so much stuff.
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    Pm me for help!

  14. #14
    Smart Canuck nicjosemm's Avatar
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    what about google auto fill does that count becasue i use that all the time.

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    Thanks Koala!

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