Can you please update and let us know what happened to your train?
A friendly reminder - please remember to leave feedback for everyone on Pinkflowergirl86's VWL train! Merry Christmas!
hello Coocoo I have more diaper coupons. Do you want to trade
Hey there! I am wondering if you have received a scrapbooking package yet? I sent it to you March 18 or so....And how was your vacation!? I went to Cuba for the first time in March.
For teh Scrapbook train - your buddy was wondering where you are going on Vacation? Thanks!
Friendly reminder... Don't forget to let feedback to conductor for the mysterious train. Thanks!
Hi Coocoo, thanks for the trade rate....looking forward to trade with you in the future!!!!
Have you received the March Train #3 yet?
Welcome to SC! I'm glad to welcome a new member. You'll have a great time here - everyone is very friendly and helpful! I look forward to our first trade! Have a nice day...
Smart Canuck